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AS a Light BEing...


Yes... as you evolve in light, as you become a Light BEing, those BEings you used to fear, those beings that used to only exist etherically, you are evolving (back) INTO one of "them".

WE, as Light BEings do not have the lower emotions that humans have, WE do not have the lower thoughts anymore, we do not have the lower anything... that the separated-ego-human once did.... for we have transcended all of that from within, purged and cleansed it from our cellular body, from deep within our muscles, bones, glands, organs, flesh and skin.

Through the activation of CRYSTALS our body begins a huge purification process that human's cannot fully understand. One must actually experience it. Technically all already are and will, they just don't fully understand what is happening within their physical body structures. Human's keep trying to "fix" this process, diagnose it, treat it, control it....

This is about LOVE. Pure Divine Essence Love....

As the Light of your Soul actives inside of you it TRIGGERS (activates) an action to occur. It triggers a bio-chemical process, an entire transformational process, a re-vamping, re-configuring, re-calibration, re-structuring phase of not only your whole physical anatomy, but of your whole physical reality too.

That fear that was in your kidneys was keeping your body out of tune, that anger/control/obessiveness in your liver, that lack of speaking truth as love was in your thyroid, those walls around your heart/tight muscles, those brain pathways must open up and re-map completely..... the blood that carries all through your body, pumps life from your heart to the rest of your body.... every little cell....

Every body part, every gland, every organ, every cell must completely re-work itself....

Love must stream through your body... and love brings deep profound love, gratitude, appreciation, peace, joy and REMEMBERING of all FORGOTTEN when you/each entered the unconscious matrix, the amnesia realms, the realms of unconsciousness....

As a Soul, you chose an unconscious body that held the ability to play out the human experience you chose, the one that held within it's DNA what you needed to experience BEFORE it was TIME to awaken fully... which is NOW.

As you sleep you awaken, as you walk around foggy/groggy, you are leaving the old matrix simulated existence and moving into a whole NEW ONE. As you sleep, reality will start to change. First inside of you... then out there. What you once "thought" you knew is no longer true. What once made you happy won't fulfill the lack places inside of you anymore..... The only thing that will fill those spaces is PURE DIVINE LOVE for you/connected with your own SOUL.... inside......

Your focus will change, your desires will change, you will change.... as you become LIGHT. Your body constantly re-calibrating, gravity will come and go as your body anchors more light. Your physical matter mass will continually change too. The more presence you have/more present you are, the slower you go, the more space you have inside of you and all around you... The more you will FEEL physical matter outside of you.... Clutter will create chaos with your energy/thoughts, things will take up space, so in order for you to expand .... you need SPACE and lots of it....

Nature becomes a necessity, instead of a "I don't have time for that". Alone time for your Soul to emerge, speak louder, for you to HOLD THAT CONNECTION stronger is a necessity too.

You start to realize what no longer feeds you, inspires you, fills you anymore. "All of a sudden" you desire something different. Simplicity in one way, for our hearts are simple.... yet we also desire MORE. More love, more happy, more peace, more kindness, more sacred respect... all of a sudden you will no longer tolerate the lack-filled programs that used to be your world....

As Light BEings, we do not have the lower emotions anymore. They completely go, unless we have a huge light activation that activates cells that held a dormant energy of an old vibration... then there is a trigger and it's released..... we don't project, we don't go unconscious, we just honor our body upgrading itself. We honor what we need to experience, because we know that it brings forth more awesomeness, more freedom, more peace, more abundance, more exquisiteness.....

Human's can't understand the simplicity of peace, the simplicity of pure happiness without the need for chaos, or words or anything. Our worlds are not defined by anyone or anything, an identity.... nothing.... just love....

Your Crystalline LightBody Structures process a ridiculous amount of information as it streams light. The crystals give you the ability to process at a ridiculous rate, simultaneously.... you need not think, you just know. It's all right there.... inside and in your field.... Simultaneous existence... no separation... totally unity with/as all from within.

Your Crystalline LightBody processes for you. Your job is to keep your atmosphere clean, keep your self in an observation space, honor your body so it can do what it needs to do. Sleep, get out in nature, slow down, pull away when you need and then get in there and get busy when you feel/see inside that it's time to DO.

As you EMERGE FROM THE FOG/AMNESIA (this will occur on & off in different phases), it's time for you to start to contribute (not that it's not always time), but it's different here. You can maintain the ability to stay expanded and DO what you came here to BE/DO. As you return to the ability to function as a multi-dimensional here, how you function is very different now... and you must "learn" to function energetically......

The fog/amnesia can last a whole lifetime until now... it's can get strong at times if you are lifting tons of veils..... You are activating an anchoring YOUR DREAMS in the PHYSICAL HERE. You cannot do this in total control as a human.... for your human doesn't understand how this works and it constantly tries to inner-fear with the process. It tries to apply old outdated beliefs to a new process it's not experienced in this human existence... It tries to match human mentalities with an experience that transcends all things human. This won't work.... only temporarily... like everything else that human aspects try to do....

Listen to your body, it's conscious, it speaks to you. Listen to higher wisdom/guidance inside and if you are not sure yet, then there are higher self/source Light BEings already here... in the physical... WE write to you daily, we teach, we share, we speak your truth, we activate your soul.... and then choose what resonates, what is feels true to you... throw the rest out... let everything else go.

Until you fully respect and love yourself, totally appreciate you... you are not going to have the capability to hold this for anyone else. Until you see your own worthiness, until you value you and what you have to offer here (which is limitless too), you won't appreciate others, you won't appreciate what they contribute.... Until you stop judging, you can't break that cycle of lack. Until you open up fully and stop fighting, you can't experience the total pure peace and bliss that higher consciousness existence offers you... IN EVERY MOMENT.

As your heart opens, your mind will be confused. This is the purpose. As you EXIST from your higher-aspect-heart-mind, these will synchronize to work together ... your power will return, your true and pure you will return, you won't need to struggle, suffer or live in lack anymore.

You/All have an ENTIRE EXISTENCE unfolding/materializing every moment of every day. All you have to DO is allow it, participate in it, choose it and DO whatever it takes to LIVE AS YOUR SOUL instead of trying to live as an unconscious human.....

Your challenge will be you.... to stay conscious until you can maintain consciousness in all that you are and do. To observe you, to understand you, to listen to you, to see you.... to let go of judgment, to stop going small and hiding, to see your own programs and how what plays out in your own physical reality world IS YOUR CREATION... and that you are the ONE that hold the POWER to shift, transform, change, reprogram all from within.

If you keep allowing the same programs to play out, if you keep allowing old unconscious realities to play out.... then "out there is not unconscious" .... you are.... ♥

Leave the old behind... let it go... you have so much that WAITS FOR YOU.... yet it cannot come forth if you keep fighting it. Timelines are collapsing & converging bigger/more than ever before. You can shift to a NEW TIMELINE that's in alignment with your SOUL. If you hold onto separation, your human resistance, then you are not going to in-JOY the experience, but it will teach you.... what do to/not to do.... anymore. And it will show you HOW ALL WORKS.... if you really care to pay attention and know.

Open your hearts loves! More more more more & more! A whole lot more! ♥  Have a magical day! ♥​

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder and Keeper of NEW Earth Diamond Light Codes ♦


I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you.

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