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One Energetic Vibrational Field - The Hathors

One Energetic Vibrational Field - The Hathors

We are here wanting to join with your field of energy. Our focus of sharing at this time is to remind you that you are living in an energy soup including all the different aspects of energy, vibrations, frequencies, electronics and cosmic offerings. We are inviting you to be more aware of how you respond and interact with these different fields.

Being in human form is only one aspect of who you are. As a physical being focused in and focused on this third dimension, it seems like that is all that is. It feels real, looks real, yet it is only one perception of the multi-dimensional aspects of whom and what a human actually is.

Each dimension is available to you at all times. They are resonating at a different frequency. As more and more beings become conscious, these other realities/dimensions will begin to appear.

For example, the news of discovering new planets beyond your known solar system shows that humans have raised their vibration of consciousness enough to allow these new planets to be visible.

You have your dense physical form, the shape, height and weight of your body, and how it looks in the reflection of a mirror. This is only the outer appearance.

Within the human form are entire galaxies, entire systems and entire energy fields. Each of these systems operates and functions automatically below your conscious awareness, much like the multidimensional realities outside your body. You are affecting both the inner dimensions within your physical body and the outer dimensions of your reality. Everything is a reflection, as within so without, as above so below. This is a statement by your Einstein.

The nucleus of the atom spins within the cell; it is quantum physics in action. Your thoughts and emotions affect the spin. Just as the thoughts and emotions of mass consciousness affect the spin of your planet and even the stars, the spin of the planet and the stars affect the spin of the atoms within your cells. This is all one energetic vibrational field.

Within this field of vibrations are uncountable variations and combinations. Hold this perspective; you are always operating at the multi-dimensional level, within your human form and outside your human form. Others are becoming aware of this. Consciousness is expanding and awakening.   Allow yourself to become aware of these realities, these dimensions.

We will give you this example, earth is in a sea of vibrations and frequencies. Mankind has been skilled in creating and inventing many devices in which there is an energy frequency. There is a vibration. These waves of energy are at all times moving through you. Even as you sit at the computer there are frequencies that are interacting with your personal energy field. 

Imagine for a moment all the devices in just your home alone, every electrical device, every light and lamp, the phone systems, all the kitchen appliances. The television is one of the major contributors of discordant frequencies. Each device gives off a certain frequency. Most people are not aware of these frequencies. They have tuned them out; their energy field has adjusted and learned to just live with them.

It is important for you to be aware of these discordant frequencies and the matrix that they create. It is important for you and others to stay anchored, stable and firm in your own personal energy field and matrix. You will be less affected by discordant frequencies.

This planet is woven with electronic frequencies. If you had the vision to see the stands of energy connecting all the power lines, electrical devices, cell phones, televisions and microwaves you would be amazed at how tightly woven this energetic matrix truly is. It surrounds your planet in an energetic grid of frequencies, vibrations and energy.

Most of humanity does not consider any of this information. There is an attitude of “What you don’t see, what you don’t know, won’t affect you.” This is much like the ostrich bird, who buries its head in the sand, unaware of the storm blowing around.

These matrixes of electronic frequencies are always affecting the physical body and the mental state of mind. They are a part of the hypnotizing that takes place in this hologame. These electronic frequencies are addicted to your personal energy field. These manmade electronic frequencies hold a certain mindset in place.  

There are major energy shifts happening to and on your planet. The solar flares, the galactic  bursts of energy are surging through this shield of hypnotizing electronic frequencies. The cosmic energy thrusts are activating certain aspects of the DNA codes. Notice how this is taking place within your own body. State your intentions which will allow you to welcome these bursts of star energy with grace and ease.

These cosmic energy thrusts are offering a wakeup call to humanity. The earth’s magnetic field holds the higher integrity of the hologame in place. This is being overridden by those who would control the electronic fields. This planet is receiving the highest support from the consciousness of the cosmos. There are celestial beings whose energy field is bathing your beloved planet at all times. Open to this awareness and allow yourself to feel and anchor these incoming gifts of conscious energy and the frequencies being offered.

Humanity as a whole has been unaware of their divine star connection and their multidimensional aspects. They are hypnotized in the hologame at this time, held in the dysfunction and unaware of their power to create. This is shifting and part of the shift is manifesting as the wave of humanity waking up to their magnificence and the truth of who they truly are.

We invite you to continue to maintain a strong energy field of love, joy and appreciation. When you vibrate these high coherent frequencies you will not be affected by the bombardment of the planetary electronic grid. You create a cohesion field.

Remember all is well. Be in your joy, and swim, flow and stream with the energy from the stars. We are offering you our loving energy at all times. Be at peace, the 'team'

Thought for the Month

"You have your dense physical form, the shape, height and weight of your body, and how it looks in the reflection of a mirror. This is only the outer appearance.

Within the human form are entire galaxies, entire systems and entire energy fields. Each of these systems operates and functions automatically below your conscious awareness, much like the multidimensional realities outside your body. You are affecting both the inner dimensions within your physical body and the outer dimensions of your reality. Everything is a reflection, as within so without, as above so below." the 'team'


Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]
©2022 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.

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