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Small Subtle Conscious Shifts - The Hathors

Small Subtle Conscious Shifts - The Hathors

We are here to acknowledge and empower you.  We are here to remind you that you are a divine being of light energy vibrations. This is the time to begin to step into that awareness and actuality. This physical dimension that you are focused upon and within is demanding, addictive and alluring.

We understand that the physical reality needs attention to be maintained. We understand that the physical reality offers sensations and pleasures of being in form. Having a physical body and relating to this dimension is the game. How you translate the events and the emotions colors your experience which serves to support and awaken you to your highest self.

Your physical body is a requirement for this dimension. It is your physical consciousness that observes, interfaces and makes judgments about all the experiences you have. Being physical is busy; it requires almost all of your attention. This physical illusion has many distractions and pulls for your focus; remember you give your energy to whatever you are focused on. 

We are not saying that you need to shut down or disregard your physical aspects. We are inviting you to make small subtle conscious shifts several times an hour or the several time a day. 

These small subtle conscious shifts begin to open the door of your awareness to a wider more expansive self. The goal is to become aware that you are aware. The goal is to understand that the physical experiences are only tools to activate, to stimulate your personal understanding of yourself as the creator.

When you begin to practice ways to refocus your energy throughout your day you will be amazed and rewarded with the results. We understand that your life can be demanding with family, work, projects, interests or just the maintenance and requirements of your body.

These are all important to your experience and we encourage you to participate in all these areas of your life from a place of gratitude and appreciation. However what we are suggesting in this message is that you develop a protocol that nurtures your body of light and energy. 

We invite you to be willing to recognize that you are a divine multidimensional being residing within a human form, experiencing this dense unconscious field of limitations. You are here to uplift and transform those very limitations you encounter. You are here to transform the misqualified or negative energy you encounter. 

Begin to nurture your energy self with new conscious practices. The first we would suggest is to simply remember to take long slow deep breaths as often as possible. Just this basic action will reset your physiology. This action sends a signal that all is well and more, so muscles relax releasing tension, heartbeat slows down, adrenals lower their vigilance of fight or flight. This tool is free and easy to utilize, we invite you to begin to use this method as a way to refocus from the stress of being physical to the sacred space of your higher knowing.

This pure humble practice creates a link, a portal. You are encouraging the real connection between the physical consciousness and your divine consciousness. It is in this gap that you will experience your wholeness and begin to connect to the universal field of energy.

We also invite you to begin to practice sitting in silence for five minutes several times a day. In the beginning this might be difficult. We encourage you to continue. There are no requirements other than you show up. Over time the universe will begin to share its secrets.

You can also meditate for longer periods of time, you can walk in nature, practice slow conscious movements, dance, sway, and also remove yourself from all electronics. You can also open this portal through listening to pure tones or sounds. These practices, even for a few minutes, open your receptivity to a conversation with the universe.

Your goal is to invite stillness, even for a short period of three deep conscious breaths. You are meant to be in conversation with the universe; you are meant to receive messages and guidance from your highest divine self. Stress and busyness shut off these subtle messages. 

The universe is within. You do not need to look elsewhere, it is within. As you begin to invite quiet moments, when you begin to invite stillness, you begin to touch the truth of who you are in the most magnificent infinite awareness. 

This is just a matter of some simple practices that will allow you to refocus. These practices support the well being of the physical body. These practices will bring a balance between your physical self and your energy self. 

We are inviting you to honor your connection with the universal energy field of all creation. We are inviting you begin to have an open clear dialog with the other physical and non-physical divine beings. 

In order for this to occur, first you need to be willing. Second, create a sacred space which will allow this conversation to take place. Third, engage your imagination; allow images, and ideas to flow. Fourth, stay in a coherent vibration of gratitude and appreciation for these vibrations are the key to allowing good reception between the dimensions. Fifth, be aware of and acknowledge all the signs, messages, and synchronicities that you observe.  Sixth be spiritually amazed at the process of experiencing more than one dimension.

We are reminding you that you are meant to be in contact with the other realms and dimensions.

You are the liaison, the bridge between the physical and the non-physical realms and realities. This is the time for you to step into that role and begin receiving information, ideas, solutions meant to support the evolution of consciousness and the ascension process taking place.

However in order to make this connection and receive these messages you must open the channel. This means you will need to give yourself time to connect, offer and invite this shift.

We know that many already have a conscious connection to the non-physical realms and beings of love and light. These beings of love and light are awaiting the invitation to participate in this dense 3D experience. Together in this partnership you will assist the collective consciousness in truly shifting and awaking.

We are honored to interface with you upon request; this is true of all loving beings of light consciousness; an invitation is required in this free will reality. We acknowledge you for the exceptional expansion that you are calling forth and anchoring. the 'team'

Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]
©2018 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.

© 2018 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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