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How Judgment Creates and Why Only Love Heals All Things

How Judgment Creates and Why Only Love Heals All Things

When you judge anything, you energize it. The Judgment of a thing and the thing itself are one and the same thing. it’s the same energy. This is very difficult to understand here on earth because many still think of things as happening OUTSIDE OF THEM. But everything is energy and you are creating your reality based on what you energize with your thoughts and beliefs.

When you judge or condemn someone or something, you are acknowledging what you judge as a reality. You therefore not only energize it so that it grows, but the same energy ends up growing in you. This does not mean if you judge a killer, you will necessarily kill, but you will grow rage and hatred in your heart which is the same energy as murder. You will then experience the effects of this for example by hurting others with words, thinking evil thoughts, finding yourself in chaotic situations and relationships etcetera. You are causing death even though not physically. Death can be emotional, physical, and psychological.  

Jesus in his teachings emphasized that all sin (error) starts in the heart and he likened murder to hate, lust to adultery, and so forth. We judge acts like murder as worse sins but all sin is the same. Sin is error; error in mind. It is the fruit of false patterns of thought and belief. The result of the illusion of separation.

The physical world is a reflection of the spiritual world and it is the spiritual world (what happens in man’s consciousness) that creates reality. Therefore, we would be wise to understand how things are caused so we stop dealing with effects and tackle the root cause which is always within.

Judgment is a double-edged sword

Judgment like anything else is a double-edged sword. Not only does it affect you because you reap what you sow, but it also affects the other person because we are ONE.

For example, if you judge a drug addict in your family and keep on condemning them in your heart as a bad, weak, and vile person, you actually keep them rooted in addiction. By SEEING them as this person in your mind, you keep them as this person. You join them in their weakness and keep them stuck there. You don’t help them at all by crystal wind judging and condemning them and you certainly don’t help yourself as you attract addictive energy to yourself which will manifest in your life. Your addiction could manifest as the same addiction or other addictions such as addiction to the addict, drama, and negativity. All addictions are the same. The classifications are only earthly. And if you keep this judgment growing in your heart this could grow in subsequent lifetimes to acts of violence or even the addiction you judged another for. Like attracts like.

Only love heals

Only love heals. The only way to heal anything however horrible it seems is to cultivate the energy of divine love within us. Now, love is not a passive dismissal or denial of wrongs. Love is actually seeing the TRUTH about a situation or person. Truth is never at the level of appearances. What we see are always effects of man’s thinking which are mostly false. For example, the addict is deep down believing a lie about themselves that they are powerless, not good enough, and need the drug to make them feel good and fulfilled. Eventually, however, it overpowers them and they can’t stop. And as they pile on the guilt, shame, and anger, and then this is energized by other people’s judgment, shaming, and condemnation, it becomes even harder to break free from. That’s how all evil grows; through sustained energy.

Your energy is your responsibility

At a personal level, our responsibility is to watch what energy we are sending out into the world. We can choose to see the perfection in all people even when they can’t see it themselves. That’s how we affect change. See the addict free, and whole, and treat them with love and respect. This does not mean enabling their addiction. Love always has wisdom and if you love genuinely, you’ll be guided to any action you should take to help. However, simply loving the person and holding crystalwind.ca the perfected vision in your heart is enough to send the light of healing to them. And since light is stronger than darkness because the light is real and is truth, just one person holding another in divine perfection in thought, words and deeds is enough to undo layers of fear, judgment, and false thinking.

You are the light of the world

Apply this to all things no matter if they apply to yourself, others, or world events. Maintain God’s vision regarding all. See and believe in perfection. This is not denial, but the truth. The illusions that appear on the world screen are projections of thought forms from the minds of individuals. They cannot be corrected by only dealing with effects. It’s the mind that needs healing. You can’t change the reflection in a mirror by breaking the mirror. You can only start at a personal level by changing or healing your own mind so it sees the truth of love. Once you’re healed you can then become a LIGHT to the world. Only then will you carry an energetic presence that heals even without words. Everything is energy.

This is what Jesus meant when he said, “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment, you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye Matthew 7:1-5

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment. John 7:24

Your loving vision heals

You only become the Light of the world when love replaces fear and judgment. This is because only then is vision perfected. Only then can you see clearly and help others see clearly. When your vision is perfected by divine love you no longer see bad people and good people, or good acts and evil acts. That is judging by appearances. Instead, you see crystal wind only love or a lack of love. And the lack of love is a cry for love. The person doing what you judge is lost and a lost person is helped by showing them the way. In this sense, love is the way because it is the light of true perception.

Once a person sees themselves correctly, they will not harm themselves or others. But until they can or are ready to see correctly, the responsibility is to love. Keep forgiving seventy times seven times. Forgiveness is love in action. Hold the perfected vision of all things with patience knowing love never fails.

As Apostle Paul says: “Owe no man anything, but to love one another” Romans 13:8

Apply these same things to yourself and do not judge yourself. be kind and gentle to yourself, forgiving yourself always. You’ll never overcome what you condemn.

We are one. We are all the one God. That’s the bottom line and divine truth. What you do to another you do to yourself. And this is literal.

Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Ephesians 4:1-6

Mwendwa Mbaabu is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, and Mindset Coach. Her passion is to help people awaken to their divine nature and oneness with God/Source, raise their consciousness, and learn how to be deliberate and conscious creators of their reality.Mwendwa Mbaabu is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, and Mindset Coach. Her passion is to help people awaken to their divine nature and oneness with God/Source, raise their consciousness, and learn how to be deliberate and conscious creators of their reality.
Mwendwa’s profound, yet simple teachings about how individuals create their reality through their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, have helped many find freedom from suffering, helplessness, and victimhood and regain their divine power and freedom. She is dedicated to helping people live more empowered and fulfilled lives.
Mwendwa’s teachings often bring to life the mystical and spiritual truths of the bible and Jesus to a modern generation, lifting the veil of religious dogma to reveal the universal truths of oneness.
Mwendwa’s first book, Reality Creation and Manifesting: A Collection of Essays on Manifesting and Deliberate Creation, was published in December 2020
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