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The Pleiadian Council of Light: Accelerate Your Ascension

The Pleiadian Council of Light:  Accelerate Your Ascension

Greetings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Thank you for speaking with us, and thank you for this Transmission.

As more of the infinite Light of the Prime Creator reaches the Earth, the process of ascension for humanity has been significantly accelerated. This influx of divine energy is impacting on the way individuals perceive time and their surroundings. Everything in your perspective seems to be moving at an astonishing pace, with days seemingly flying by. Many individuals are feeling the loss of missing time, as if hours and even days have slipped away unnoticed. This sensation is due to the rapid shifts occurring in your consciousness. Your reality is changing very quickly, evolving in ways that you may not fully comprehend.

The acceleration of the energies surrounding you is to ensure Humanity's awakening. This awakening is an eminent part of the ascension that is currently taking place.

For those who are just beginning to awaken to their spiritual potential and the deeper truths of existence, their spiritual journey is also being quickened remarkably. This acceleration allows them to confront and clear the negative energies and emotional blockages at a very fast pace. As they engage in this process of release, they create ample space for Love and Light to enter their hearts and minds.

This influx of positive energy is working, like a domino effect, throughout the Human collective.

As these newly awakened individuals experience rapid changes in awareness and perception, it can be overwhelming at first. They are receiving an information overload. For many in the past, this has been when cognitive dissonance sets in, and they literally chose not to see truth. However, for those newly awakened in these moments, they are having to face truth head on, without having the chance to choose to not see it. Disclosure is now becoming mainstream, and with your technologies of today, the Human collective can connect with each other anywhere at any time, discovering the truth for themselves.

For those who are in Awareness, the rapid changes you are experiencing can evoke a range of emotions. These emotions range from excitement and anticipation to confusion and an underlying sense of urgency. Remember to keep it simple, Just be Love. Express through your Thoughts, words and actions, the Vibrations of Love, Care, Compassion, Gratitude, Giving, Forgiveness, and Unity.

 It is crucial to understand that it doesn't take intense spiritual teachings or rigorous practices to ascend to higher states of consciousness. Instead, what is truly required is Love in your Heart, a genuine love that radiates warmth and compassion towards oneself and others. The more you can embody the essence of a loving and caring being, the faster you will ascend along this spiritual journey. This is a message that has been echoed by countless spiritual teachers throughout your history, each one emphasizing the same fundamental truth. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. These timeless principles serve as guiding lights, reminding you of the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of treating each other with kindness and respect.

These are the true teachings of spirituality, distilled into simple yet profound concepts that resonate deeply within the human experience. This knowing, this innate understanding of love and compassion, is already within you, waiting to be awakened and expressed. Even a newborn baby can love. You entered Earth with Unconditional Love already within you. It is a part of your very essence, a core aspect of what it means to be human. Humanity has literally been programmed, throughout your life, to feed the ego. You have learned to separate yourselves.  It's time to step back into the Love that you came to Earth with. 

 As you embark on this journey of inner-discovery and growth, remember that the power to transform your life and the lives of those around you lies in your ability to love unconditionally. Embrace this truth, and let it guide your actions, thoughts, and interactions. In doing so, you will not only elevate your own spirit but also contribute to the collective awakening of humanity, creating a ripple effect of love and positivity that transcends boundaries and unites you all.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Credit - Universal Lighthouse - Click Here for bio

Dear Family of Light,
We are Chellea and David, Twin Flames whose journey began in childhood and blossomed into love at 17. Our first paranormal experience, where we mysteriously ended up 30 miles from home, set the stage for our deeper spiritual exploration. Chellea faced a public attack by what she believes was a demon during her time at Christian College, leading her to delve into the occult, including wicca and the fairy realm.
She later studied metaphysics with Master Don Waddell and ancient texts, while David and Chellea reunited in 2008 and formed a paranormal investigation team. A tragic family event in 2012 inspired Chellea to create a fantasy storybook that eerily mirrored real-life events, leading to unsettling paranormal activity.
Despite these challenges, Chellea has embraced her role as a channeler of higher light, having recalled multiple past lives and experiences as an extraterrestrial. Now, she cares for her elderly mother, with David by her side as her strength and protector.
With love and light,
David and Chellea

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