Who Are The Pleiadians and Where Do Pleiadians Come From?
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- Written by AndEl

Pleiadians come from the planet Erra near the star Taygeta and are extra-terrestrials that most resemble humans. Pleiadians were first mentioned contacted 130 times by a female Pleiadian Alien named Samjese. Billie Meier's contact with this Pleiadian woman resulted in a worldwide
phenomenon to uncover more information about who these Pleiadians were and where they came from.
Today, we know more information about their origins and their home planet. Through various contacts (with Pleiadians and other alien races) alien enthusiasts know how Pleiadians look, where they are from, and what their past interaction with humans signifies to our race as we begin our development ages into the spiritual world so we may find our way through the higher planes of celestial wisdom and join the Arcturians & Pleiadians. Humans are said to share common physical traits with Pleiadians which can be traced back to both the Pleiadian and Human Ancestors from Lyra.
Pleiadians' Origination

Because of savage wars, Lyrans were forced out into the mystery of the galaxy. Soon, the Pleiadians found their new home in The Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull, which is 500 light years from the planet Earth. Since the wars on Lyra, Pleiadians remain on Erra seeking the ways taught by their friends, the Arcturians. There are seven stars in the Pleiades Cluster, which are: 1)Taygeta 2) Maya 3) Coela 4) Atlas 5) Merope 6)Electra 7) Alcoyne. The Pleiadians are a very ancient race of humanoids. They discovered Earth many years ago (225,000 B.C.) and have played a large role in our ancient evolution, but have remained silent watchers of our planet since their departure in 10 A.D.
The Pleiadians currently hold chairs on the council which over see the for the higher truths of the universe and remain a peaceful race of extra-terrestrials. Although they have not reached the heights of their friends, the Arcturians, they continue to develop the mental skills necessary to eventually reach their goal; however, their state of mind have allowed them to develop the ability to transition in and out of our dimension. Some speculate that their entire civilization has moved beyond our space and time and exists beyond our understanding. Their main source of transportation is their intergalactic spaceships which are also known as Beamships. These Beamships have a similar look and feel to the Grey Alien UFOs which are commonly identified during sightings. Since Billie Meier's contact with the Pleiadian woman, many books and articles have surfaced to shed light on this race of aliens that we seem to identify with very closely. As our trek takes us into the teachings of higher spirituality, we find that many civilizations
outside our world have already mastered and understood the benefits of becoming one with the Infinite Powers of the Universe
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