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The Art of Relaxation - Turning Your Living Room into a Zen Paradise

The Art of Relaxation: Turning Your Living Room into a Zen Paradise

There’s no time like now to have a little home makeover that will turn your home into a relaxing sanctuary. If you’re under a lot of stress, if you’re feeling drained mentally and physically, you might benefit from the peace and relaxation of your Zen home. Luckily, you don’t have to start taking down any walls in order to pull off this transformation! A few cosmetic changes are all you need to turn your living room into a true Zen paradise.

Paint it light and bright

Paint it light and bright

Many people find dark colors relaxing because they make them feel like they’re in a cozy little den. However, if you’re aiming for a place that will boost your feelings of Zen and mindfulness, you’re better off by being surrounded by light, air and space! Think neutral and bright colors like white, pale gray or rose gray for a very cool and peaceful look. Having a neutral background allows you to change your décor whenever you like and always have a calm and Zen living room that’s not overwhelming.

Manage your window treatment

Manage your window treatment

When it comes to fabrics, your safest bet is to stick with the same philosophy of colors: light, comforting and natural. Pay special attention to your window treatment. This part of your living room is what provides privacy and intimacy to your home, but it also reduces draughts, blocks harsh sunlight and reduces noise. All in all, your curtains play an important role in creating a comfortable and Zen environment. Opt for natural textiles such as linen, wool or cotton and match your curtains with the rest of the space.

Invest in comfort

Invest in comfort

The best way to relax after a long day is to sit in your cozy living room furniture and spend time with your family or catch a good movie. If you aren’t physically comfortable, there’s no way you can call your space ‘Zen’! Before you hit the stores in search of a new sofa, think about your family’s requirements. Do you need to sofas and two armchairs or can you get away with one of each? Also, there are many new models of living room furniture that pay special attention to ergonomics, so if you have any back or neck pain, make sure to pick a piece that offers ample support.

Ban toxins and allergens from your space

Ban toxins and allergens from your space

Did you know that indoor air can be several times more polluted than outdoor air? Due to bad ventilation, cooking fumes, cigarette smoke and your paint and furniture off-gassing, that piece of information shouldn’t come as a surprise. So, make sure to provide yourself and your family with clean living room air free of mold, pollen and dust. Picking out an air purifier isn’t an easy task, but there are handy guides that will help you choose the best air purifier for your space and your needs. You will certainly breathe more easily and feel super relaxed and healthy in your space.

Regulate your light

Regulate your light

They might provide you with plenty of illumination, but harsh fluorescent overhead lighting can cause eye strain, induce headaches and just look unnatural and cold. So your best choice is to layer your lighting with desk, table and floor lamps. They will produce warmish illumination and be more soothing. Plus, if you ever want to read, do taxes or anything that needs direct task lighting, you’ll always have just what you need at hand.

Burn a scented candle

Burn a scented candle

If you want to find your living room even more relaxing, especially in the evening before you hit the bed, try burning a scented candle or diffuse some essential oils. Scents like lavender, rosemary and lemon boost the feeling of relaxation and can help put you to sleep. Just don’t forget to extinguish your candle before you go to bed, especially if you have pets or small kids who can knock it over. Unattended open flame is a huge hazard!

Add greenery

Add greenery

It has been proven that the presence of greenery has a beneficial effect on human mental and physical health. It boosts relaxation and focus, but it also helps keep your air full of fresh oxygen and free of toxins. Plus, green is very easy on the eyes and can serve as a pop of natural color to your environment. Plants like succulents and cacti are very easy to take care of, yet they will provide you with various health and aesthetic benefits. If you don’t think you can keep a plant alive, every once in a while treat yourself to a bouquet of fresh flowers that will add a touch of nature to your space.

Don’t be afraid to go on this home improvement journey and try out the Zen style of living! If you make just a little effort to eliminate negative and introduce positive influences into your living room, you will have a more relaxing and mindful life.



Sophia Smith is beauty and style blogger, an eco-lifestyle lover, graphic designer and a DIY enthusiast. She is very passionate about natural skincare, minimalist wardrobe, yoga and mindful living. Sophia writes mostly about beauty-related topics in her articles. She has contributed to a number of publications including: Eco Warrior Princess, Viva Glam Magazine, How to Simplify and Carousel.

You can find out more about her writing by following her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Sophia Smith 

© 2019 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.

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