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Heaven, Hell, and Reincarnation

Heaven, Hell, and Reincarnation

Recently, I was asked what my thoughts were on Heaven, Hell, and reincarnation. I thought some of what was discussed might also be helpful to other readers, so I decided to write this post. Please keep in mind that this post is my opinion, based on my work with clients, and answers I have received intuitively or through channeling. Use your own inner guidance to determine what you resonate with in your own belief system. Let me begin by talking about what I believe happens when we die.

After we pass on, we are greeted by our loved ones (furry loved ones too!). We then get our bearings and realize that we have died. Our first stop is to go to a life review, and we watch back all of our important experiences. Then we assess ourselves to see if we completed enough of what we wanted to in our life, and determine what the next step for us is. Some souls who have a sudden or traumatic death, go to a healing area first that looks like an Earth hospital, then have the life review. The choices after the life review are reincarnate, stay the spirit world (heaven), or work as a guide/guardian angel. While we are waiting to be born into the next life, we enjoy various leisure activities like music, art, gardening, etc. There is a great movie from 1991, “Defending Your Life” that has one of the best explanations of the process. It doesn’t get everything right, but enough key details are accurate.

Some souls upon their passing are so heavy with emotions, such as guilt, anger, sadness, regret, hopelessness, or shame, that they go to a space to process these emotions. This place is called the grey area, is what can be known of as purgatory, and it can last for a very long time. The are many Higher Energies who work in this space to help free the souls who are trapped in their own emotion. These souls don’t make it to the life review right away, because they are too trapped in their own anger, guilt, sadness, or other emotion to accept that they are worthy of being in the world of spirit. This is often because their beliefs in their life taught them to judge their own actions, thoughts, and behaviors. Self-judgment that creates an inner expectation of unworthiness is the most common path to get here; this often can be traced back to one of two Earthly conditions, religious dogma, and addiction. The good news here is that purgatory is completely avoidable by finding ways of processing your own judgments and emotions. This can be accomplished by writing, sitting outside, meditation, talking with someone, and even in our dreams.

It is not required to be of a specific religion, or even religious at all, to go the world of spirit. All that is required is to be mostly a good person, or even a reformed bad-at-one-time person. But, someone who is truly evil gets a direct trip to another plane of existence, a place thought of as Hell. No life review, and no chance for those souls to reincarnate to Earth. If you are a numbers person, about 80% souls upon passing go to the world of spirit, 7% to the hellish existence, 3% stay Earthbound, and 10% go to the grey area.

Reincarnation happens after the life review, when the soul chooses the parameters of their next life. When we come back to Earth, we do get to choose some traits in our life, but not all. For instance, we always choose where we will live, our date of birth, and some of the important milestones in our life, like how many children we will have. But, the other parameters of life are changeable. On some occasions, we choose the family we are born into, but only if there is unresolved past life energy with them. The rest of our life is based on our environment, choices, culture, and other influences that affect how our life path will go.

If you are interested in the proof of reincarnation, read up on the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Jim Tucker, who have identified 1567 cases where children have positively identified their most recent past life by confirming details only the deceased individual would know. https://www.reincarnationresearch.com/childrens-past-life-memories-and-the-research-of-ian-stevenson-md/

As for uncovering your own past life memories, I recommend undergoing hypnosis with a past life regressionist. If hypnosis is not for you, you can actually learn a lot about your past lives by watching films set in certain historical eras and then tracking your dreams for a few days after. This process can be tricky because you can be prone to think it’s your imagination, but it is a great way to get some past life memories to emerge. You will know they are past life memories because there will be strong emotion attached to the dream, or even a feeling like you were somewhere else living that experience.

Karen Downing is a Soul Mission Facilitator, here to guide others to living an empowered life.
Credit: here
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Copyright 2020 Karen Downing

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