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Mira From Pleiadian Council: Earth's Ascension Now! You're Part Of It!

Mira From Pleiadian Council: Earth's Ascension Now! You're Part Of It!

Greetings I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

I also work full-time with the Earth Council. We are very busy these days, as you can imagine. We are in the full throes of the Earth’s ascension. We are building a whole new model of ascension for creation and you are part of that participation. Please remember this is the first time a planet will ascend with life on it. It is different and you are different too. You are ready for the switch over for the New Earth and the new Golden Age to be here.

The Golden Age and the fifth dimension are already activated and are on the planet. This is your opportunity to focus on your light so that you can individually raise your frequency and your vibration that will be transferred to others. This is your focus now, ground crew. You don't need to take it upon yourselves to fight every cause, or know everything you thought you needed to know about what is going on the planet. Your job is to be the light.

This is a grand expansion of your work. It requires listening to your heart and following the guidance within. We are in the full throes of ascension. The 3-D material realm is over. It is dissolving all around you. Your soul has rejected the past and is moving rapidly higher and higher. You can feel it by the way you respond to your various experiences from the past. They are no longer. 

You are beginning to feel triumphant in your new role as a being of light. You are taking off into higher dimensions. You are expanding as a beacon of light. Your healing presence is helping the multitudes. You are remembering who you are and are receiving your gifts and abilities. You are also magnetizing your galactic friends and family into your lives that are bringing you profound joy. Think about what it is like to have spiritual relationships with everyone in your life. Begin to see how your communities are growing and how happy you are becoming. Feel how much simplicity there is in your life and how much magic. Everything is becoming easier as you let go of the past.

You are a remarkable beings we have relied upon for eons and now you are coming to the homestretch. There will be no going back only moving forward.

All of life including the plants, the animals, the minerals, the waters, are awakening and have a lot to say if you will listen. When you listen your Joy will be unsurpassed. This Joy elevates you and reminds you that you are in the fifth dimension. You are living in higher consciousness with higher frequencies and higher purpose.

We are here to remind you that we are with you every step of the way. You may be seeing us out of the corner of your eyes, or in the background. Keep your eyes open and your ears clear so that you can listen to what is going on. It is astounding.

We relish every moment of being with you and participating in this ascension process. We are also ascending along with the rest of creation. In due time we are coming to a reunion of the Light and we will be celebrating in the most fantastic ways. You will recognize us when we see each other and we will be united forever.

I am Mira sending you love from your galactic friends and family.


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner 
Valerie Donner is an ex-healthcare executive. She worked in the corporate world for many years, before leaving this to practice her spiritual gifts on a full-time basis. She has been meditating twice daily for over 30 years. 
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