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Pleiadians: Ready to Aid in Your Transformation
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- Written by Possidonius Neto
We have observed the progress of the human race. Not just now.
We have been here for thousands and thousands of years, either as our incarnated sister souls, or as High Dimensional beings who observe this planet and help within each one's mission.
Being here today, helping this entire process, for us is like appeasing a feeling of debt that we have maintained all this time. We know that we weren't the only ones, but that we didn't know how to stay balanced, and keep the planet in the dimension it was in. But this is in the past. Everything happened because it had to happen, because this planet had to go through this entire phase that it went through.
Today, walking is different. Walking is towards the light. So there’s no need to have doubts, there’s no need to have feelings that “We’re not going to make it!” Let's go!
This message today is precisely to bring you encouragement, strength, support, so that you do not get carried away by what supposedly seems to be your world out there. We are not impassive in what is happening on your planet. Our Arcturian brothers, whose reputation as excellent healers, are not sleeping; and have already worked on the planet. It's just not convenient for fear to stop being spread. It is the only weapon that still exists on the planet: fear. Just it.
Don't take this to mean that what happens out there is a lie, because it isn't. There is an enemy outside your home, and if you don't take care of yourself, you won't protect yourself; (I'm not saying you can die, this will depend on your vibration); but you can take it into your home, and not everyone vibrates like you who are here listening, vibrate.
Understand, many have already made a choice, and are taking advantage of the moment to make that choice count. So, don't change the choices of those around you. Because many people around you chose to stay here, but if you don't take care of yourself, if you don't protect yourself, and you don't protect those around you; it could be hit and not be treated, and then you will be shortening a process that was not yet time to happen.
You don't know how that soul will interpret all of this. If she actually has the strength to believe that she can go through all this. So yes, you could be shortening the lives of others. Everything has a right time, but many things happen through your vibration. These are the famous shortcuts that their souls take. And then it all escapes, from the project of the soul.
So what we want to say with this video here today is that you don't be afraid. If you vibrate trust and faith, nothing will reach you; however, it is not because you vibrate trust and faith that you do not have to protect others. The problem is not you; are the others.
Do not let yourselves be carried away by the imbalances in your countries. This is all a mask to cover what is actually happening, so that you forget the real enemy you have. So know how to behave. Know how to have love for each other and for yourself. Do not think of yourself as invincible, infallible, or immortal. There is a soul path, yes, but if you take a shortcut, the path will not be fulfilled. Whatever the shortcut causes will be fulfilled.
So keep your vibrations high. Protect yourselves. This virus should have been completely defeated, if you had stayed protected at home. You wouldn't be going through any of this anymore. But many don't believe it. Many are paying to see it.
So act according to your heads and hearts. We are here to say that we follow everything, and as we said, the Arcturians have already done their part; but you didn't do yours. So the viral continues. The choices are yours. Free will is yours. Anyone who needs our help, ask. Ask for guidance, ask for protection, but that protection of love, not that selfish protection. No, it's that protection of protecting yourself and those around you, so that everyone fulfills their soul paths. Don't get caught by shortcuts you didn't ask to take.
We are the Pleiadians. We are here, next to each one of you. Ask for our help, and you will certainly have it.
Translator :
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B - Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner
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