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Achieve Perfect Balance in Life

Achieve Perfect Balance in Life

September 2024 equinox has a distinct feeling of heading towards home.

It feels like we have reached true boredom with the outer world, and the inner world is finally enticing. The inner expansion has begun on a great scale, and adventure awaits!

As the old paradigm draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to cultivate your inner world. We have been waiting for this homecoming for our whole lives, consciously or not. This is when we finally get to balance our internal energies and put as much emphasis on being as doing. The in-breath is just as vital as the out-breath. Do you spend time each day enjoying being? Now is a great time to start or deepen your practice.

If you are new to the idea of just being, focusing on the breath, being in nature, and making gratitude lists are great tools.

As we come back into the balance we were before we incarnated, our outer circumstances will shift to reflect our inner changes. The old ego-self didn’t like change, while the balanced-self knows change means growth and expansion. Instead of fear, we now react to change with joy. I was told (in meditation) about four years ago that I would not only accept change, but actually enjoy it. I think my reply was, “Good luck with that one,” but I get it now. My sun and moon are both in fixed signs and boosted with a little autism. If I’m excited for change something is really going on.

Know what else has shifted dramatically? Compromise. Not the selfish kind, but the kind that involves personal integrity. I’m happy to change times or plans to work with others, but if it requires changing something of my personal integrity, it’s off the table. A simple “no thank you” covers it, but it is a very clear knowing. Very clear.

I don’t even care to watch the old world burn, I’m just so excited for the new. It is, without any doubt, an inside job. Remember everything of real value is within, and the outer drama is just for entertainment. We are going to be fine. This is just evolution, and our bodies and minds were built for this.

ABOUT NATHA – I have always been one of “those people” whose intuition and energy sensitivity is considerably different than those around me. I was 8 or 9-years-old when I first realized other people didn’t talk to their angels or guides, didn’t see ghosts, and couldn’t see glimpes of the future. Who knew? Shortly after that realization, I also noticed how uncomfortable people were with these concepts, so I just stopped sharing. Now we are all going through a spiritual awakening, a dimensional shift, and more people are becoming aware of the other world where I’ve always lived. I’m here to tell you that “you’re just as sane as I am” (Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter character), and to offer companionship on the journey. I write about my own experiences and my perception of the world, in the hope that it will be of value to you. Contact: Natha,  (email is best, but only checked once daily)
Source: here 

Picture from pixabay.com

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