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Spiritual Guidance October/November 2023

Spiritual Guidance October/November 2023

Demolition Enables A Rebuild.

Here’s my spiritual guidance October/November 2023, covering the month beginning with the Libra new moon at 6.59pm on October 14th (in the UK). I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to explore the key energy of these four weeks, and then take a quick look at the astrology.

Spiritual guidance October/November 2023 from the Tarot

What an appropriate card for this lunar month’s eclipses, as they always activate intense and often unexpected change.

As a major arcana card, the Tower tells you that powerful spiritual forces are at work in the next four weeks over which you have very little control. While none of us really like this feeling of no control, remember that you always have influence and agency through how you respond. Will you resist and fight or will you accept and surrender?

The Tower is certainly not soft and fluffy, as the image clearly indicates, and I won’t sugar coat it. It usually indicates dramatic events that may seem and feel disastrous and devastating when they happen. Tower moments stop you in your tracks, shock you to the core, and invite you to reassess everything you thought you knew up to now.

The thing about the Tower, in my own experience, is that it usually follows a period of time in which I’ve been aware of something not working or healthy in my life that needs to change, but I choose to ignore the signs because I’m afraid of the alternative. So I cling stubbornly to the safety of what’s familiar even when I know it’s not good for me and I’m not happy about it. Well the laws of the universe only allow you to get away with that for so long. If you don’t choose growth and evolution for yourself then eventually the Tower will choose it for you – and guess what? It’s usually much more painful and difficult than it would have been if you’d voluntarily taken action. For example, instead of applying for a new job that’s more in line with your values, you find yourself facing redundancy. Or the partner that was treating you badly ups and leaves you for someone else they think they can get more out of.

Soif you remember one thing this month it’s this. Whatever happens, however awful it feels, the ultimate result in more freedom, balance, and harmony for you and your life. What you thought was your security (the Tower you’d built around yourself) has actually been your prison, restricting you and holding you limited by old ways and means that don’t serve your best interests and highest good. Rather like lancing a boil, it hurts like hell when the needle goes in but oh the relief when the poison drains. And then the healing can begin. So if you already know right now that there’s some aspect of your life that is not supporting your well-being, do something about it rather than try to paper over the all too obvious cracks. Have that conversation, hand in your notice, start saying no while you can still choose to. If you don’t, it will be done for you anyway with ruthless compassion and in a far more traumatic and painful way.

So it could be a literal, physical, change that rocks your world this month, or it could be a sudden realisation or awakening to some new insight that completely undermines everything you thought you believed in and lived by. Perhaps the illusory curtain will lift on a massive and long-running lie on which you’d built your existence, or you’ll receive an inspirational bolt from the blue direct from Source which makes you see the universe and life in an entirely different light. It’s easy to get entrenched in beliefs and views that made sense to us in earlier years when we first accepted them. But for life to continue to flourish it must continually grow and evolve or else there is stagnation and death.

As I look at this card in the silvery light of the Libran new moon, I sense an irrevocable awakening to a true understanding of how interconnected all humanity and life on earth is. You can fool yourself that you’re a separate and isolated individual consciousness in your personal ivory tower, as we’re actively encouraged to do. But the truth is you exist in relationship to every other life-form and everything you do has an impact on that living whole. For so long humanity has abused the earth with destructive systems and structures built from within this construct of tower mentality. Now it’s time to break it down and build something fitter for soul purpose on inclusive and compassionate foundations.

I expect a lot of people to awaken to this understanding now, some of whom will find it difficult to come to terms with so the healers and guides among you will find yourselves in great demand. Many of you will also come to see how you may have helped to maintain the lie of separation through your own connections and relationships. Be brave and courageous as you uncover these insights about yourself, knowing this is the process of a soul lesson; you make a mistake, you dismantle the error, and you rebuild on new foundations of your upgraded knowledge and wisdom. It’s a universal repeating spiral of eternal motion and constant transformation. Ask yourself, “What must I free myself from to release the energy that I am?”

On a more mundane level the Tower reflects intense energies that can drive you to be careless, hurried, and reckless. So be careful, focused and aware over these next four weeks when doing anything, as accidents and injuries can happen more easily at this time. Be especially vigilant around travelling, exercise, or handling sharp tools where there’s a risk involved.

On the world stage the message is the same. I also feel we can expect the complete failure and breakdown of patriarchal “power over” systems that uphold inequality and injustice, and further exposure of the deceit and corruption underpinning them. War and aggression are likely to escalate in places as some resist the change process. The earth herself may respond with more natural upheavals and disasters such as earthquakes, fires, and floods that impact thousands. As tragic and heartbreaking as these events are, they’re a necessary attempt to balance elemental energies. They serve to shake humanity out of its “business as usual” complacency and instill a greater awareness of our rightful place as cells in the living organism of our planet. We are not and never have been set apart as its rulers, superiors, and owners. But we could, now, become loving caretakers and guardians of the earth and each other for the generations to come.

You might like to read this spiritual guidance October/November 2023 reading against the overarching background of my Reading for 2023.

Guidance October/November 2023 from astrology

It’s eclipse season with a solar eclipse supercharging this Libra new moon, also activating Pluto (planet of death/rebirth and transformation) and the moon’s node (collective soul path and destiny). Dramatic evolution is being triggered personally and collectively by forces beyond your (and anyone else’s) control. For that reason, it could well be painful and uncomfortable for some. The message is don’t resist the change which only prolongs the discomfort but rather surrender to whatever may come. Ultimately it will bring healing and the chance to welcome in more beauty and harmony. Libra asks us to focus particularly on our close relationships and the way we connect to others at this time, and to look at the balance present there. Do you give or take too much? Is there equality or do you tend to adopt a stance of superiority or inferiority when relating? Does this lead to power struggles? It’s worth diving deep into these questions because the lunar eclipse on the Taurus full moon of the 28th insists that you recognise and resolve your deepest problems and fears. They can no longer be ignored or suppressed.

Image: The Tarot of Eli-Minor

© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page. 
Credit: here

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