Mira's Pleiadian Wisdom: Ascending Earth Through Soul Awakening
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- Written by Erena Velazquez

I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and today I am speaking to my Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth.
Let’s talk today about the spiritual wisdom, and why it’s so important to be connected to it. Each soul chose to come to be in a human body for different reasons. Some of you came to rescue this planet from extinction, and while others just wanted to experience being in a human vessel. By the time, you were born into a human form, you forgot about your origins, and ended up being consumed by a false reality and the duality of believing in good and evil.
When you became a grown-up human being, your soul was dormant and your ego became in charge, as a result it lead you to follow a false narrative created by the Dark Entities. Basically, all of your experiences from previous lives got completely erased by the 3D Matrix. Thousands of years kept passing by, and the advanced souls continued their journey without any recollection of their past, why they are here, and what is the purpose of being here.
Your planet became one big experiment, where Outworlders from other Galaxies came to Earth for certain reasons and eventually left. Each time they made some kind of mess to your DNA or on the planet. All of these manipulations not only just changed your personalities, but also your bodies. Humans became completely different beings. You started fighting between each other, and many times you ended up involved in meaningless wars not knowing, why and what is the purpose of them.
You need to remember, it’s not your fault. The Dark Controllers used on you their brainwashing techniques to make sure, that you never would connect to your soul. This has been going on for a very long time, until finally the Divine Intervention was allowed in this part of a Milky Galaxy. Ashtar Command and the Galactic Light Forces were called for help to get involved with your planet.
I was also asked to participate in the process of your Ascension and the Liberation of humanity. Right now, you have everything aligned for your transition to a higher dimension, the only part that needs to be awaken in every human is the Universal Consciousness. It’s impossible to ascend without being connected directly to your soul, and know, who you really are. You are Light and Supreme Love, which without it the Cosmos can’t exist.
Divine has been sending powerful light frequencies to awaken everyone’s soul and make possible of the transformation to a New Earth, and to leave behind the low vibrational reality. 3D is so intoxicated with low vibrations, that leaving it behind is the only solution for the human civilization. To maintain your vibrations, it’s extremely important to be in silent meditations daily numerous times. Spending your time on Internet, watching television, being on your devices for a long time only lowers your vibrations.
Please, remember negative thoughts or feelings are not going to get you anywhere, and it will not help you to ascend. Also, this is a very important point in your Ascension, it’s to accept the real truth and not to run away from it. You have been so far exposed only to a very small part of it, and you had difficulty in hearing it. You can’t ascend without accepting, what Divine presents to you. Earth right now is vibrating in a super high vibrations.
When humanity will move to a 5D New Earth, my team and I will assist humans directly by landing on your planet with our Galactic fleet. 3D will completely disappear, and there is nothing from here, that you can take with you to 5D. Also, reading fluffy messages with false information puts everyone in a low vibrational spectrum. Some of you are going to leave your physical vessels, some human bodies won’t be able to handle the extremely high vibrations.
What you are experiencing now, it’s nothing, compared to what is coming to you in the future. It will be very challenging for you to vibrate in 5D frequencies without having the spiritual foundation acquired from doing daily silent meditations. Let’s your soul to be in charge of this ride to a Paradise. The transformation continues in your world despite of all the chaos on your planet. You are almost there. Please, receive my Love and Support. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Let Your Soul Guide You Through Ascension
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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