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Pleiadian Light Forces: The Awakening of Humanity - The Arrival

Pleiadian Light Forces: The Awakening of Humanity - The Arrival

Dear family of light,

We stand at the threshold of an extraordinary moment in human history—a convergence of realms, dimensions, and truths long hidden.

The Pleiadians have taught us that extraterrestrial beings have been visiting Earth for millions of years. They have been here since the beginning, playing a key role in the development and evolution of the human race. From guiding our spiritual growth to influencing civilizations, these higher-dimensional beings have always been a part of our journey.

In Earth year 2024, as more and more high-vibrational light began flooding the planet, consciousness levels started rising at unprecedented rates, and something incredible began to happen.

High-level whistleblowers started stepping forward, revealing the existence of non-human intelligence (NHI) crafts and even biological entities. These revelations rippled through society, awakening profound questions about the nature of reality, our place in the cosmos, and the forces shaping our evolution.

Then came the stunning validation of Clif High’s prophecy.

Clif High, a renowned futurist, predicted what he called "battles in the skies." Using his Web Bot system to analyze global linguistic patterns, he foretold that 39 days after a significant event—a pivotal interview involving Donald Trump—there would be unprecedented aerial activity involving multiple types of craft. On October 25, 2024, Trump appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast, marking the temporal trigger. Exactly 39 days later, on December 3, 2024, it seems, High’s prophecy came true.

Unidentified craft began appearing in the skies all around the world, including over sensitive military facilities. Their presence sparked intense speculation and scrutiny, as they exhibited behaviors and capabilities far beyond anything publicly acknowledged. Reports flooded in from across the globe describing two distinct types of craft: large drones and plasma orbs.

The drones themselves are unlike anything publicly acknowledged, standing worlds apart from ordinary consumer drones. Massive and car-sized, these machines dominate the skies with an imposing presence. They are highly advanced, capable of executing complex maneuvers and remaining airborne for 12 hours or more.

Interestingly, these drones are equipped with FAA lighting, a detail that aligns them with regulated airspace requirements but raises questions about their purpose and origin.

Close-up expert analysis reveals no visible rotors, blades, or conventional fuel systems, strongly suggesting advanced reverse engineering of exotic technology, potentially involving anti-gravity systems.

Witnesses report that when approached by other aircraft, these drones appear to employ unknown technology to deflect both observation and potential attacks. Additionally, several reports describe amateur drones near these advanced craft experiencing instant battery drains, further underscoring their mysterious capabilities.

This extraordinary level of technological sophistication has fueled speculation that these drones are part of classified black projects conducted by top-secret government programs blending advanced hybrid technology with recovered extraterrestrial materials.

Inside intel leaks say Space Force is testing PEOJECT VENOM.

In stark contrast to the mechanical drones, plasma orbs represent an entirely different phenomenon. Witnesses describe these orbs as radiant, glowing spheres of light that pulse, shimmer, and even change colors. Unlike the drones, the orbs have no physical structure and appear to be made of pure energy.

Many sightings have traced both drones and plasma orbs emerging from the Atlantic Ocean. Could there be hidden underwater bases beneath the waves? Or are these entities entering through dimensional gateways that we have yet to understand?

The behaviors of drones and plasma orbs suggest they are not acting in isolation. The drones, deliberate and mechanical, seem to be tasked with monitoring the plasma orbs, while the orbs themselves exhibit a sentience and fluidity that defy explanation. The connection between them hints at a larger story—one that transcends what we currently understand about our planet, our technology, and our place in the cosmos.

Despite the increasing frequency of these phenomena, the Pentagon, FBI, and Homeland Security have remained tight-lipped. With the advanced surveillance technologies available today, it is implausible that these agencies are unaware of what is unfolding. Their continued lack of transparency, especially regarding something of this magnitude, raises serious questions about their motives. While classified black ops projects may explain some of the sightings, their refusal to disclose the truth is unacceptable and prevents humanity from fully understanding its connection to these extraordinary events.

This lack of action and clarity is reminiscent of the Chinese spy balloon incident earlier in the year. A surveillance balloon was allowed to traverse the entire United States before any action was taken. Such delayed responses and secrecy, even in the name of national security, are no longer tolerable. The public deserves answers, especially as these events continue to escalate. The cat is entirely out of the bag, and near the end of January 2025, full disclosure is assured to come to the people of the world.

Since December 3, 2024, these incidents have only increased. Reports of drones and plasma orbs have flooded in from cities and skies worldwide, marking this as one of the most active periods of UAP activity in human history.

As these phenomena fill our skies every night now in vast numbers, it is worth reflecting on a chilling warning shared by Dr. Steven Greer during a landmark 2001 press conference. Among the testimonies at the event, Dr. Carol Rosin, a former aerospace executive and assistant to Dr. Wernher von Braun, recounted von Braun’s forewarning of "the last card." He revealed that a false alien invasion would be used as the final fabricated threat to justify space weaponization. According to Rosin, von Braun insisted that this staged scenario would be designed by the deep state to manipulate public perception. He emphasized repeatedly that "all of it is a lie."

We want to emphasize that we do not prefer to use the words "alien" or "invasion."

The term "alien" is only used when referring to certain hostile fallen angelic ET races that have caused harm to humanity in the distant past. Their influence has long since waned, and their era has ended—we have already ensured their departure from our world for good.

When speaking of our benevolent guardians from the stars, we lovingly refer to them as our cosmic family and helpers of humanity. They are here to guide, support, and protect, just as we, too, are honored to be seen as family and allies in return.

However, regardless of any attempts to stage a false invasion, an unprecedented extraterrestrial revealing is indeed unfolding right before our eyes. While some UAP sightings can be attributed to advanced government craft, there is clearly something else happening—our benevolent galactic family is beginning to show themselves. Beyond the swarms of man-made exotic drones, the increasing presence of extraordinary plasma orbs and other UAP reveals a profound truth that transcends human technology, heralding a greater awakening as higher consciousness guides humanity to embrace its cosmic connection.

The Pleiadians have long taught us that humanity would one day awaken to the reality of our interstellar family and the truth of our origins. The simultaneous appearance of advanced drones and plasma orbs may very well be the first step toward open contact.

As more high-vibrational light floods Earth, humanity’s collective consciousness is rising. This vibrational shift is enabling us to perceive extra-dimensional entities like the plasma orbs and to feel their presence.

The Pleiadians teach that this is the beginning of full disclosure and open contact. The barriers between dimensions are thinning, and humanity is moving toward higher timelines. Very real extra-terrestrials are not here to threaten us—they are here to guide us to take our place in the stars.

This is the dawning of the Golden Age. We are entering an era where we will step fully into our divine potential, embracing unity, exploration, and enlightenment. The universe is alive with mysteries, and we are awakening to our role within it.


Michael and the Pleiadians


BLOG ARTICLES by MICHAEL LOVE are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This article may be shared or reposted with credit to the author only.

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