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The Eye of the Storm - A Hathor Planetary Message

A Hathor World Meditation through Tom Kenyon

We are using the metaphor of a hurricane or cyclone to describe the situation your world is now facing.

In the midst of the destructive power of these metaphorical “storms” there is a center place of silence. It is called the “Eye of the Storm.”

As the current Chaotic Node increases in intensity, chaotic and destructive forces from multiple sources will swirl about you, much like a hurricane or cyclone. Finding the center “still point” within is a spiritual necessity to survive these times intact.

In our previous message called Restoration we shared a sonic ally that can help you reach that center “still point” within and restore yourself at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

We are now calling for a World Meditation using Restoration as a means to impart these nurturing and healing energies to those who are receptive to this type of elevation.

Before we discuss the details of this World Meditation we wish to discuss to whom these energies will be sent and the nature of these emanations.

In some lineages of Buddhism, the term sangha is used to describe a gathering, a community of those who share a similar intent. This joining of individuals around a shared intention creates a Third Force, alchemically speaking. When two or more persons are gathered to share the same intention a Third Force is created that is stronger than the individual forces.

In this World Meditation we will be directing healing and restorative energies throughout the world to what amounts to be a world sangha, but this world sangha has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with physics—the physics of consciousness.

The Meditation

On May 27, 2017, we shall endeavor to create a nexus point, a global “still point” of restoration and healing. The emanations of this “still point” will be directed throughout the world, and it will create a harmonic field of energy. This field of energy can be drawn upon by anyone who desires to receive it or is living in that dimension of consciousness.

This energetic is like a gentle breeze and, like all sensory phenomena in this world, some will notice it and some will not. Those who notice this gentle wave of restoration will be deeply touched and elevated spontaneously. Whoever they are, wherever they are, they can draw into themselves the energetics of restoration.

If you choose to join us in this World Meditation you will enter into a dimension of consciousness that is beyond time and space. Through the web of interconnectedness, we will join with others throughout the world.

Not all of those you make contact with during this meditation will be human. Some of them will be animals, for just like humans some animals are more aware than others.

Some animals are highly evolved spiritually and have incarnated into an animal form for reasons known only to the deepest aspects of their being. Some of the beings you will connect with will be nature spirits for many of them are quite weary as nature is increasingly assaulted by mankind.

It is important to understand that you will not be imposing anything on anyone. Rather you are introducing into the biosphere and into the interconnectedness of all beings, a healing and restorative energetic. Beings are free to draw this into themselves or not according to their own sovereign will.

If you choose to join us during the meditation, you will be giving one of the greatest gifts you can give to the Earth and all the beings who reside upon and within her.

The energetic of this meditation will last for 24 hours.

The World Meditation will take place during a gathering in Manhattan, New York at the end of a workshop called Sound Immersions.

It will last for thirty minutes. Twenty-seven minutes will be spent listening to Restoration and three minutes will be spent in silence at the end. The World Meditation will begin on Saturday, May 27th at 5:30pm East Coast Daylight Savings Time (DST), which corresponds to Saturday, May 27th at 9:30pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The creation of the meditation’s nexus point will end at 6 pm East Coast DST or 10pm GMT. During this thirty-minute period those who are physically in the Sound Immersions workshop will join with us to generate the nexus point. This will be a very potent and powerful experience for those who are present in the room as well as for those who connect with us from afar.

Note: To find out when the nexus point occurs in your time zone, go to the Time Zone Converter, which is part of The World Time Clock. Or you can click on this link, which will take you directly to the Time Converter: https://goo.gl/C68Efd

Once the World Meditation begins it will continue, like the sound of a gong, for twenty-four hours. You can join and enter this vibratory field of healing and restoration anytime during that twenty-four-hour period.

Again, we wish to stress that this dimension of consciousness is not bound by time and space. In other words, you can fully enter into the vibratory field of planetary restoration wherever you are physically located.

The meditation has two phases. The first phase is to meditate on the sound meditation Restoration.

It would be most helpful for you to read the message Restoration as well as work with the sound meditation before the World Meditation takes place.

Ideally you would use the advanced form as described in that message. Your attention will be in your physical body, imagining your body as a galaxy of stars. This will allow the Shakti, or spiritual energy, of the sound codes to reach into your body more deeply. You would listen to the sound meditation 1 time during this phase.

In the second phase of the meditation, shift your attention to your Third Eye or Ajna center. You will be listening to Restoration 2 times during this phase. With awareness in your Third Eye, imagine that you are floating in space with the Earth in front of you.

When you have the impression that you are floating in space along with Earth, direct your focus of attention to the Earth as you continue to listen to Restoration.

By holding your focus of attention on Earth you will be directing the energies of restoration to the planet and the beings who live upon and within her.

For some of you the planet will be close. For some of you the planet will seem far away and anything in between. Your proximity to Earth in this meditation will be dictated by your interdimensional relationship to the planet.

If you feel called to join us in this World Meditation, we thank you.

In the past we have given various sound gifts as well as intellectual concepts to help you access the higher dimensions of your own consciousness. For us, the sound meditation Restoration is the greatest gift we have given so far.

We say this because the origins of this sound meditation are from the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions of our collective consciousness. The Hathors who reside in these higher dimensions are our spiritual teachers. They reside in a dimension of non-duality and continually emanate the vibratory field of peace, nurturance and restoration.

For us this field of energy and intelligence is called the Aethos, and from our perspective the beings who reside there are like rainbows.

May the peace of restoration that passeth all understanding be with you and your relations as your world enters a most precarious passage.

The Hathors
March 29, 2017

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

A link to the sound meditation Restoration appears at the end of this discussion. It is an mp3 audio file that you can download, free of charge, for your own personal use.

The Hathors’ instructions for the World Meditation are pretty clear so I don’t think I need to elaborate.

But there were a few interesting moments when they gave this transmission, which I thought some readers might find of interest.

When they said:

“For some of you the planet will be close. For some of you the planet will seem far away and anything in between. Your proximity to Earth in this meditation will be dictated by your interdimensional relationship to the planet.”

As the Hathors gave those words, I had the impression of myself being catapulted into space, and as I looked back at Earth in my mind’s eye, I asked them what they meant by that enigmatic statement. They said that for those who have a deep karmic history with Earth, the planet would appear close in the second phase of the meditation. But those who were on Earth not due so much to karmic attachment, but due to being on a spiritual mission would sense Earth at a far distance. They also said that in some instances, those who had completed their karma with Earth in this lifetime might sense the planet at a far distance as well.

My body shook from an input of energy when the Hathors said:

This will be a very potent and powerful experience for those who are present in the room as well as for those who connect with us from afar.”

I have experienced such energetics from the Hathors before, and it has always been the harbinger of something powerful and significant.

My own personal sense is that the entire workshop, Sound Immersions, at Symphony Space in Manhattan on May 27th will generate powerful transformations for all of us who are present in the room.

The final Sound Immersion of this event will be the World Meditation as the Hathors described it. The only difference is that I will be bringing in a group of Hathors who reside in the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions to channel sound codes on top of the pre-recorded sound meditation (i.e., Restoration). This should be interesting since the pre-recorded sound meditation already contains sound codes from the Hathorian 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions.

My experience of the Hathors that I have encountered from the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions is that they are geometric forms—often spheres. And while many of them emanate white light, a good number of them emanate light that is rainbow-like in color.

After the Hathors gave this message I asked them about their comment regarding the beings who reside in Aethos (the 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensions) as being like rainbows.

They explained that while many of the higher dimensional Hathors appear as white luminous spheres, they embody all frequencies of light. And when they emanate beneficial energies they often become rainbow-like and emanate multiple colors simultaneously.

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
©2017 Tom Kenyon   All Rights Reserved    www.tomkenyon.com
You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you desire so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in anyway, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. The Crystal Palace Within audio file may not, however, be posted on other sites or duplicated in any media.
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