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The Best Place To Work It Out

The Best Place To Work It Out

The humans, when things seemed to go wrong in our life we ​​tended to attribute it to some outside force controlling us, such as to God, or Aliens. We were limited in our understanding and scope of the totality of who we are.

Back in Atlantis we decided to enhance the mind, believing that it was the center of our experiences. We were evolving technologically, but we had not evolved to the point where we understood the soul, and that the soul was a significant part of us. 

So we experimented with the mind and tried to hypnotize it even more. We attempted to enhance the mind. And we ended up with an overly mental and overly focused approach to life. Today's world is testament to that over-active, over controlling mind.


This planet was a great place (we created) to work out our galactic issues.   It was the perfect environment in which our ideas could be solidified and become mirrors for us to learn about ourselves. It is one of the best feedback systems.

Humans got pretty creative in the endless ways that played out.   But after a point it did not seem like the storm in a dumpster fire.   That's because  we're over the time and we're here.   Without the presence of the eternal self, and the soul, things got a little out of hand.

In our awakening we recognize that it is all just a beautiful illusion.   We also recognize that, our soul, we have been distilling the wisdom from all our lifetimes.

For the most part, our human consciousness is greatly influenced by our lineage, and our ancestors.   That includes all the beliefs, all the patterns, all the hypnosis. All the physical and emotional issues and wounds.   And our human minds are NOT able to escape that reality, or to create true joy.   Only our soul is capable of that.   Our mind was originally designed to be of SERVICE to our soul, and our human spirit.   Not the other way around.

And of course our very left-brained world is proof of the mind run amok.   The idea that the human mind is the epicenter of life is false.   And dangerous.

So we awaken from the dream called duality, and we reunite with our beloved soul and it's a heart connection, but it's also a physical, intimate reunion.   All of our aspects including the feminine and masculine come back to each other, in harmony and balance.

The feminine heals itself as it stops nurturing the wounds of humanity.   The masculine heals himself and begins to trust his heart.

We begin to feel the orgastically sensual experience of being in a physical body and a physical environment.   The physical body is actually celebrated, and not seen as a distraction. Or the base and shame-filled.


The feminine is not restricted to just the female gender, but lives in cisgender men, In transgender individuals, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, and non-binary people.   In asexual and gender fluid people.  The feminine lives in all sexes. All humans, regardless of their physical expressions or orientations.

Some day this truth will not need to be highlighted.

It is said that we are all one.   And yes, we are, yet we are also sovereign and unique.   The beauty of the physical experience is the soul can express itself in an endless variety of forms. The physical body and all its attributes and the personality, with all of its iterations and preferences ... .are each rich, sensual and unique sculptures that our soul has created, and in which the soul is in the process of infusing itself.

The developed soul, over many lifetimes and experiences, recognizes that there is no good or evil, there really is not even a right or wrong, there is just experience.

As we awaken, we realize that our personal, and even our global history is irrelevant.   Yes, we honor it, but we no longer drag it around with us.   It does not really burdens us or define us. 


It's kind of a rude awakening.   It turns our so-called life up-side down and inside out. The light we invited in is extracting everything from us that no longer serves us.

But our freedom depends on what we thought we were or were not.   Including letting go of the concept that we are or have been victims or controlled by others. 

We can not step into our freedom otherwise.   Freedom  is not something we win, or earn. It's our birthright.   Our soul is already free.   Being free in these bodies and this physical time and space reality requires total allegiance to the freedom of our soul.

But, no worries, it's happening.   And, you are still the one that you recognize as (your name here), but now you are that and much more. And the much more is someone carrying around so much less baggage.

Image Credit Maria Chambers
© Copyright 2019 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers. 

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