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The Hathors: Collective Emotions

The Hathors: Collective Emotions

We are here to remind you and invite you to step into your personal power.

You are the connector and the one who bridges much information and many connections in this dimension and in other dimensions. This is service work and you are respected and skilled at this task.

We are inviting you and others to call upon assistance from the realms of the non-physical. You are well aware that this assistance is always available.

It is easy to drop into that place of doubt and concern, worry and fear. Everyone is experiencing their own personal hidden fears magnified by the events taking place in the current reality. There are waves of anguish, grief, fear and rage sweeping energetically across the planet. Just as the water from the hurricane swept over the physical, destroying all within its path, there is now an energetic hurricane of anguish, grief, fear and rage moving in the intangible realms.

These waves of anguish, grief, fear and rage are triggering any personal hidden emotions of the same nature and energetic signature held in the psyche of you and each human.

These emotional aspects that each human carries, no matter how well camouflaged or hidden within, will be activated by similar emotions in the energetic grid which is created by each and every human upon your planet.

All humans are empathic, sensitive and very skilled at projection. Therefore, when a trauma, shock or tragedy happens to another or to many others it is felt in a personal manner. This is where each aware conscious multidimensional star human can transform their personal collection of anguish, grief, fear and rage. It is truly your task.

This is the way these collections of emotions are shifted, healed and released. Each person is responsible for their own emotions and energetic signature. It is a powerful responsibility. No matter who you are or where you are.

When each individual is willing to process, transform and release these emotions in a healthy, conscious manner they assist humanity in transforming these low dense frequencies. All are one. When one is healed and uplifted all are healed and uplifted.

Each human has the total assistance and support from the celestial realms. The key is in asking and requesting for the assistance and the support. One aspect of this hologame is that it is a zone of free will. Therefore, any support or assistance from the celestial and non-physical realms must be requested and invited. This request will always be answered.

Your planet is undergoing a tremendous evolution and uplifting. This is being played out on the screen of your reality. Each day each human is being offered the opportunity to transform dense, heavy, and low frequencies, emotions and thoughts.

This is done with clear intent, integrity and the skills of awareness. There are many tools and much aid offered to transmute this wave of anguish, grief, fear and rage sweeping across your nation and the world. We realize that these negative and misqualified emotions easily trigger your own personal emotions of helplessness, rage and fear

One of the most powerful tools is the request of divine light and love to be fully present within and to radiate out to all.

Prayer that is infused with appreciation and gratitude for this transformation is also powerful. The conscious use of intention, prayer, requesting and inviting the presence of the celestial realms and celestial family to assist is another compelling source to be sure and use. Each moment you have an opportunity to transform and transmute some aspect of the global suffering.

Each moment you have an opportunity to offer and infuse a higher frequency, a purer vibration into the matrix. Invoking the feelings of hope, joy, gratitude and appreciation

These are like an elixir, a soothing balm offered to yourself and others. Imagine this elixir and soothing balm of high pure heart vibrations, energetically bathing the energy fields and energetic matrix of the whole planet.

This conscious exercise and conscious process will be an influential force in shifting the consciousness of mankind and the suffering that is so present globally.

Be aware that matching these emotions of suffering, matching these emotions of anguish, helplessness, grief, fear and rage only adds to the collective.

As a multidimensional star human, you can defuse and uplift much of the dense emotions that are being experienced, by the heartfelt gift of your purest, highest emotions of love, light, gratitude and appreciation.

These appear as challenging times. It is in the challenge that the opportunities for service are the greatest gift. There is much unfolding on the screen of life, know that all is well.

Hold and anchor that awareness, that realization, vibration - radiate and emote only the highest and purest thought, and emotions into the collective.

We appreciate your ability to set aside your projects, tasks and physical to do’s in order to focus and transform these dense emotional energies. We invite you to set aside time and imagine that your energy of love, healing and forgiveness is a persuasive wave radiating out and surrounding your planet. This does not take a long time; it is the clear intention and heart focused exercise that is the most important. When you find yourself most discouraged by your news or world event that is the time to shift your attention and attitude and offer your dedicated time briefly to shift what has disturbed you.

The powers that be and the celestial realms are deeply grateful for your dedicated service work in transforming and uplifting the consciousness of humanity. This is truly how it takes place. Because of each and every conscious being make a significant difference.

We will share at another time your sense of straddling several different realities, for we know this is a universal feeling for many at this time. Be at peace, beloved. the 'team'

Thought for the Month

"One of the most powerful tools is the request of divine light and love to be fully present within and to radiate out to all. Prayer that is infused with appreciation and gratitude for this transformation is also powerful. The conscious use of intention, prayer, requesting and inviting the presence of the celestial realms and celestial family to assist is another  compelling source to be sure and use. Each moment you have an opportunity to transform and transmute some aspect of the global suffering. " the 'team'


Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]
©2024 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.

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