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You Are a Conscious Alchemist ~ The Hathors


We are here offering our support and our acknowledgement for your continued commitment to transforming this reality. We are aware that you sometimes question that commitment and even wonder if you and your action are making any difference at all.

Let us reassure you that you are making a difference. There are many, many more of you who are aware of your personal power to create. You are triggering and spreading this knowledge with everyone you encounter.  This awareness vibrates in your energy field, it radiates around you, it is a gentle frequency that touches the other and reminds them that they are divine.

You are making a difference every time you recognize a misqualified thought or feeling within yourself and when you shift that thought or feeling into one that is coherent, more loving, more inclusive. Realize that each and every time you shift a limiting pattern or thought to a more expansive one, the entire collective field is affected, is uplifted.

Imagine that you are part of a movement, you are part of an evolution in consciousness. This is truly happening around your world, in small pockets of light, in large gatherings of conscious beings, in silent actions by the many light workers and transformers everywhere. Your numbers are growing; conscious light is igniting, kindling, the conscious light within others.  More and more are waking up and becoming aware of who they are as magnificent multidimensional beings.

Global gatherings are occurring because of your ability to connect with others around the world in a matter of seconds. Group mind is forming from the desire for life sustaining actions to be taking place. Meditation and prayers are being energized by larger and larger groups of people holding and anchoring the energy of peace and harmony. This is not the news that is broadcast.

The news that is broadcast and shared is filled with misqualified energy and invokes the weakness of humanity. It emphasizes the negative, the dividing and judging, the pushing against. The collective energy field is impacted and empowered by those that focus. Remember what you resist will persist.  So the best you can do from a place of awareness is to bless and transform all you encounter.  

Imagine if every awakened earthwalker would focus uplifting results to all situations that are reflected in the media and the news. There would be a shift, we can assure you. Instead of adding your energy to the negative that is happening and being reported, by expressing your disgust or shock or judgment, pause and reset your response. This is the ability to develop a new skill, the skill of a master. Bless those that are harmed, and envision a shift or change of positive being birthed from this event. Implant the seeds of this shift in the quantum field. Imagine a world in which this did not occur. 

We are not saying to ignore, or deny the horrific things that can occur on your planet. We are here to remind you that your physical experience in the dimension and timeframe is to bring about a life sustaining reality. 

You are a divine creator, a manifestor, calling forth what you focus upon. You are here to awaken from the mass unconsciousness of limitation and herald the coming of a dimension in which there is harmony, compassion, equality and the many uplifting expressions of love. 

We observe the unconscious ease in which you, as an empath, match the misqualified energies that surround you. There is no judgment about this; we are just offering this as a reminder. Remember that emotions are a vibration, a frequency and they are contagious. 

The conscious shift that is taking place, that you are bringing about, is the awareness that humanity has learned to repress their emotions, to store them in the tissues, bones, cells and organs of their bodies. These dense frequencies of misqualified energy and emotions create disharmony with the light body, or energy, as well as the physical form. 

There are many ways these emotional patterns and frequencies are repressed. Human beings have learned and are extremely skilled in suppressing uncomfortable, negative or misqualified emotions such as fear, anger, feelings of being unworthy, unloved, not having enough, deep sorrow and grief.   

Among the ways humans repress feelings  are behaviors, substances and pharmaceuticals, as well as the most common method which is processed sugar. Processed sugar is the most legal addictive substance on your planet. It is used to shut those feeling down, to suppress and repress them. Processed sugar is the least expensive, most convenient substance to override your empathic abilities, which usually match the collective, and to keep any negative memory or feeling buried and stored in your physical body.   

Each and every being on your planet is sensitive and empathic. Many have done their best to shut this gift and ability down because it can be too painful, too disruptive, too uncomfortable. Yet as a divine being you are here to transform these very emotions and frequencies.

Consider for a moment that you have repressed or stored a feeling of being unworthy from some early experience. You are now a responsible adult and moving about in your day; you pass someone on the street or at a social gathering who happens to be feeling unworthy (broadcasting a vibration of that unique feeling). Guess what gets triggered in your field? Yes, out of the blue, so to speak, you might begin to feel uncertain, unworthy, an old familiar feeling that you want to disown.

Realize that your stored, repressed emotions can and will be activated by others, by their words, actions or silent vibrations that match your own personal unconscious emotions. Your goal always is to realize what has happened and allow yourself to process and clear those old stifled feelings rather than find a method to restrain them again. Each time you allow yourself to clear any stored pattern, you free yourself up. You will begin to be less triggered by others. 

You are a divine master of energy. You are here to transform all misqualified energy/emotions you have experienced, without judgment, without the story. Simply recall the feelings and witness the experience and allow yourself to express with sound the feeling of being angry, scared, unloved, unworthy. When emotions are express from a conscious place and a desire to clear them from your circuits, there is a shift. Once you have expressed those feeling, always declare and name the emotion/quality you want in its place.  For example, express your anger or rage until it feels complete; now name and call forth a sense of peace or understanding and sound that into place.

Each time you clear any personal misqualified or negative emotion you are also clearing an aspect of the collective misqualified emotions that match that vibration. This is the act of a Conscious Alchemist. 

We honor your courage to experience negative emotions and your conscious willingness to transform them. You are doing good, great work in creating a reality that honors all. You are not alone. Call upon all non-physical divine beings to support and assist you. the 'team'

Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]
©2018 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.

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