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Colour Correspondences


Colour Correspondences

Colour plays a powerful role in ritual Witchcraft and Magick. Colours are carefully considered and assigned to all aspects of Spell making, Ritual magick and Festivals.

Colours have symbolic associations representing occult powers, and have their own energy frequencies that emanate specific influences. Careful consideration needs to be given to colour correspondences when used with Candles, Clothing, Symbols, Deities influences, Planetary influences, Zodiacal influences and Magickal Days. The use of colour is also important to our meditation and visualization techniques.

Below is a list of colours and their associations:

Black - Is used to invoke the power of Saturn. Contrary to popular belief, black does not indicate evil. Far from it, black is the absence of colour. It is protective and symbolizes the night, the universe and the lack of falsehood. Black is symbolic of the blackness of outer space and considered the ultimate source of divine energy. Black is used for dealing with such matters as: Binding, Patience, Stability, Neutralization, Material Gain, Protection, Karma, Death, Manifestation, Structure’s, Reality, Laws of society, Limits, Obstacles, Tests, Handwork, Real Estate, Dentists, Bones, Teeth, Farm Workers, Sacrifice, Separation, Stalkers, Murderers, Criminals, Civil Servants, Justice, Math’s, Plumbing, Wills, Debts, Financing, Discoveries, Transformation and Relations with Older People.

Blue - Is used to induce the power of Jupiter. Blue is a Goddess colour and the colour most associated with the elements of water. Blue is used for dealing with such matter as: Wealth, Joy, Opportunity, Abundance, Elevation, Tranquillizing, Aligning, Business, Logic, Gambling, Social matters, Political power, Material wealth, Publishing, Collage education, Long distance travel, Foreign interests, Religion, Philosophy, Forecasting, Broadcasting, Publicity, Expansion, Luck, Growth, Sport, Horses, Legal matters, Doctors, Guardians, Merchants, Psychologists, Charity, Correspondence courses, Self-improvement, Research, Reading and Studying. Blue is used to attune to the Goddess in her Oceanic aspect.

Brown - Is the element of Earth and is symbolic of endurance and animal health. Brown is a good colour for Grounding, Solidifying and Strengthening. Brown is used for matters dealing with Material Increases, Eliminating Indecisiveness, Improving Concentration, Study, Telepathy, Increasing Financial Success, Locating Lost Property and anything to do with Animal matters.

Green - Induces the power of Venus and is symbolic of the Earth’s elements. Green is used to influence such matters as: Herbal Magick, Luck, Fertility, Physical Healing, Balance, Prosperity, Courage, Change, Material Things, Peace, Harmony, Relationships and Success. Also used for Romantic Love, Friendship, Beauty, Soul-mates, Artistic Ability, Affection, Partners, Alliances, Grace, Luxury, Social Activity, Marriage, Decorating, Cosmetics, Gifts, Income, Gardening, Architects, Artists, Beauticians, Chiropractors, Dancers, Designers, Engineers, Entertainers, Fashion, Music, Painting, Poetry, Courtship, Dating, Household Improvements, Planning Parties and Shopping.

Gold - Induces the power of the Sun and is used to attune with the God. It brings Self-realization and Inner-strength. Gold is used for such matters as: Health, Success, Careers, Goals, Ambition, Personnel Finances, Advancement, Drama, Fun, Authority, Figures, Law, Fairs, Crops, Totem Animals, Volunteer and Civic Services, Promotion, Men’s Mysteries, Children, Buying, Selling and Speculation. Also used for Physical Strength, Achievement, Healing Energy and Divination.

Pink - Induces the power of Venus but can be used to influence Mars. Pink represents: Love, Friendship and Harmony. Pink is used for such matters as: Passion, Partnerships, Swift Movement, Action, Energy, Sex, Physical Energy, Sport, Muscular Activity, Cutting, Surgery, Buying and Selling Animals, Gardening, Woodworking and New Beginnings, Honour, Morality and the Emotions.

Purple - Induces the power of Mercury and influences Occult Forces, Hidden Aspects and Secret Dealings. Purple is used by those who work with pure divine power (Magicians, Priests and Priestesses) and those who wish to deepen their spiritual awareness of the God and Goddess. It is used for such matters as: Wisdom, Healing, Communication, Intelligence, Memory, Education, Correspondences, Phone Calls, Computers, Messages, Students, Merchants, Editing, Writing, Advertising, Signing Contracts, Siblings, Neighbours, Kin, Accounting, Clerks, Critics, Music, Editors, Journalists, Visual Arts, Hiring Employee’s, Learning, Languages, Visiting Friends, Legal Appointments and Astrology. Also used for Spiritual Development, Intuition, Ambition, Progress, Occult Wisdom, Psychic Ability and the Third Eye (Divination).

Red - Induces the power of Mars and can be used to influence Saturn. It is used when attuning with the God in his fiery aspect. Red is the colour of Vitality, Power, Strength and Courage and is Invigorating, Motivating and Passionate. It is used to influence such matters as: Passion, Partnerships, Courage, Action, Physical Energy, Aggression, Sex, Physical Energy, Sport, Guns, Tools, Metals, Police, Soldiers, Combat, Confrontation, Business Deals, Buying and Selling, Mechanical Things, Repairs and Hunting.

Silver - Induces the power of the Moon and can be used with Mercury influences. It is used to attune to the Goddess while bringing the ability to respond to life’s energies. Silver is used for such matters as: Wisdom, Healing, Communication, Intelligence, Memory, Education, Correspondences, Phone Calls, Computers, Messages, Students, Merchants, Editing, Writing, Advertising, Signing Contracts, Siblings, Neighbours, Kin, Accounting, Clerks, Critics, Music, Editors, Journalists, Visual Arts, Hiring Employee’s, Learning, Languages, Visiting Friends, Legal Appointments and Astrology. Also used for Spiritual Development, Intuition, Ambition, Progress, Occult Wisdom, Psychic Ability and the Third Eye (Divination).

When attuned to the Goddess, silver is used for such matters as: Lunar Magick, Meditation, Psychic Development, Success, Balance, Warding off Negativity, Intuition, Dreams, and Astral Energy.

Yellow - Induces the power of the Sun and can be used to attune with the God. It is used to influence such matters as: Health, Success, Careers, Goals, Ambition, Personnel Finances, Advancement, Drama, Fun, Authority, Figures, Law, Fairs, Crops, Totem Animals, Volunteer and Civic Services, Promotion, Men’s Mysteries, Children, Buying, Selling and Speculation. Also used for Physical Strength, Achievement and Healing Energy.

is representative of the Elements of Air, and as such is used for such matters as: Divination, Clairvoyance, Mental Alertness, Intellectual Growth, Prosperity, Harmony, Energizing and Creativity.

White - Induces the power of the Moon and is used to attune with the Goddess. Can also be used with Venus and Saturn. Pure dazzling white light can be called upon to bring about: Realization, Intention, Insight and power itself. It is also used to influence: Psychic Pursuits, Psychology, Dreams, Astral Travel, Imagination, Women’s Mysteries, Re-incarnation, Short Trip’s, Spirituality, Full moon magic, Purity, Protection, Truth, Meditation, Peace, Sincerity, Justice, Warding off Doubts and Fears.

Orange - Induces the power of Mercury and is sometimes used for solar energy. Representative of the God, it can be used and combined with other candles to simulate their actions. Orange is used to influence such matters as: Health, Strength, Luck, Vitality, Business Goals, Justice, Success, Ambition, Personal Finances, Buying, Selling, Speculating and Authority Figures.

Violet - Induces the power of Jupiter. Can be use to influence such matters as: Intuition, Self-improvement, Wealth, Joy, Opportunity, Abundance, Elevation, Business, Logic, Gambling, Social matters, Political power, Material wealth, Publishing, Collage education, Foreign interests, Religion, Philosophy, Forecasting, Broadcasting, Publicity, Expansion, Luck, Growth, Sport, Horses, Legal matters, Doctors, Guardians, Merchants, Psychologists, Charity, Correspondence courses, Research, Reading and Studying.

Indigo - Induces the power of Saturn. Indigo is the colour of inertia and is used to stop situations or people. Use in rituals that require a deep meditational state. It can also be used to influence such matters as: Binding, Patience, Stability, Neutralization, Material Gain, Protection, Karma, Death, Manifestation, Structure’s, Reality, Laws of society, Limits, Obstacles, Tests, Handwork, Real Estate, Sacrifice, Separation, Stalkers, Murderers, Criminals, Civil Servants, Justice, Math’s, Wills, Debts, Financing, Discoveries, Transformation, Relations with Older People and for Warding off slander.

Lavender - Induces the power of Mercury to influence Occult Forces, Spiritual Development, Psychic Growth and Divination. It is used for such matters as: Wisdom, Healing, Communication, Intelligence, Memory, Education, Correspondences, Phone Calls, Computers, Messages, Students, Merchants, Editing, Writing, Advertising, Signing Contracts, Intuition, Ambition, Progress and Occult Wisdom.

Written and Compiled by George Knowles

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