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12 Signs of Energy Vampires and 5 Steps to Protect Yourself

Vampiric Energy Feeding

Vampiric Energy Feeding

12 Potential Signs 
5 Steps To Minimize Parasitic Activity

Energy Feeding Is The Bottom Line

To move about on any dimensional plane requires energy.  
All Beings require energy to Be and Do.

Vampiric Energy Feeding is not referencing literal blood sucking creatures as depicted in films/television. The 'vampire' reference signifies a non-voluntary feeding from living consciousness, either in the physical or non-physical realms, on our life force energy. All levels of Beingness - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual - may be affected by this activity.

Energy feeding has also been classified as psychic attack, although psychic attack can bring more misery than energy vampirism. This energy taking can be a very convoluted situation.

Physical And Non-Physical Energy Vampires

Physical Vampires are humans. Some people are unable to move thru life without taking energy from others. They may have a physical, emotional or mental disfunction that is draining them and most times energy feeding is not intentional. 


It is not deliberate. An energetic part of them attaches to you. It could be anyone - friend, co-worker, your children, other family members, intimate relationship, a fleeting encounter, other group meetings/organizations. 

Non-Physical Vampires are entities in the unseen, non-physical realms and have every intention of stealing and using your energy. That is mainly how they survive.

Energy siphoning may be effected through childhood/adult physical and sexual trauma, addictions, injuries, extreme fear and ecstatic bliss episodes, unspoken/spoken agreements in the physical and nonphysical realms in other lifetimes or this one. 

If there is a way to suck the life out of you, they will figure it out, manufacture the scheme and install it. They are also opportunists and will attach to energy siphons that another human is usingThis is a double whammy for the one being used. There are also other entities, such as earth bounds, who are confused and not intentionally taking your energy. They are just looking for a safe place when coming into your field to rest and nest.

You May Be At Risk For Energy Vampirism 

Or Currently Being Depleted When:

  1. You feel drained after being with someone or a phone conversation, your energy has been leached, especially when someone has been talking AT YOU INSTEAD OF WITH YOU.
  2. Trying to fit in. When you have to shrink yourself to fit into a group, to be 'less than' so that you are liked and accepted.
  3. Feeling guilty at home about not being who they want you to be or doing enough for them.
  4. Being a 'yes' person, a 'go-to' person, a doormat, doing what others want you to do even when you don't want to. And then you become mad with yourself because you know you are being manipulated and not doing anything about it.
  5. You would like to leave a relationship but have no energy. Confusion reigns and clarity is absent. Unable to find a way out or unsure if there is a way out.  
  6. Participating in drama.
  7. In an abusive situation. Narcissistic personalities are famous energy drainers and takers. They intimidate, physically or emotionally abuse, belittle, confuse and generally create all varieties of cray cray.  To untangle from a narcissist may require help and considerable self-strength to flee.
  8. Someone important in your world is claiming they can't live without you, wouldn't know how to live without you, and the famous one "If you loved me you would ____". You are just flat tired most or all of the time.
  9. Experiencing chronic fatigue and no matter how many health drinks/food/supplements/exercises you try your energy is still low. ALWAYS determine if there is a physical condition as well when in chronic fatigue such as candida/fungus overgrowth, both being significant energy zappers. 
  10.  Being on the receiving end of physical/sexual violence at any age.
  11. You or someone around you is needy, co-dependent and whiney. The words 'poor me' are key indicators of victim consciousness.

Key Points For Your Consideration

Always check to see if you are also energy feeding!
It is very important not to judge the how and why, but just to get out from under it and minimize contact.

You may not be an innocent in all of this and using energy from others too. Always remember this when a judgment is about to come out about someone else stealing your energy. This does not make you public enemy #1 just as it does not make anyone else who is feeding either. It is a 2-way street. 

Judging and blaming is a no-no.  To think that we are blameless and victims is a game that will perpetuate the scheme. When we judge and blame and remain in victim consciousness, a specific energy radiates out and then draws in energies that gravitate and feed on that dynamic.

Be in complete acceptance and allowance of another's path and actions. That is an expression of ultimate self-love. It does not mean we have to stay in a situation or allow energy feeding to continue. It just means live and let live and walk away. After all, your path and actions may look and feel a little strange to someone else too. Extending the same consideration that we wish others would extend to us is living in integrity with our Soul.

The way to cure this and all intrusion is to Understand And KNOW that you are Creator Also, you are the sole consciousness of your body, you are in control of your body and none others are allowed.

1. Number one priority, ALWAYS, is cultivate more Self Love. Much is being written today about Self Love and Self Nurture. There is just NO WAY AROUND THIS. We must tend to our own well being before we can be of HEALTHY service to ourselves and others. Accept yourself and be IN LOVE with yourself no matter what your journey has been or who you've shared it with.

2. An unhealthy sympathetic/empathetic consciousness also allows feeding. When in the presence of an emotional energy feeder and you begin to feel their feelings, that is your clue to stop whatever you are energetically doing right away. There is a definite transference going on at that point.

Empaths are famous for this. I will probably get a lot of flack for this, but there is nothing good about that quality of an Empath. Taking on others' energy is the exact opposite of Self Love. What good does it do to feel bad along with someone else feeling bad? There are ways to become strong and steely inside and also express a healthy compassion without taking on distorted and detrimental energy.

3. Make a conscious choice to stop it! NOW!

The following statements may help for nonphysical feeders:
I am a Sovereign Being and I command and demand that this stop now.
One body, one consciousness.  No More are allowed here.
I accept no more feeding.  This is my body, my life, my work. 
Get out! 

Intend to find and feel your inner strength. Get steely inside and in your core. Breathe into it. Practice this. It does not mean you are hateful and not loving. It just means you are strengthening yourself for a comfortable, creative life. A life of freedom as a sovereign Being.

When you continue these exercises/statements and your inner strength intensifies, attaching becomes a hassle and an energy deficit could result for them.

4. It is imperative to begin noticing when someone is taking our energy and when we are taking someone's energy, and then stop it. Start to discern the tone of someone's voice, the feel of their energy and body language when it starts. As you see it in others, you will then be able to see it in yourself. Ask your Authentic Self to step in and help you, to nudge you at each and every turn of this transition. You will be helped - just pay attention.

Say this out loud to help you solidify your decision:

I choose to stop feeding on others.
I choose to know when I am feeding on others and stop it immediately.  

5. Heal yourself! Either do it yourself or get help. Healing and bringing into balance all of your wounded and hurting aspects from your existence since inception and ejecting all other intrusive entities/energies will make you whole.

In Wholeness, In Radical Self Love & Surrender, We are Fully Engaged with our Authentic Self and own energy.
Nothing can attach and interfere with our Life Force. 
We are Sovereign Beings.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed medical practitioner. I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe. I merely facilitate the removal of discordant energies that may increase wellbeing. The information here is for entertainment purposes only and has been based on my experience with persons describing their diagnoses and issues.

© 03.18.2011

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All articles by Aniel Lia Love on CrystalWind.ca are published with written consent and submitted via email by the author. They are protected by copyright and are republished on CrystalWind.ca. Reproduction, copying, or sharing on other sites or platforms is prohibited. Unauthorized use or distribution is not permitted.


Credit - Aniel Lia Love - Click Here for Bio

aniel1I help individuals align with their true selves by exploring various levels of consciousness that often contain disruptive energies and influences impacting our well-being. By addressing and clearing these disturbances, I create clearer pathways to connect with one's Soul or True Self, leading to greater clarity, consistent well-being, and a more fulfilling life. Although I offer a range of transformative services, my main focus is on healing the energetic imprints and subconscious triggers of Sexual Assault Trauma.

Intro Consultation

Click this link if you:  Have You Been a Victim of Sexual Assault?

Source: https://aniellove.blogspot.com/

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission.

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