The Ultimate Zen Guide For Beginners: How To Let Go Of What Makes You Unhappy
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- Written by Sadie Brooks
- Views: 2783

Even though we all have different goals and aspirations in life, there is one thing that we all have in common - we all want to be happy. There are many things in life that we do to try and reach that ultimate happiness and stability, but not everything always works. We choose our jobs with the aim to be happy and financially stable, we try and meet new people to fulfill the social emptiness, we seek hobbies that will make us happy and so many other things. But, it will happen that some things prevent us from reaching the zen state and prevent us from being happy.
If you feel that’s the case with you and your life, here is a short guide on how to reach zen. Plus, this will help you let go of everything that makes you unhappy.
Gain Back Control
We often give too much of our lives to other people or things. But that doesn’t mean that they always deserve it. This is how you can lose control over your life and truly feel unhappy and under stress. That’s why it is important to gain that control back and it often means letting go.
You cannot certainly affect every little thing that is happening around you or in your life. And you can’t make an impact on everyone, but you can certainly choose your reaction to these people and things. This choice will determine who you want to allow to be in your life, and it is your choice who can let in and who can go out of your life. This means letting go, and letting go is never easy.
We often subconsciously hold on to things and people even though they make us unhappy. That’s why you have to have a long conversation with yourself and see who or what is making you miserable. Don’t be afraid to sometimes step out of your comfort zone because there is often a reward at the end, and this time it’s happiness.

A Change in Lifestyle
Letting go of certain people isn’t the only thing that will make you happier in life. There are things in our daily routines that actually make us feel miserable without us even noticing them. That’s why you should sit down and see what can you change in the way you live your life.
Start with food. If you are aware of your bad habits of eating too much junk food, drinking too much alcohol, or simply having bad eating habits, it’s time to change a few things. Start by eliminating foods that make you feel bloated, and sad after eating them and the foods that are overall bad for you. Start focusing on healthier ingredients, fruits, and veggies, and drink plenty of water. Additionally, you can add a few supplements to your diet to help you get those vitamins and energy back. For example, AMP supplements based on aloe vera are a great way to boost your immune system and replenish minerals and vitamins.
Another thing you can change is exercising. If you are not already exercising it is time to start. Exercise of any kind is so healthy for you that you will notice a huge change immediately. Additionally, you can simply start doing yoga every day and you will do both your body and mind a favor and reach ultimate zen.
Let Go of the Past
The past is in the past for a reason. We can’t change it and we cannot affect it. If there are people from your past that stayed there, there’s a reason for it, so don’t dwell on it. It is very clear that they won’t make it to your future, so try not to waste your time and energy on them. You have to realize that the key to letting go of the past is that there is no way to change it, and that’s perfectly okay.
Even though you may have some regrets and wish things were different now, as soon as you realize that there’s no changing the past the better you will feel. A nice way to practice this is to focus on the present and be mindful. Think about things you have today, about people that make you happy now. Focus on such positive things and people now and be grateful for it.

Conquer Negative Thoughts
All humans tend to have negative thoughts and ruminate more on bad experiences than on positive ones. And this is perfectly normal. And even though it is sometimes easier to just give in to the negative thoughts, there are ways to eliminate them and feel much happier in life.
However, don’t try and stop them from happening. That won’t work. Rather, if you find yourself in a negative cycle simply acknowledge it and try and work through it. Also, treat yourself as if you are your own friend and give advice. Think about how you would console a friend that is down on themselves, and do the same for your own negative state.
Lastly, challenge your negative thoughts. The goal is to get out of your negative mindset and find a more positive one. If you see a negative thought try and find what’s the cause of it, is there any evidence to support that negativity or put that negative thought in a different perspective to see if the problem you think you have is actually that big?
To conquer your negative thoughts all you have to do is be kind to yourself. It is okay to feel sad sometimes but if you get overwhelmed by that feeling, be kind. Don’t scorn yourself, rather try to lift yourself up just like you would do for a friend.
To reach zen and happiness in life isn’t always easy. We all have our ups and downs and it can be challenging. There are things in life that we cannot impact or change and it is good to let go of such things. Choose who you want to be and choose to lift yourself up and you will see immense change in your state of mind and levels of happiness. Stop focusing on the past, be grateful for the present, and look forward to the future!
Header Photo by olia danilevich
Sadie Brooks: Journalist graduate, travel aficionado, and someone with endless curiosity. Lives in San Francisco, and enjoys reading, cooking, and comedy songs.
“Run from what’s comfortable. Be notorious”
You can follow me on Twitter Here!
This article was submitted exclusively to by Sadie Brooks.
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