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7 Ways Mind – Body – Spirit Minded Warriors Tend to Do Things Differently…

warrior spirit

You know who they are…those people who constantly seem to draw the one-eyebrow lift, the rolling eyes, or the little ‘cuckoo’ finger twirl out of people they encounter. Like myself, you might even be one of the recipients of those subtle and not-so-subtle judgments or you may be the naysayer holding the gavel. It’s not likely the spiritual warrior is affected by anyone’s negative thoughts, because they very well know that they indeed tend to approach life differently.


1. They Speak of Energy and Vibration…Often

Let something come out slip out that’s derogatory or negative around a mind/body/spirit minded person and prepare to be reminded about the encompassing power of words as vibrational frequencies that are manifesting your reality. They may speak of subjects like quantum science, sacred geometry, Lightworkers, collective consciousness, universal energy, etc. They will often try to help you see the light, goodness, and lessons in all occurrences, particularly with challenging issues.

2. Happily Handle a Crisis with Class

Whether they are helping themselves or someone else, learning the lesson is a primary goal of an enlightened soul. From broken relationships and lost jobs to issues of a medical or external nature, there’s always a lesson to learn that can help you get over the issue and prevent its recurrence. Sometimes simply finding the GOOD and the BEAUTY in superficially negative situations can be relieving, freeing, and they are all part of the experience of the journey.

3. Their Idea of a Good Time Differs from the ‘Norm’

Mind – body – spirit minded people are likely to suggest a quiet night at home before meeting up at a club. They’re more likely to invite you to a festival or a retreat where yoga and meditation are on the menu instead of cocktails and juicy steaks. Reading and nature walks prevail over TV…while they are not spending their time partying, they aren’t planning for the future either but are busy Living in the Now. Even when it comes to vacationing, your ‘hippie-like’ friend may lean towards sweat lodges, eco-villages, educational vacations, or seemingly insane exotic wilderness treks.

4. They Believe in Unicorns, Dragons, Faeries, and Otherworldly Beings

While many of us may speak very boldly about riding unicorns and harboring fire-breathing dragons…or hanging out with Hobbits in the shire – rest assured, you will not see this in the physical realm – nor do we. Rather, spiritual people may see and communicate with these ‘friends’ along with faeries, sky Gods, and so forth while tinkering around in other realms. Many of us believe that we are from other realms (think Pleiadians, Arcturians) and are aware of our concurrent existence in other dimensions. Granted, part of this seemingly (but doubtedly) may relate to the fact that…

5. Some are Psychedelic Superstars

From Timothy Leary’s studies on LSD to today’s growing knowledge concerning the use of DMT/Ayahuasca to tap into the subconscious, the use of hallucinogens has been long studied but is still controversial. Either way, many metaphysical people use substances ranging from legal Dreaming Herbs to other psychedelic substances to further their journey to ascension, merge with their higher self, and to discover ultimate truths about themselves and the universe. I will plead the 5th.

6. They Often Opt Out of Politics, Prayer, and Programming

When I say ‘prayer,’ I refer to the type propelled by formal religion; however, the metaphysical warrior understands that all words, thoughts, affirmations, etc. ARE prayers of sorts – just not the kind to an ‘official’ God/Presence/Being. Spiritual people are more likely to offer to send you love and light and energy over a ‘prayer.’

Politics are often wasted on the spiritual being who tends to not place much power in institutions like the government. Many of my friends on the metaphysical path flat refuse to watch TV and some don’t even own one, nor care to. I guess TMZ’s latest revelation and endless zombies don’t have much a place for with those Living a 5-D existence.

7. Hip to Being Hyper Eco-conscious

Recycling is a must and the spiritual warrior is likely to give YOU the raised eyebrow look when you show up carrying one of those pesky, earth damaging plastic bottles of water…it may not be unusual to encounter some yellow being mellow in the bathroom…they are all about the car pool and hybrid autos – you get the picture.

What are some things you notice about people on the enlightened path? What do YOU do differently or find yourself leaning towards changing as you traverse your mind – body – spirit journey?

©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and www.QuantumStones.com are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

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