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Pleiadians: Truth About Our Role in Humanity's Ascension

Pleiadians: Truth About Our Role in Humanity's Ascension

Greetings Humans,

We, Pleiadians, are greeting you for our first official transmission to humanity on the request of Ashtar. We are very happy to have an opportunity to communicate through this channel.

We are not from Pleiades as the Light Community claims, this is old and outdated information. We stayed on a Pleiades Star System for a very short time, a long time ago, as it was very crowded space with many star systems in that area. We wanted more privacy, so we left. We are much more faraway and can’t disclose our location for security reasons, as the Dark Ones want to attack and eliminate us, because of our heavy involvement in your Ascension Process being part of the Galactic Light Forces.

Our civilization is actively participating in overlooking your evolution on your planet. We want to bring to your attention a few important topics. First of all, our Pleaidian Civilization never directly send any messages to Mother Earth, until today. We are not communicating or working with any human channelers. We don’t give energy or space weather updates, talk about meaningless solar flares or about a Solar flash event, which is never going to happen.

This might be shocking to some of you, all of the messages you read or videos watched for years that were supposedly coming from Pleiadians, are all fake. There are humans on your planet, who have been making a living using our civilization’s name claiming, we are working with them by doing healing sessions and writing books about us, while at the same time actually never making contact with us.

Why didn’t we communicate with humanity? We are vey busy, and the main reason there was no need for it. We have four Pleaidian beings, who are representing our Galactic Civilization. Our Galactic Commanders Ashtar and Vrillon, our Pleaidian High Councillors Mira and KaRa. Any other being claiming to be Pleaidian, they don’t exist. Also, if these four being representing our civilization say in the message that they are from Pleiades, it’s a fake message.

There is no such thing as Pleiadians from Taygeta either, it doesn’t exist. So why did we finally decided to communicate as a civilization? Ashtar brought to our attention that a lot of messages are being posted in the Light Community saying they are coming from us. We came to reveal the truth and to stop the spreading of not accurate information.

We just don’t understand humans, who are interested in moving to 5D, while still believing in a false information. When Ashtar in his last message presented the truth about the war between Russia and Ukraine, many of you had difficulty to accept the reality of the conflict. The facts are listed openly on your internet. It’s has been mentioned in previous messages, you can’t trust the main stream media and news organizations, they are not your friend.

They lie to you every day and push the Dark Agenda on you. There are very few independent news outlets that tell you the truth. They do research on what is actually the truth. They don’t have any bias or any alignment to a political party. We have a question to humanity. How are you going to ascend, if you can’t handle the truth about a single topic? To recognize and understand the real truth, it’s important part of the Ascension Process.

Pleiadians: Truth About Our Role in Humanity's Ascension

You won’t be able to be in a higher dimensions, if you can’t accept the truth. In our 7D or higher reality we only tell the truth to each other regardless, if it’s positive or negative. We don’t lie or hide any information from each other, except for sensitive military information. We do not sugarcoat things; we communicate telepathically to each on how things really are. You can’t move forward and leave the past behind, if you are turning your head away from, what is really happening around you.

Sorry to say it, you are not ready to transform into higher dimensions. You can’t progress without doing the spiritual work and recognizing deceptions and lies. Our priorities are to support and meditate on behalf of our brothers and sisters, who volunteered to help your planet to advance to multi dimensional realms. Don’t follow those, who make up stories about us and other civilizations.

We would love to see you consistently advancing. Light Beings and Ascended Masters numerous times suggested for everyone to live your life through your soul and not through your ego’s mind. You can’t advance anywhere on your spiritual path, unless everything such as past emotions, attachments and materialistic desires get flushed out to the surface and get processed. It’s a necessary part to become pure and innocent without any Darkness within you, which got absorbed during many lifetimes you had on Earth.

Our civilization had many ups and downs during our long existence in the Cosmos. We are a few billions years old race. Many of us live in the 7th or higher dimensions. We love simplicity, beauty and peace. Our height varies from 8 to 15 feet. Your own history of Mother Earth was portrayed based on hiding the real facts from you. Recently, your archeologists found the ruins looking like a labyrinthine in Athens, Greece. Saying it was 4,000 years old, which was used for ritual or religious functions.

Actually, it was utilized for landing starships from different parts of the Cosmos, mainly by an ancient Galactic Civilization. This area is leftovers from advanced technology. It’s over 15,000 years old. After being so long in a 3D reality, this location can’t operate anymore for landing spacecraft. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. We are sending our Supreme Love to all of you.

The truth will set you free


Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

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