Prepare for Your Next Incarnation
- Details
- Written by Anna Merkaba

How Souls Prepare for Their Upcoming Incarnation: My Prebirth Memories, What I Remembered & What I Have Learned
Before I awakened—before I fully remembered who I was and why I came here—I felt completely lost.
Like many others drawn to these questions, I was searching, questioning, trying to understand why Earth felt so foreign to me.
Nothing about this world made sense—except for love. Love was the only thing that felt real. But even that, I sensed, was not fully as it was meant to be.
Then, a memory surfaced. A dream that wasn’t a dream.
The Moment I Remembered That We Choose Our Lives
It happened when my niece was born. I rushed to the hospital to meet her, and when I looked into her eyes, something shifted. She grabbed my finger, and in that moment, I knew her. Not just as a newborn baby, but as a soul I had known before. I also felt that she was telepathically telling me something, delivering some kind of message.
That night, I had a vivid dream—one that felt more like a memory than a dream.
I found myself standing in a grand hall, reminiscent of an ancient Greek temple. A woman in white robes stood beside me as I looked at a screen—something like a television but what we would say looks like a stargate or a crystal ball, something much more alive, more immersive.
On the floor were what looked like DVDs, and each one contained the “movie” of a life—a full incarnation. Now, thinking back the reason that I saw “DVD’s” was because at that time that is how my mind would understand it the most.
I picked them up, one by one, inserting them into the “DVD player”, watching different lifetimes play out before me. Every detail was there—the struggles, the joys, the lessons, the people. I studied them carefully, knowing that this choice was mine to make.
Finally, I found the one that felt right.
The woman beside me hesitated. She told me I wasn’t ready for what I was choosing, that I needed more preparation, more training. But I knew. I smiled, reassuring her, and simply said, “She needs me.”
I prepared for a moment, and then at accelerating speed, I ran forward and jumped straight into and through the screen.
It would take ten more years before I fully woke up, before a past life regression confirmed everything, gave me the missing pieces and helped me to fully walk into my power. But after that experience, I knew:
Souls do not come into life randomly.
We choose.
Not All Souls Have the Same Level of Choice
From what I have seen through my own memories, past life regressions, and the experiences of my clients, souls prepare for incarnation differently depending on their level of evolution.
Souls Who Are Stuck in the Karmic Wheel
Some souls are not incarnating by choice; they are still bound to the cycle of karma.
- These are human souls who have lived many lifetimes on Earth and are still working through unresolved karma.
- They do not always get full freedom of choice. Instead, they are presented with a few options, each designed to help them learn specific lessons or clear debts from past lives.
- Many must reincarnate whether they feel ready or not because they are still caught in the karmic cycle.
- But the truth is this: karma can be cleared while you are still in a human body.
Reincarnation is not the only way to resolve it. In fact souls do not need to reincarnate in order to “solve” their “karma”. I wrote an entire book on breaking free from the cycle of endless rebirth—because it is absolutely possible to exit the karmic wheel and begin incarnating by choice, not obligation.
Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Volunteer Souls
These souls are not originally from Earth.
These souls are not originally from Earth. Actually none of the souls are from Earth, we all come from the Source of ALL that is, Earth bound souls are simply those souls who have decided to participate in an experiment of forgetfulness that went awry and was hijacked. Now everything is returning to how it was meant to be in the first place and you as a lightworker are playing a BIG part in this awakening, but that is not what this article is about.
- They have lived in higher realms, on other planets, in other dimensions—and many have never incarnated in a human body before.
- They do not have to be here—they chose to come.
- Unlike karmic souls, they often have far greater control over their incarnation process.
- But there is a major challenge: the density of Earth.
Like my guide warned me, many of us were not fully prepared for just how heavy this reality would be.
- The amnesia, the separation—it can feel unbearable.
- Many Starseeds and Lightworkers go through deep depression, isolation, and extreme longing for “home.”
- Some feel completely lost, wondering, “Why would I choose this?”
- But we did.
And the ones who guided us knew that we would struggle—but they also knew that we could handle it.
The Process of Incarnation: What Happens Before a Soul is Born
From my experience, and what has been confirmed through regressions, incarnating into a physical body is not instant—it is a process.
Choosing the Life
Souls review different lifetimes, weighing the lessons, purpose, and experiences they need.
They choose the body, personality, strengths, and challenges they will carry.
Gathering the Soul Team
No one incarnates alone. Souls form agreements with others who will play key roles—parents, siblings, friends, even adversaries.
Everything is planned like a grand play, with each soul taking on different roles across lifetimes.
Entering the Womb & The Tunnel of Forgetting
Some souls visit their future families years in advance, watching from the higher realms.
Once conception occurs, the soul may enter and leave the baby’s body freely in the first 3 months.
But once they pass through the condensation tunnel—a kind of energetic vacuum that densifies their frequency—all memories are wiped.
For most souls, this is where amnesia takes over.
But for Starseeds, Lightworkers, and advanced souls, memories are not completely erased; they are simply hidden.
This is why so many awaken later in life. The memories were never gone—they were just waiting to be unlocked.
The Choice to Stay or Leave
Even after all this planning, the soul still has a choice.
Some souls change their minds. If they are powerful enough, they may abort their mission, leading to a miscarriage.
This is not taken lightly in the higher realms, because once a soul is born, everything is meticulously planned—the birth, the location, the people they will meet. A miscarriage creates a ripple effect that forces everything to be recalibrated.
There are, of course, many other reasons why a pregnancy does not continue, but in some cases, it is the soul itself choosing to leave.
You Chose This, Even If You Don’t Remember Yet
When I fully awakened and underwent past life regression, everything was confirmed.
I chose to come here.
At the time, it all seemed simple. But once I arrived, I questioned everything—Why would I agree to this? Why would I do this voluntarily? What was I thinking?!
If you have ever felt that deep sense of “I don’t belong here,” if you have ever struggled with the heaviness of Earth, chances are, you chose this too.
And if you are wondering why—why you would come to a place that feels so foreign, so difficult—know that you are not alone.
Every soul has a reason.
Some are here to resolve karma.
Some are here to experience and grow.
And some—like me, like you—are here because this planet is changing, and we came to help.
Because the karmic wheel must end.
Even if we don’t remember everything yet, we will.
Because the truth is never lost.
It is simply waiting to be remembered.
Sending you lots of love and high vibrations!
© 2025 & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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