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- Written by AndEl

You know how someone comes up to you and tells you all about their latest project or experience, maybe a trip they took? And you are excited for them, and enjoy how animated they are about things.
And you go back to your space, and you might be wondering why you are not feeling so animated. In fact, you might be feeling pretty flat about things. Kind of passionless. Then you internalize it, and start telling yourself that you need a new hobby. Maybe a new career. Or maybe you just need to be more involved in life.
You look at others and may even envy their lives, which look full and involved.
Not that you don’t relish your freedom, and your sacred space. You can’t imagine going through this transformational process without your space, and your freedom.
And as happy as you are for others who seem to be doing things that are so interesting to them, you find it hard to really relate to that type of passion. You are beginning to understand that the passion that is unfolding for you is one that comes from within you, not really from the outside.
Meanwhile, though, there seems to be a kind of flatlining in which there is no real inspiration. And if there is, it comes and goes. Again, it’s tempting to internalize it and think you are doing something wrong, or not doing enough. Should you take a webinar, or get some bodywork? Is there something out there that can assist?
Or, maybe you are still in the process of releasing things, and just need to honor that. But, that seems to be going on endlessly, too. It begins to feel like you are just bored, with spurts of joy. You wonder, when will you feel joy, with just spurts of boredom?
So here we are, advanced souls, going through one of the…scratch that….THE most incredible experience that a human and soul will ever undertake, bar none. It’s the most amazing, and the most challenging of transformations in the history of existence.
How many people do you know who took on the ascension, Embodied Enlightenment process? How many people in your family or circle of friends or community even know what embodied enlightenment means, or ascension, or even acknowledge having a soul?
And here you are, one in very few. Doing what very few are doing. Allowing your divine, eternal self to come into your physical body. Undergoing a transformation from carbon-based to crystalline-based existence. Releasing your ancestral karma, your old lineage, your galactic story, your spiritual families back home in the stars.
Here you are going from the human who tried to create joy without their soul, to one who is learning to work in cooperation with their soul and who is allowing their soul to love them just as they are.
Here you are, a human who is beginning to love them-self like they never had before, just as they are.
All in order to present a new way. A solution to the dilemma facing this planet. A solution that most of humanity isn’t even aware of, while they go through their process of experiencing life in which the mind still tries to create for them. They are still trying to create joy, passion and peace using the limited mind to do so.
And we see how that’s going.
So, isn’t it ironic that we would be feeling kind of disconnected, not very excited these days, and wondering why we can’t seem to get that old passion back?
It’s ironic because if anyone should be jumping up and down, high-fiving each other, and celebrating their life, it would be those of us who took the incredible plunge into density and have awakened from the dream!
And are still here!
Maybe we are too battle-weary to feel like celebrating, or maybe we are even losing faith in the whole process itself.
Even the strongest among us, at times, feel like it may be time to throw in the towel. Abort the mission, at least for themselves. They just feel tired, worn out. So it’s no wonder they are not jumping up and down and wanting to scream from a mountain top, that they are here, they are awakened from the dream, or maybe the nightmare. That they are no ordinary human, that their ‘project’ is pretty awesome!
It seems ironic that if anything should be celebrated, if anything should be exciting, and glorious, it’s this. It’s what you and I are doing. Even if it doesn’t go to total fruition, the way we hoped it would, it doesn’t matter.
And frankly, even if we go so far in this process, we are still walking where very, very few have walked. And we have, just by our presence here, shifted the energies on this planet. And frankly, without our presence and our radiance, this planet would have no future.
Yet, who can you tell THAT to?
How’s that for irony?
Art by Maria Chambers
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