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2024 December Spiritual Guidance: Peace in Heart and Mind

2024 December Spiritual Guidance: Peace in Heart and Mind

Here’s my spiritual guidance December 2024, covering the month beginning with the Sagittarius new moon on December 1st at 6.24am (in the UK).

Every new lunar month I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to explore the key energy to navigate by during the coming four weeks. I then take a quick look at the astrology.

Spiritual guidance December 2024 from the Tarot

This month is all about learning to manage yourself in times of conflict and difficulty. As a sword card you’re being advised to notice where you become bogged down in anxiety, hurt, and negative patterns of thinking. You could call this narrow-mindedness or a blinkered view of the world; it allows no room for movement and so makes resolution impossible.

The beauty of the Two of Swords is that it asks you to lift your point of view up beyond that impasse; to find a more open-minded, clearer perspective from which to see the truth of a situation. This involves activating the intelligence of the heart to blend with the wisdom and discernment of the Higher mind. This opens up a channel of love and vital warmth that can shift your perspective to include different viewpoints. From this space, you’re far more able to accept compromise and find a solution that addresses the good of all parties involved.

The very best way I know how to do this is to practice regular meditation. Take time and space to sit with a problem, a hurt, or a worry. Allow it to be there in all its discomfort, and then simply invite your heart to soften and your mind to open so that you can see things as they really are. It’s interesting that for the last six weeks or so I’ve been using the Soft Heart Open Mind meditation by Richard Rudd, author of The Gene Keys. It takes you into this space so beautifully that rather than to try to describe it further I recommend you use it yourself.

So why not try adopting this daily practice over the next four weeks until December 30th? I guarantee you’ll feel more relaxed, balanced, and at peace. If you’ve had a long term knotty problem, a solution may miraculously appear. If you’ve been struggling with a relationship then more understanding can blossom; it could lead to reconciliation or a clear realization that it’s time to change a dynamic or even part ways. If you’ve been struggling to choose or decide between options, you’ll move towards authority and certainty.

Whatever arises from your contemplation, you’ll feel a peace and rightness about it. You’ll see the truth. As you begin to discern more and more in this way, you develop trust in life, optimism, and an increasing freedom from fear. As you create inner peace for yourself it’s felt and responded to by others. As a result, you’ll probably notice less conflict, friction, and doubt arising in all your relationships. In this space you can find rest and recuperation from life’s inevitable discord.

I would love to see this enacted in the wider world. I sometimes visualize the leaders of the world coming together to follow a meditation similar to this, and then hold a talking circle. World peace might just be possible then! While this might be my pet fantasy for now, I do feel hopeful for future global developments though. Perhaps there could be a softening of the polarization that’s currently so obvious. Maybe there’s a dawning recognition of the “your thriving is my thriving” attitude that epitomizes the community-minded age of Aquarius.

So although this card has the subtitle “Peace”, it doesn’t promise that peace will be present in your environment. In fact, it suggests by its nature there will be doubt and troubles to deal with. But it offers you a place to start which is always within yourself. It reminds you that peace is an active choice.

You might like to read this spiritual guidance October 2024 against the overarching background of my Intuitive Reading for 2024.

Guidance December 2024 from astrology

The Sagittarius new moon on the 1st aligns with Mars in Leo and the nodal axis of the moon (which points to our collective future). So brave new potentials are opening up and beginning to manifest here.

Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter are all retrograde in the first half of the month, although Mercury goes direct again on the 15th. This suggests that decisions could revolve around reconsidering and dismantling plans rather than making any constructive progress.

The positioning of Jupiter and Saturn on the 24th points to the realms of media and information, and the need to establish structured limits around this. It’s likely to lay the foundation of responsibility and authority for some time to come, so you’re advised to take steps to protect your personal information now.

Image: The Tarot of Eli-Minor

© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page. 
Credit: here

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