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Befriending The Discord


This ascension, embodied enlightenment process has a way of blowing up our life as we knew it.  And of course our mind is having a hard time with it. And it’s reflected in our body.  Maybe our finances, relationships, job, and on and on.

Everything has been disrupted.  And our mind keeps trying to make sense of it.  It keeps trying to figure out how to make this transformation smoother, more graceful, less painful.  And that mind truly believes that will happen if it keeps trying to find order in the chaos.  That is what our mind loves doing above all, is to order things, label things, organize things.  It is most comfortable when things are formulaic and predictable.

It may be boring, but it is safe.

So, here we are, old systems and patterns changing.  The new energy, an energy of freedom being introduced into our reality, into our bodies and minds. It doesn’t follow the same ordered patterns of the old energy.  And this drives our mind crazy.  We believe then that there is something wrong with our mind, and our body.  There is so much discord.  Our mind is fighting for the old ordered reality, and it just can’t seem to make that happen.

Trying to make sense out of the discord is futile.

The first thing to understand is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the discord.  Just because the mind sees it as bad, it doesn’t make it so.  Because within that discord is a beauty and freedom.  Within that energy of disorganization is a freedom from duality, freedom from divisions, and freedom from stagnation.

And as the mind slowly lets go of its controls, it will feel into the beauty of the discord, the freedom of that energy.  It will begin to understand that it is opening up, along with the body, to a different reality in which ordered patterns are no longer necessary.  Yes, it will still co-exist in a world in which there is that quasi-ordered reality but it will have an awareness that there is so much more.  There is a brand new energy.And within that new energy is the new body, and the new mind.


As the world we live in is being infused with the crystalline light, people are beginning to experience their own discord, and it’s creating an escalation of fear and more attempts to control.  Do you notice people talking about the good old days even more now than ever?  They are scared of a world gone mad.  They see systems falling apart, social, government, political, economic, and even mother nature.  They see global warming, tsunamis, earthquakes, and different species leaving the planet and believe these are signs of imminent disaster, or of mankind devolving.  They are not yet understanding that the seeming discord is just a natural process of a new energy, a new consciousness emerging.

They are very uncomfortable within a reality that is re-patterning itself, or more aptly put, that is slowly moving out of patterns.  So they attempt to keep order by going back in their imaginations to what they consider simpler times.  Or they consume medications in an attempt to numb themselves from all the fear and maintain a sense of control.  There is more abuse of these types of medications than ever before mainly because the mind, which has been the foundation of one’s identity, is losing its edge.

 We are not only feeling into the fear of the mass consciousness but we are also in the process of releasing our connection to old patterns.  So the fear from our mind is actually not who we are.  It’s the old energy mind trying to maintain its identity, which is a mind that was created hundreds of thousands of years ago.  It was ‘standardized’ at a time when people wanted to make everyone similar.

But now, as we awaken and claim our mastery, we no longer are going to rely on that old mind.  And we are no longer going to be creating old patterns, whether it’s in our body, mind or reality.  Reality is shifting on this planet.  Albeit slowly for most of humanity.  But those of us on the accelerated path are not willing to wait for the rest of humanity to ascend.  We are in the process of doing, in this one lifetime, what would normally take many more lifetimes to do……we are going for the quantum leap.

So, when things in your life feel out of control, or seem to be falling apart, take a step back.  Take a few deep breaths.  Take a sip of wine, coffee or indulge in your favorite treat.   See the discord and chaos in your body and mind as an excellent sign that things are moving along as planned.

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Maria Chambers
I am a new consciousness teacher, helping to bring in the new energies through my art, music, spoken and written word.  And by just hanging out at my local cafe, writing in my journal, and appreciating the simple things in life.  I have my good days.  I have my bad days.  I prefer the good days.  Of course, as enlightened beings, we’re supposed to say, “It’s all gooood!!!”  Well, I finally gave myself permission, through this amazing and often crushing process of enlightenment…to not always like it…to curse at it…to tell it to go to hell!!!  Being human isn’t as easy as it looks…being human and divine, well that’s even more tricky…as all of us know.  My blog explores the process we are going through, and hopefully helps to answer some questions, helps to soothe any concerns, with wisdom and some humor.


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