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Neioh: Revealing the Origins of Demonic Forces

Neioh: Revealing the Origins of Demonic Forces

Beloved friends of earth!

The clashing of darkness and light has been a constant theme since the beginning of creation.

While in the Pleiades and on other Elohim stars, light is the power that guides with no duality. Souls that enter waking dreams begin to struggle with false identities and challenges that can only be met by transcending to a spiritual perspective. The perplexing questions to those in doctrine as well as those awakening to truth remains the same. Why were demons created and how did this transpire? Why is there so much suffering when you desire only peace? Why are you shocked at continual news regarding war and cruelty when you have wars in your own mind? Let’s explore this. If you seek truth, continue. But fair warning to those that cannot handle knowledge of controlling entities in your world.

There is one universal mind or field of consciousness, like a tapestry of dimensions and densities, life exists in planes of awareness. You are here now in a pinpoint of awareness in the infinite tapestry. Within the individual mind that is experienced within the created form, the psyche is recording everything. Each being has the creative ability to develop their story. The soul has designed a plan to explore all possibilities while understanding the variables that will unfold. In the individual expression of beings, there was always free will. The soul of oppisheklio (lucifer) and his father pidkozox (satan) were not created in darkness. This pathway was chosen from the thought of power and control, but so much more was created from the intent that was growing darker with each breath.

Pidkozox became evil first and his teachings and methods of darkness were passed to his son oppisheklio. Desiring power over others began within their own mind. Each thought creates a thought-form. Each energy of thought grows with focus. Over time, these thought-forms gain their own power and entities create their own bodies. With a low vibration, they have consciousness that is programmed to harm and create chaos. These entities are demons and they continue to gain power and live on their own. They manifest in 4-d astral and do the bidding of their creator. For those performing rituals and back magic, they bring the demons of their own thoughts and intent.

Everyone that has an addiction of any kind, began the journey with a thought. This thought became important and its power grew with intent. A person can reach the place of despair with drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, sexual addiction or anything. Not all aspects would be seen as evil but you will know there is more at play than what is seen. 

Many mental illnesses are passed on generationally. In some waking dreams, mental illness was seen as a curse. Those that could not be understood were burned at stakes or hidden away. Some illnesses are strictly genetic but others can be from demonic attacks. Never fear this information for light is more powerful and your own intention can heal and transcend. Spiritual warfare is very real. Learn about the enemies of your soul.

Every act of kindness and service, each thought of love and every movement toward light will also be creating a template in 4-d. This is your gift as nothing is wasted on your journey through the earth school.

Each person is responsible for their own energy field. Attention will clear entities, dark energy and random interruptions. Meditation with intention and command will clear and repair all tears and openings. Visualize light around your body and know that it is truly there. Darkness cannot handle light and will flee in its presence.

Attachment is when activities and thoughts hold a vibration so low that darkness is drawn to the location. In possession such as with oppisheklio and pidkozoz, there is complete darkness with only the intention to harm. The order of protection begins individually. Evil only remains by invitation. Raise your vibrational frequency to love and your shield will be unbreakable.

 soulless beings are running rampant in your world. These are created clones and many people would rather close their minds than to face this dilemma. There are factories and bases that do nothing but produce clones to be used as puppets. With a body of living material, demons attach and proceed with their intention. Full possession of the body is quite easy. Hence you will see programs to destroy the gender of children and the killing of the unborn even at full term. Life is sacred and this is not acceptable. All harming the innocent will reap a whirlwind of their own making. 

Beloved ones, you cannot stop all that is unfolding but you can take control of your own being and story.  Determine within yourself that this is not how your story will end. Begin in this moment to see light in others. Give where you can and become grateful for your ability to commune with light.

In ancient dreams a passage was given that depicted the dilemma of a sacred soul wrestling with demons of his own creation. It was Paul that spoke, “for the good that I would, I do not. But the evil that I would not, that I do. But it is no more I that does the evil but that darkness that dwells with me.” (romans)

Never forget your light! For this power will allow the grand shift.

I Love You So!



Judith is Kab’s mother in this lifetime, and she is the human incarnation of Aya, Kabamur’s mother on Taygeta. Both Judith and Kab have incarnated together in this lifetime to share with the world about Pleiadians and about the coming Shift. Judith has fully activated clairvoyant abilities; remote viewing, astral travel, multi-dimensional sight, visions of past and future, interactions with Fairies and Angels, and ongoing telepathic contact with Pleiadian Guides. Their Taygeta family is at the forefront of operations relating to Earth’s coming Ascension.
“Kab” is the human incarnation of Kabamur, son of Elder Ikai of Taygeta and Aya, and brother of Laka, Neioh and Akatu. He has incarnated with Aya to share Pleiadian Messages and awareness of the Shift in the last days. Kab is one of many that will serve as Ambassadors when Pleiadians are introduced to humans following the Shift to Sheen.


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