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Laka: Clear The Path With These Storms

Laka: Clear The Path With These Storms

Beloved friends of earth!

In each moment of your life, you are listening to others speak.

You play music and watch endless videos for entertainment. You listen to directions for traffic, rules, laws and manners of purchasing food and clothing. You speak to others with words of love, disagreements and arguments. The chatter is endless and it is no wonder that your nervous system is over stimulated. Become still and quiet as we move forward together and share wisdom worth listening to throughout this waking dream.

Once you are very quiet and still, you will notice an endless dialogue within your own mind. Take out the garbage, change the tires, I am hungry, it is hot outside, I can’t believe I listened to her advice, he doesn’t care, and so on! Simple words that are related to everyday life can be expected as an ongoing conversation with the self.

In other moments, communication changes with thoughts that seem to arrive out of nowhere. You might suddenly think of a friend or relative not seen in many years. Shortly after this, a call or visit surprises you with this very person. Both of you might express that you have been thinking of one another. But no one can explain the method or reason for this transpiring. The truth is that you share expanded consciousness and you have reached a frequency of communication. This is synchronicity and spirit is assisting.

Twins and those with close family ties will attest to the fact of sharing ideas, preferences of colors and music as well as speaking words simultaneously. When together in the same location, energy fields overlap which draws similar frequencies to be expressed. For those living far apart in location, many aspects are experienced simultaneously.

There are moments of body death when the soul leaves  and remains with their loved one for a period of time. That loved one may report feeling the departed one. They may receive great comfort as frequencies of love are felt. The communication can move into telepathy.

Telepathy is available to all souls in all dimensions and densities. A guide, family member from origin, or any soul on earth, can learn to hear those that desire this sacred communication. Entertainment has promoted fear with movies that express a sense that this is unnatural. Spirit is alive with all creation. You are spirit in form.

The psyche is the most powerful influence of your direction until you learn to hear from your guide. The psyche holds all references of wisdom, pain, joy and connection with all life that has  been experienced in the current waking dream. The psyche can assist in healing but when a person is continually traumatized, the information can be chaotic and wrong choices can ensue. Meditation and affirmations with belief can repair and create a stronger psyche that will serve you well. You are never stuck in one mode as you program the psyche with intention and love.

Each soul arrives on earth with one guide or several. These can be friends or family from their origin. The communication is constant and ongoing throughout each life in form. But the words are silent and without understanding the process, it will seem as your own thoughts. Once understood and mastered, the silent voice of wisdom and comfort can expand the beauty of each life.

A spirit guide is such a gift. They are present to warn you of danger as well as teaching you great wisdom. If only everyone could know they are not alone in times of upheaval. Imagine your best friend with you in times of grief and loss. Now imagine this friend laughing with you and bringing humorous ideas to your awareness. A guide patiently waits for you to hear their silent words.

Meditation, writing and art are great methods of communication. Bypassing the conscious mind to access the subconscious mind, allows intuition, words of guidance and communication with those remaining in origin. As you speak, ‘I love you,’ listen carefully as you will hear a return of the same. Never doubt the communication of spirit and relax with this magnificent gift. Writing questions and expecting answers will amaze you as the truth of life serves you ongoing.

You are a soul that is having a temporary experience as a human. The higher self of the personality is the soul. This is your god self or infinite spirit. The personality has access to all gifts and abilities of the higher self. Strive to align with the soul and discover the voice that speaks in many ways.

You are surrounded by friends in high places.

We are here to guide you to truth!

I Love You So!

Laka From The Pleiades


Judith is Kab’s mother in this lifetime, and she is the human incarnation of Aya, Kabamur’s mother on Taygeta. Both Judith and Kab have incarnated together in this lifetime to share with the world about Pleiadians and about the coming Shift. Judith has fully activated clairvoyant abilities; remote viewing, astral travel, multi-dimensional sight, visions of past and future, interactions with Fairies and Angels, and ongoing telepathic contact with Pleiadian Guides. Their Taygeta family is at the forefront of operations relating to Earth’s coming Ascension.
“Kab” is the human incarnation of Kabamur, son of Elder Ikai of Taygeta and Aya, and brother of Laka, Neioh and Akatu. He has incarnated with Aya to share Pleiadian Messages and awareness of the Shift in the last days. Kab is one of many that will serve as Ambassadors when Pleiadians are introduced to humans following the Shift to Sheen.


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