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The Hathors - Major Reset in Consciousness

The Hathors - Major Reset in Consciousness

We are here to support you as you experience the turmoil and the dismantling of the reality that you have known. This is the first time that your planet has come close to a full stop. It is shocking, disturbing and frightening. This is a major reset in consciousness.

This experience is offering the opportunity to observe all that was out of balance. This imbalance has been present for eons. It is global, financial, personal in its inequality. Individuals have lost their connection with nature and the consciousness of all other living things. 

Now, in the moment when everything that is normal and natural has come to a stop, individuals are pausing and staying quiet. It is in this quietness and in this pause that they are becoming aware, aware that things will be different. 

Individuals are having the opportunity to pause in their busyness, to sit quietly and reflect on the truth of who they are. In this time of reflection they are becoming aware that they are more than this physical body. They are not rushing, pushing, running, from one event or activity to another.

This level of quietude is allowing the light that is bathing your planet to be anchored more fully within each and every individual. We invite you to hold steady in your awareness and your connection to this truth. Understand that there is going to be a great deal more disruption and struggle before this is totally complete.  

There is an ascension shift that is affecting your planet, however understand that it will impact the entire universe. This magnification of light is designed to energize all that is light upon the Earth and within all humans. The power of this light has created a disturbance of fear and negativity which has been hidden, buried and locked into the earth, waiting for a time when humanity was ready to transmute the energy.  

Lifetimes of abuse, negativity, and injustice are waiting to be transformed. Some people are exerting control over others using fear and wanting to suppress the spiritual awakening process that is taking place. This virus is a product of the negative and fearful energies arising to be released and transformed. This virus and its impact upon the world are allowing humanity to recognize the presence of fear, of negative and misqualified energies, to recognize suffering and to begin to create  positive shifts within their being. 

So your balance and stability will assist your planet in this transition. You are in the midst of the changes. There is always discord and confusion when things begin to change. Human consciousness wants things to go back the way they were, to go back to "normal," even if that "normal" was out of balance, unfair, harmful to others and to nature. 

You and many others are observing, as well as dismantling, layers and layers of dense beliefs and old energy that is stored in your very cells. We celebrate the work that you are doing. If you could see the energy of light that your collective consciousness is expressing you would be stunned and amazed. 

Many lifetimes ago, there was a period you have called the burning times. For several hundred years individuals were killed because of their connection with nature and with plants, when healers, mystics, midwives and herbalists were burned at the stake. This evoked such fear in the collective consciousness that people were very cautious to express intuitive abilities, or their connection with the spirit beings, the gnomes and faeries. They suppressed these divine connections and gifted abilities in their children. This was a grave injustice upon humanity. You are experiencing the results of this injustice today.

People felt disconnected from nature, therefore allowing for nature to be raped, trees to be cut down without any protest or concern for the well-being or balance of the planet. This imbalance is causing the next great extinction, with the disappearance of the rainforest, the melting of the permafrost, and climate change with all its powerful destructive weather patterns affecting the global population. 

The result has been the unconscious, arrogant thinking and behavior of humans who believe that they are separate and superior from all other life forms. Human beings were never given permission to harm, destroy and devalue other life forms. This thinking has harmed the other kingdoms, plant, animal, devic, elemental, nature spirit as well as even other humans. Animals, trees, plants, and even rocks have levels of consciousness. This truth needs to be recognized and honored.

We acknowledge that the presence of this virus is causing a feeling of distress, depression, desolation, anxiety and anger. We are inviting you to step into a level of trust in Divine Consciousness.

It is this level of trust which will allow you to transform these negative and misqualified emotions. Use your tools as an alchemist to transform these negative energies with sound vibrations. Use your conscious heart portal to call upon divine beings to support you and this planet as it transforms and transcends. Use the powerful tool of Saint Germaine's Violet Flame to transmute all energy unlike the divine love and trust available to all.

You can observe how the air is clearer and the waters cleaner while there is a stop in most all activities. We invite you to stay centered in your own understanding of truth, trust that all is unfolding as it should. Transform, transform, transform all energy that arises that is not life sustaining. 

This is your job. You came here to be present while this massive global stop was taking place, so you could plant the seed of this new beginning and this new reality that is coming into form. We are here for you, to support, assist, guide and honor you as you move through these incredible life changes. the 'team'  

Thought for the Month

"This is your job. You came here to be present while this massive global stop was taking place, so you could plant the seed of this new beginning and this new reality that is coming into form. We are here for you, to support, assist, guide and honor you as you move through these incredible life changes." the 'team'

Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]
©2020 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.

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