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Teachings of the Masters: Break Free from the Status Quo

Teachings of the Masters: Break Free from the Status Quo

Allow truth to be told 

to be discovered

to be known.

Allow yourself to break your commitment 

to keep the status quo afloat.

Allowing truth in all of its many colors, in all of its
frequency hues, to come out now, revealing itself to be bold.


Nicole Gans Singer - As a child, I had clairvoyant abilities and regularly saw the Masters, however I  never realized there was anything unique about that and I saw them as friends. In 1991, I received communication from Jeshua (Jesus) and my life changed. I have since studied Tibetan Buddhism, and am empowered in Medicine Buddha, White Tara, Norjuma,  Shambala and White Umbrella through Khenchen Palden Sherab & Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal. I also practiced the purification practice of fasting, and prayer practice known as Nyungne several times & have spent years in regular meditation practice. I hold Reiki Master attunements in Sekhem-Seichim as well as Sekhmet Seichim.  I am a life long student of A Course in Miracles.  And I have a Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling from Nova Southeastern & a Bachelors Degree from Georgetown University in D.C. Source

The title for this article was created by CrystalWind.ca. 

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