The Galactic Federation of Light: Align with Higher Frequencies
- Details
- Written by Octavia Vasile

The Galactic Federation of Light:
"Greetings to all of you. We so much love connecting with you!
This time, we are reaching out to inform you about the current state of your planet. First, we invite you to observe the fluidity of life and understand that there is not just one timeline but various ones that have crystallized recently.
We are working to maintain the high-vibrational timelines unaffected. Unfortunately, at the moment, a certain separation has emerged, which many of you can likely feel. Some of you have shifted your vibration to the 5th-dimensional frequencies, perceiving yourselves as creators rather than victims of circumstance. These are the ones who will generate further positive change.
Additionally, some now align their consciousness with 4th-dimensional frequencies, and others continue to generate further 3D timelines. And that's perfectly fine—this is all part of your wonderful game. Please embrace everyone's unique intentions and pathways, because, truly, there is no "better" or "worse." The game is simply different at various levels.
That being said, today we address this transmission to those of you who know you are the creators of your own reality—those who have empowered themselves through strong spiritual practices and the embrace of new visions. To you, we extend an invitation to experience these realities by keeping your attention focused on what you wish to create.
Do not feed any negativity with your attention, as doing so will only generate more of it. Train yourself continuously to be creators, rather than complainers, so as not to perpetuate negativity in your life.
Learn to observe what works and what doesn’t, and wherever you see room for improvement, act upon it. By simply telling yourself, "I can change this; there is always a solution!" you begin generating positive change. Shape your mindset, for your focus is the most powerful instrument for creation that you have. Use it wisely and benefit from it.
Focus on positivity, observe what you wish to create and how it can unfold, and invite new ways to manifest—trust in the process. But do not look back to the 3D world, for it will only pull you back into it. Here’s how it works: you believe it is real, and so it becomes. Look forward to your golden future and embrace it with trust, because you have every reason to do so.
We are all around Earth with our thousands of motherships. Look up at the night sky, call upon us, and we will make ourselves seen to you.
We express our gratitude to all of you for stepping into the New Earth!"
The Galactic Federation of Light: channeled by Octavia Vasile
If you wish to book a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here!
Many blessings!
This article has been published on with written approval from Octavia Vasile!
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