The Only 2 Tools We Need
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- Written by Amanda Lorence

To raise human energetic frequency (ascend consciousness) we only need two things:
- An OPEN mind (brain).
- Allow full access to the Heart Centre (Heart chakra/High Heart).
From these, all else unfolds WITHIN you. Naturally. It just UNFOLDS a step at a time based on your human WILL or slower via human distractions the mind latches on it.
These two natural tools are available to every human being on Gaia. With or without internet. With or without books. With or without literacy. With or without any human support. With or without financial means. No force necessary. A natural process predestined.
God made it simple. It IS that simple. All are facets of God. No one is denied access to becoming KNOWN within. Humans will deny access to their own heart portal through any fear or distraction of the mind. The heart holds zero fear, it is ONE energy...LOVE. Lose the fears...they’re illusionary and as temporary as you WILL them to be, and deny the human access to the infinite energy they already are.
All are made equal. All contain the only ingredients necessary. These two ingredients allow everything else to flow, form, be known, BUT, one Now step at a time, in the field experience known as TIME.
Always just an individual choice, for all are facets of God experiencing as a microcosm of ITSelf, a forgetfulness, then a realisation and THEN the knowing of ITSelf again, through you.
Bravo humanity...keep going! Keep it simple or make it complicated. Just a choice. Rely on yourself within, flex that inner strength that is the most power-filled energy you have: LOVE (not ego, ego is limited and a programme of the mind). Be open again and again, forever more. Let go. Surrender the mind again and again, to the heart, in order for the mind to upgrade energetically and physically via that step by step process.
Own ALL your reactions to become zero point, harmony, balance... the new and responsible citizens of the New and Golden Era. You’re a Diamond.
Everything to play for! Plenty to let go of. The eye of the needle is an esoteric truth. Game on!. We are doing this together.
Support each other. For even now, at this hour, AWAKENED fight awakened, judge others, play at one-upmanship, speak/act from ego, think inwardly or outwardly they are right and others wrong...IT’S ALL YOU! It’s all GOD. So choose how to treat YOU. For how we treat another, speak to another, act with another, INWARDLY think of another, is how we are TRULY treat ourselves. They ARE you. How much more separation do you want from thyself? Be what you want in and of the world. That’s HOW you create it. every moment HOW TO BE. To not be on auto pilot, not be mind-less, but be the observer of yourself and your own dream. For no choice each make is wrong or right. No experience is right OR wrong. It’s just experience. Yet our choice creates our next experience and reality. Master YOU. For only YOU can.
For we stop looking,
As now we SEE.
We stop listening,
For now we HEAR.
BE YOU! There is no other like you. You are unique by divine design and reason!
The always through and with the heart; The greatest and highest energetic power. Love is God’s original energy known by the degree (Hertz degree of frequency) we WILL (a sustained choice of our frequency).
One Love
Amanda Lorence
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