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2020 Quantum Energy Overview: Cosmic Alignment, Planetary Liberation, A New 10-year Era

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12D is the COMPLETION OF ALL ASCENSION TIMELINES.... where EVERYTHING ON AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL IS TRULY DONE for our own Personal Journey, and it’s “time” to unite to accomplish the “much bigger realities for HUMANITY”, through the APPLICATION OF 12 TEMPLATES and Codes, living/working as a COHESIVE UNIT/TEAM and “partnering” up to share/contribute/do our parts/fulfill various humanitarian/service roles, through an ENERGETIC SHARING/SUPPORT/COMBINED RESOURCE system that supports the greater whole/all on EVERY LEVEL, while taking everything into “account” and creating a WHOLE NEW SYSTEM that supports our planet/humanity to thrive, flourish and live in UNITY AS ONE. (I’ll release the 12D Quantum Template Program when it’s finished/ready, as we have to teach/re-educate/guide/assist and continue to Expand/Evolve all through Quantum States of Consciousness, while implementing and constantly evolving the projects too, in order to increase the functionality, stability and succession of all for all too). All of this is only understood as we each DO IT FULLY from within ourselves.... Then we "go beyond 12D" which is "where we are now". 

In conjunction with Gaia/Cosmically/Galactically/physically/energetically, the "new" ZERO POINT for Galactic Gaia (Terra Nova) is now 12D. "How" this correlates is different based upon DENSITY and Light ratios (Dimensions), so each's ACTUAL EXPERIENCE will be just as different as well. To simplify, the easiest way for me to explain is that each dimension has a "different zero point" and for each to shift to a whole new/different dimension, each must "anchor" their whole being and consciousness "in that dimension" and "hold all as reality" from this place/space inside and "allow" all to be completely vibrationally re-aligned to "this", and by way of CONSCIOUS PARTICIPATION, aligning all through Full Consciousness/Love fully themselves.... This will INCLUDE EVERY ASPECT of one's entire being/whole life... as all is a part of the GREATER WHOLE and not "separate" as "before" (3D/4D). It's important to note/realize that the physical body/reality will go through IMMENSE CHANGES, immense re-coding, immense re-calibration, immense shifts on every level as everything is COMPLETELY REWRITTEN constantly and at increasing rate of "acceleration" that correlate 'differently' based upon the dimension and oscillatory spin rate/cycles (atomic codes) and what each has been able to "accomplish"/acclimate to/embody/hold fully from within themselves, which means a ridiculous amount of "down time" as the physical LightBody re-works all for each..... 

For the sake of "explaining", the "higher" the level of consciousness, the "less" physical all is... "inside", yet "how" the "physical" correlates then changes, as the physical is a vibrational and energetic response, then the higher the "level" of consciousness, the less "effort" it takes to call forth "physical realities" to support each's NEW EARTH REALITIES here.... yet in order for EVERY REALITY to be a RESULT OF FULL CONSCIOUSNESS with great ease, simplicity and EFFORTLESS, then the physical body must undergo immense re-writes continually to constantly shift where each functions from, creating different "zero points" along the way, that have a vaster reach with greater ease. 

For the 5D-11D experience, then it's identifying what's "higher and lower" and constantly shifting all to "higher" consciously, which is a part of each's own EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS here.... and "higher/lower" is not a judgment, it's an observation of frequencies/energies for the sake of shifting all to a DIFFERENT STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, which is all of our "responsibility" here. 

5D-11D is each "returning" and "growing up processes" through every EXPERIENCE.... this whole thing is about each's ACTUAL EXPERIENCE, it's just that where each functions on a "consciousness level" is different, therefore the experiences are as well... These dimensions are CREATING AND BUILDING ALL NEW REALITIES in accordance with the highest levels of consciousness/unity/love, more purity, kindness, generosity, caring, deep sacred respect and love, so that "every reality" IS THIS.... forgo the "return" to 12D REALITIES that each "gets to live fully" as they hold this fully from within themselves..... 

12D is the completion of ALL personal ascension timelines for each, where the "climb" "back up" through 5D to 12D was a massive process within itself. The immensity of this whole process is too vast to share here, so I’ll do this in subsequent sharings/exchanges as is appropriate.  Every role is full service, yet "how" each presented was different, as each's "reality" shifts from being "physical" to ENERGETIC and the "Level of Consciousness" dictated the physical more and more, each "rung" (D: Dimension/Density) "easier" than the one before.... This is an INNER TO OUTER personal evolution where every aspect of ourselves and entire reality/lives have been completely aligned by each one of us individually from deep within ourselves. It’s “visible” energetically and ways not visible to the human aspect, as the “how” is inconceivable, unless one is directly exposed to/fully experiences this within themselves. This is not an “ego accomplishment” as many will perceive. This is a holy, sacred, pure Divine Union on every level that is SO Pure, that every experience, every reality, every moment is this, a cohesive unified field where everything works/flows/exists as ONE on every level, including the “weather”, the “people” and the purposes we fulfill….. Where all is UNITY, LOVE and so completely highest aligned that every moment supports LIVING HEAVEN FULLY and then “how” we come together to accomplish huge roles/next phases is done through Divine Union and Partnership with each other, where each fulfills their roles fully as PURE LOVE too. It’s beyond BEAUTIFUL, yet it takes us all… living this fully, as our own reality is our creation and we totally/completely understand this, so it means being so completely RESPONSIBLE for every breath, every act, every transmission, every exchange, every everything, that what we RECEIVE/EXPERIENCE is a direct correlation to this. ♥

In order to teach/guide/support/assist, we each "use" our own Personal Journeys/Lives for this. It's how it works. It removes the "ego" from it all, the judgment from all and is how we BECOME WAYSHOWERS as we are all SHOWING HOW THIS IS DONE through our own ACTUAL experiences as we live them fully and open up to share, without the duality of before. We can observe duality/polarity, yet we are not "living it", we are using it to teach/guide/support/assist, so "others" can utilize this in their own journey, so all can be EASIER for all.... consciously "choosing", utilizing and understanding this.... We do not "have" to share every minute detail and aspect of our lives, except as is appropriate and each "dimension" this is different too. When we are moving out of "hiding" within ourselves and learning to openly share, then each moves into "transparency", which is a part of the embodiment process and Cosmic Rays that create a transparency, glow and emit out tones and frequencies that release the old "hiding" and "agendas" that 3D/4D lived from..... 

5D-12D is openness, caring, consideration, deep sacred respect and support, sharing, yet the “how” is different with each  one, because of the "purpose" of each one is different, so "how" all occurs/is done is relative to the codes/rules of that "dimension/level of consciousness" as well..... 

For me personally, the whole linear year of 2019 was dedicated to living/holding/integrating all of the 12D Templates and Codes fully with my own body/field/reality, which meant everything that did not support this "had to go" so that I could "accomplish"/honor what I agreed to fulfill on a Galactic/Cosmic/Soul/Source Code Level here... Because the templates are "that vast" it took a whole year, that once the codes had been released/opened/accessed over the previous linear years and completion phases then my own journey required that I complete this fully within myself, so that I can honor/support/assist/unite/bring forth/continue to guide/assist and come together with others truly anchoring NEW EARTH/HEAVEN ON EARTH/OUR GALACTIC CIVILIZATIONS as actual physical realities/experiences here. The "implementation" of all of this/these takes us all, yet we each must hold this in order to BE/DO this, and it's no longer about any "individual", so we let everything go that does not support, as everything is about the "greater whole/all" as ONE HUMANITY, where we each LIVE THIS FULLY from deep within ourselves and we Unite to COMBINE our amazing realities to create "more" awesome ones for everyone to inJOY, participate in and fulfill their roles from their "highest place" as well.... 

12D is a Re-Distribution/Re-Allocation Template (on EVERY Level), a deeply Sacred one and it DICTATES everything on our planet in every way now. It is a HUMANITARIAN TEMPLATE where all of humanity is INCLUDED, yet all of HUMANITY has to CHOOSE to participate, choose to fulfill their part too... and for this to "happen", those who "hold this" and "live this fully" will unite to support/guide/assist and LEAD/SHOW THE WAY for "how" everything "is done" on a Quantum/Cosmic Level.... It's the "adult souls" and Galactic Star People/Light Beings... having a "form", yet PLASMA ENERGY changes everything, as do the Diamond/Crystalline Templates and Codes that must be integrated fully for "application" and "incorporation" to occur.... 

Plasma is a "non-conforming", malleable, form-able and re-shape-able ENERGY, where we as PLASMA LIGHT BEINGS are able to easily reshape, reform, reconfigure and recode entire realities through our own Consciousness.... with little or no effort at all. As the physical body evolves on a DNA/Light Code/Genetic/Atomic Level through all new codes, the "body" doesn't "work" like it did before, because it's not meant to... so it takes immense patience, love, care, respect, kindness and full surrender to honor an immense reconfiguration process that has to occur for everyone's "reality" to be easier, simpler and highest vibrationally aligned here.... 

12D is effortless.... it's is soooooooooooo vibrationally aligned, fluid and in flow, there are no words to even explain this part. We just have to allow/go through it to experience/understand it and then "try" to put words to all, and in one way, it's not important, as it's OUR ENERGY that matters, so we just "show" through our own...... 

12D is PURE PRESENCE.... I spent much of the "time" as "just pure presence", observing, honoring, listening, allowing and "doing" that which was the absolute highest aligned, which meant not focusing on everyone else, not "doing" for others, which was the polar opposite of all of these years of 5D to 11D where our service is about what we are creating/building/doing on a Soul Level. A few years ago, when I entered into 12D with my whole body/being/reality, those phases ended and I "moved" into all new roles, that required every ounce of me dedicated to integrating/embodying all of the codes and templates relative to "beyond 12D" and where we "go next" in fulfilling our various roles as Light Beings/Love/Unity/Purity Consciousness here.... I still “did” every day, yet “how” and “how much” had to completely change until the completion of my own processes in conjunction with Gaia/Cosmic Consciousness, so that I could hold this fully with great ease (Embodiment/Entire Reality). 

On 12/18 I awoke to "complete" my own personal WHOLE ASCENSION TIMELINE, which included ascension into 5D, descent/descension of all higher selves, integration/embodiment of all aspects/versions and holding this for years.... through Sacred Presence, Existence and various Service Roles here.... everyday I was "reminded" that I was done.... and then re-mapped my own process that I will share later to support/assist those "who care" and to support each embracing "doing" this within themselves too.... This was the completion of my own 10 year awakening cycle, and 7 year personal ascension cycle too. It was "broken down" into various phases/cycles that I've shared the entire time as I "did it" .... which I'll recap and restructure differently at some point to further assist with these next phases that various collectives/individuals move into/through too....... 

NOW .... WE as a planet move into "beyond 12D" and what this means is different for each. I only share this here, as it's a part of "how I explain" the rest of it, as all is relative and a part of "the whole thing".................... 

We've entered a powerful phase/era where planetary liberation is a necessity for accomplishing/completing what we all came here (as Star-Light Beings) to BE and DO. 

I have not yet shared from several linear years back, all of the information on how GAIA (and we each on a physical level) are accelerating TERRA-FORMING AND REVERSE TERRA-FORMING processes, yet it's becoming more important to do so, so I will do this in the upcoming months as my own energy/reality supports this as well..... The last many linear years we've increased the influx of STAR CODES that activate/re-write and completely CHANGE everything for us all. These STAR Codes are a part of all of us and our beloved evolving planet RETURNING to "take our rightful place" in the SOULar System and Galaxies as a Conscious Planet, exiting the Quarantine and Prison Planet "phase" of 3D. The easiest way for me to "explain" is that AS our planet continues to travel "back" through the PHOTON BELT, the evolutionary processes substantially increase/accelerate to EVOLVE each individual and the whole planet "back" through Quantum everything. Quantum Dynamics, Quantum Existence, Quantum Algorithms/Physics, Quantum Evolution and Abilities not accessible "before". Even "how" we "move" THROUGH SPACE and "time" is totally different than "before". We are "jumping" and "traveling" constantly and as our actual physical bodies evolve, we gain the capability to JUMP with our bodies to/from/into entirely "new" realities... completely multi-dimensional ones that are our "actual experiences" where all exists/coexists/functions as ONE. 

Therefore multi-dimensionality and Quantum does as well. This changes everything on every level. Our roles are to lead/teach/guide/assist/support in every way that's highest aligned/appropriate on a Soul Level, as the STAR PEOPLE and COUNCILS step to the forefront and "waves" are merged too. 

WAVE 1, WAVE 2 AND WAVE 3 all MERGE into ONE WAVE and become “the new” WAVE 1. These will start to unite, find each other, work together to be the BUILDERS/GUIDES AND COUNCIL MEMBERS for the upcoming phases as a Star Planet and Cosmic Family "in form" here..... 

A "new" WAVE 2 has been activated with this "new era"/template, which will awaken/emerge through continual waves.... (then these will merge and a new wave/era will begin with 2030, yet I'm not going there yet)..... 

3D ENTITLEMENT/EXPECTATION, ARROGANCE, BULLYING, Narcissism and distorted/unconscious POWER-Play/Control/Manipulation Programs, Systems and Ways accelerate collapse, dissolution and "stripping away". Greed, self-inflation/deflation, separation from each other and our planet/Star System are all under an entire "redistribution" template now.... This is a redistribution of "how" Power and "all" was utilized before.... and "how much each has" is relative to NEW guidelines that "change" the dynamics of all.... "How this plays out" will not be as any ego aspect "thought" and the whole planet is now under a massive "shifting" of everything "from one vibrational place" to another... as all is vibrational and energetic and relative to COSMIC LAW(S).

The ENTIRE PLANET and all of its "inhabitants" have been being "moved"/transitioned in phases and stages relative to different "levels" of consciousness, awakening processes, ascension processes and evolutionary processes that take place on a Cosmic/Quantum Level (not a linear one). This process now substantially accelerates to "complete"/accomplish the next "phase" of THE ROLE OF OUR PLANET IN THE STAR SYSTEM, which are immense and will continually evolve as Galactic Gaia (Terra Nova) "clears" and "takes care of" all herself..... I will share more as we continue/go, as this is beyond vast within itself and continues to evolve/become visible/available as we all continue our own personal journeys of fulfilling much higher purposes/roles/missions individually and together as LOVE here. 

UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS WILL PREVAIL in every situation, yet each will "go through" whatever is necessary to fully accomplish this........... For those LIVING THIS FULLY, then realities that support fully are what comes forth, so that each can fulfill "easier" for all of humanity here. ♥

SHIFT YOUR OWN FOCUS/PRIORITIES/ENERGY: To have the expanded awareness that each density/dimension is playing out "different roles" in planetary ascension/evolution processes that are ALL an important part of the "greater whole". It's important to respect your own journey/process and respect each other's as well. Focus on your roles, your own connection, and hold respect for all. If you are truly fulfilling yours as love, you won't be "worrying about" judging "others" (which is each's own separation within as well and a space of dis-empowerment). Respect, honor, support, uplift, inspire, EMPOWER and create opportunities, options, alternative and respect each's ability to make a conscious choice when they are ready/it's aligned for them. You do "you" and “be there”, show up, support and fulfill your own ROLES AS PURE DIVINE LIGHT when these opportunities present for you. Bringing all together, being LOVE and uniting all, creating/forming new community/unity-based realities…. As it takes us all DOING/LIVING THIS here. This is how you make a difference and enable all others to choose this way too. REMEMBERING is through our deeply connected sacred universal/cosmic/higher heart and requires infinite experiences to accomplish this from deep within. ♥

Everything that happens in your OWN REALITY is YOURS:
Inside, outside… all of it. It’s up to you to LEARN and start to open up to truly understand/comprehend the magnitude of all of this and stop looking to others, blaming others, waiting on others… you are the Wayshower in your reality (not an ego thing), you are the one that CREATES your ENTIRE REALITY that you live in/experience here. You are the ONE that is RESPONSIBLE for every thought, act and belief and what you contribute to, allow, support is completely relative to this. Your energy, your limitations, your conditioning/conditions, your mentalities, your vibration, your density, your linearity, your everything DICTATES EVERYTHING… and the process of going deeper inside, sitting with things and working through them yourself, observing to learn without having judgment/attachment to anything at all, what influences what, what affects what, what you HOLD IN PLACE with your energy/beliefs… this is EXACTLY WHAT WE EACH EXPERIENCE and learn to shift vibrationally/energetically/through Consciousness ourselves….. 

The moment we each truly get this, on every level and in every way, is the moment everything changes and each “takes their power back fully” again. Everything in “your bubble/your Merkaba/your Field” is yours… and the frequencies/codes/energy your body is transmitting out is encoded and telling “the field” what to “return to you” as an ACTual EXPERIENCE here. It’s also important to realize it’s not “just the human experience”, it’s ALL EXISTENCES, yet from “Zero Point Creation/Presence”, all is PRESENT/Simultaneous from the “this same space”, so shifting/tuning/reversing/changing is up to you, as it’s within you/your field and you are the ONLY ONE who can. If your ego is in charged and you are functioning from a place of separation/refusal to listen/honor this, then your own higher-self-you/Universe You/Cosmic/Source Self you will ‘take over’ and “do it for you” to shift you out of that place/space, to dissolve your ego so that you can come together/merge/unify inside and every time your heart closes, you go back to sleep again, you forget again, so “something else” will “occur” again to get it open again. The amount of “force” required is relative to how stubborn/strong your ego is. Every ounce of this journey is relative to you/yours and where you FUNCTION FROM FULLY… your Universal heart-mind or your closed heart/head. ♥

ALL of this is for you to MASTER AS LOVE, through Purity and re-learn everything all over again to exist as your Soul fully in order to activate/access/open up/anchor/live your Heaven through you and “onto” the Earthly Plane. It’s the ONLY WAY that NEW EARTH COMES FORTH. You literally birth it through/with your whole body/being and you bring it forth from within. (Universe/Merkaba/StarGate System/Toroid/Tube Torus/Electromagnetic/Morphogenic Field).

5D-12D Replaces 3D: Consciousness is a repeated and continual thing. Not one time, every time. Not once, repeatedly. Not a temporary fix or a 3 day or one week practice then “go back”/revert to “old ways again”. This is a complete overhaul and revamping of each entire life and every aspect of it as HIGHEST ALIGNED. Until every old construct has been deconstructed and reconstructed according to Quantum Logistics/Dynamics and full heart consciousness prevails fully, it’s a process of continually breaking through/down the old until the old has been replaced with “all new”/higher dimensional realms.

The “Reasons” Everything is happening/happens is Completely Quantum/Multi-Dimensional:
Nothing is linear, yet to fully see/understand, then inner connection, inner listening, inner observation and full heart/mind expansion must occur. Vision to “see” from a vast multi-dimensional place/space and OVERSEE/OVERVIEW ALL from a place of MASSIVE EXPANSION is relative to the “access” each has achieved through varying levels of PURITY and DNA/Body evolution too. Our heart consciousness, pineal gland and whole body are involved in the processing of a ridiculous amount of LIGHT (Light intelligence/encodements/knowledge) without any attachment or ego “need”/influence at all. The realization that no matter how much each “thought they knew” that there is always “so much more” and that the human ego aspect is not in charge, that we are always learning/understanding/realizing/seeing more than we could before (and this is how it works, means not getting fixated/fixed to an specific truth/way and realizing that everything is going to completely constantly and quite substantially shift/change (and that it’s supposed to). Learning to maneuver, flow and always be in-tune, always moving/flowing energetically with everything that presents, learning to restructure your entire life to allow for constant/shift/flow and holding/maintaining your own deep connection to listen/honor/shift AS THIS OCCURS is fully Mastery and Divine Alignment within itself. All gets easier as we all do, as our own inner resistance/fight goes then we “fall in-line” with how everything actually works, which is nothing like “before”. We are not here to “fix anything back”. We are here to EMBRACE ALL NEW and to re-create all new realities in full/highest vibrational alignment with “this”. 

12D is Pure Presence, Deeply Sacred and Pure, Full Unity/Humanitarian Templates/Codes, Divine Alignment, Divine Flow and Effortless in BEing/Doing/Accomplishing everything we came here to be/do together as a UNIT, in Partnership as LOVE. It’s the Grown Up Souls/the Councils, Guardians and the ability to accomplish anything. It’s each having completed their own Ascension/Descension/Embodiment processes and realignment of their own whole life/energy/field and bringing “this together” to create/hold/accomplish more together, as the Star-Light-Cosmic Family that we are. For those functioning/working from a 5D-11D Templates/Realities, then “how” we fulfill together is based upon energetics/role fulfillment and an energetic equation relative to the “current reality and purposes” we are all here to fulfill. Supportive roles are established to support all in different ways. When/As all start to realize that this can be “easier” together, yet each has to fully fulfill their roles in order to receive, then the energy shifts, as it’s no longer “hand out/what’s in it for me” energy, it’s “how may I serve” (not from over-under/hierarchy, yet instead as a TEAM and Cohesive Unit and moves, lives, breathes as ONE, yet individually as well). This is through CONSCIOUSNESS, with zero lack or need. Everyone contributes (relative to the greater whole) and everyone receives, that which is beneficial/aligned, not as the human “ego” wants…. 

12D is the entire set of templates for how we all live/coexist/work in unity as Love and receive too. It’s a re-distribution/re-allocation template where we “take” surplus/abundance and we re-distribute it, we share all that supports the greater whole, instead of “one individual” like “before. We actually IMPLEMENT the new systems that have been created/accomplished/work on an individual level within our whole lives, as WE accomplish this within our own realities/lives and we “teach” it to others, open up opportunities for “others” to be a part as well. It’s beyond beautiful, simple and EASY, because everyone is INCLUDED in the whole thing and no one is “left out”, yet it does require each’s HEART BE WIDE OPEN AND READY to be an important PART of something much bigger than themselves…. Where everything comes forth to support, for greater ease and full grace, because we all actually truly from the depths of the CORE OF OUR BEING and on EVERY LEVEL ----- CARE. 

This is a whole new CORE VALUE SYSTEM that replaces the old, yet for this to “work” for each, each must shift to this place inside. Until then, each will disclude themselves. No one is “left out” unless this is the only reality they will allow. ♥

We don’t “wait” until the ego aspect is ready, we DO THIS fully ourselves. We open portals, transverse the Multi-Dimensional/Quantum passageways and create/live NEW EARTH REALITIES FULLY until each has “gone through enough” to be ready to come forth/step up/step forth and BE A PART OF OUR NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE too. This is how it works for us all…. Until we’ve had enough, until we “get fed up and completely done”, we are not done, which means we will keep playing out/in/creating/allowing/calling forth the old until we are. The immensity of the experiences that each must have to dissolve the entire old template in their own bodies in order to be ready to shift is beyond human comprehension, because of “how all of this works” on a Soul/Universal/Galactic/Consciousness level. We LIGHT THE WAY, lead the way, share the information/codes/knowledge/how to and we allow all to make consciousness choices when/as they are ready. Meanwhile, those who do “live this way”, are ready, not fighting, not playing out any ego games, are uniting, coming together and building/creating/living the most amazing realities aligned on a SOUL Level (Heaven on Earth) within their own realities, UNTIL each is truly ready to do this from deep within themselves too. Because realities are literally “divided” based upon frequency bandwidths, oscillatory rates/atomic spin rates, vibrational fields, density and levels of consciousness, many dimensions will never inner-act because vibrationally they do not occupy the same vibrational space to vibrate/in out or maintain for very long/extended periods, which is why realities/relationships/things don’t “last as long” now, end faster and “fall apart/dissolve” “faster” or can’t maintain/sustain/last as long as “before”, because of the ENERGETICS and how all has to fully align, be synchronized constantly and brought into higher states of consciousness constantly, and if each is not shifting/awakening/evolving at the “same rate” together, then the reality will dissolve/end, so each can go a “different direction” to play those realities out, due to separation still held within and the path that each must take to fully awaken so that coexistence is possible through a COHESIVE UNIFIED FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS where everyone is conscious, working together, supporting each other/themselves and creating/anchoring/accomplishing that which is currently highest aligned with/for all. 

5D/6D-12D is Soul Purpose/Service/Higher aligned:
So “purposes” change, realities change and priorities change and how we live completely changes too. These realities look nothing like 3D-4D did…. These are not “defined” by what human realities were. These serve much higher purposes and do not conform to anything like before…. So coming together serves a much higher purpose too. What we “have” does as well and we combine/share instead of separating off into primal instincts and self-preservation/me mode like humans do. We take care of ourselves, we honor our Lightbody/fields above all, we take full responsibility for our ENERGY in every moment and we utilize all differently to support Purpose/Role fulfillment, because we understand the importance of what we agreed to come here to be/do/live and this takes priority for all of us as Pure Love here. We can fulfill roles easier when we re-priorities, cut out BS, distractions and chaotic/disruptive energy that can’t stay focused because of separation within.

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