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A Song of Highest Destiny for the Children of Earth - A Hathor Planetary Message

A Song of Highest Destiny for the Children of Earth - A Hathor Planetary Message

We are offering this sound meditation as a tool for those who wish to assist future generations of human beings upon your Earth.

This method is based upon a ritual we engage whenever a new Hathor is born. His or her parents, and all of his or her relations, sing A Song of Highest Destiny that is sung to the child to create a harmonic field of intent that will follow him or her through his or her entire life as a Hathor being. The intention is that this being will have deep and unobstructed access to his or her spiritual strengths, and as life presents him or her with the challenges of existence in a dualistic universe, that deep well of strength can be more easily drawn upon.

As we contemplate the future of Earth and the extraordinary circumstances facing children who will incarnate upon your planet, we are moved by compassion to sing for them this song in the very same spirit we sing the Song of Highest Destiny for our own children.

Due to the ever-increasing number and intensity of Chaotic Nodes that are now unfolding, and will continue to unfold on your planet, humanity’s future is in a state of rapid and radical transformation. Beings who incarnate into these circumstances will face unprecedented physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges.

From our perspective, the “purpose of life” is to offer a field of expression whereby a being can discover his or her deeper nature under the pressure of existence in order to develop higher spiritual qualities and abilities that he or she will take into other lifetimes, as well as other dimensions of reality that are trans-biological, meaning realms of embodiment that are composed more of light than of matter.

If you feel a resonance to the intent of this sound meditation, we invite you to engage it whenever you are so called. By its very nature, this sound meditation tends to impart healing and comfort to those who work with it. As you listen to the sound codes—know that without any action on your part—they activate and bring forward the vast, mysterious and infinite matrix of consciousness as it expresses itself in the finite reality of your current physical embodiment.

Let your awareness rest in your heart chakra (in the center of your chest) and imagine—in whatever ways feel natural to you—that all future generations of children born on this Earth are in front of you. This will be a very large number of beings, indeed. Many of them will be from different cultural realities and races than your own. Simply embrace them in your awareness. This is the first step: to simply be aware of them in your vivid imagination.

The next step is to add a harmonic that will help sustain them in the future unfoldment of their lives. Send them feelings of courage, comfort and appreciation (if not gratitude) for the great task they will be undertaking by incarnating into a world that is in such flux and transformation.

Some of you may find yourselves, from time to time, being overcome by feelings of fear, despair, sorrow and other emotions related to your own trepidations regarding the future. If such feelings arise in you, disconnect from holding the image of Earth’s future children in front of you. Rather focus on your heart chakra and allow the sound codes to transform your own pain and anxiety around the future. Simply be with the sound codes and let the feelings that arise be there without changing those emotions in any way. Eventually the union of your awareness and your emotional pain along with the energetics of the sound codes will transform those feelings and create a different emotional space for you. You may need to work with the sound codes in this way several times and on multiple occasions to “clear” your own negative impressions regarding the future.

Do not work with the sound meditation as a means to send positive intent to future generations until you are emotionally clear.

It is vital to understand that you need to attain a certain degree of spiritual mastery in order to hold the vibrational field that is necessary to impart positive intent. Make sure you can hold this level of positivity for the duration of the sound meditation.

If you find yourself unable to hold this positive vibratory field in your emotional reality, work with the sound codes for the sole purpose of self-clearing as described above. Make this the focus of your meditation rather than the sending of positive intent to future generations. When you have cleared enough emotional material to hold a positive space for the duration of the meditation, then feel free to engage it for the benefit of future generations.

There are moments in the flow of time where it will be more advantageous to work with the meditation as a means to generate a positive influence for future generations. If you feel a connection to this work you will sense when these times arise. Generally speaking, cosmic junctures such as the New Moon, the Full Moon and other significant cosmic alignments present highly productive opportunities for working with this sound meditation.

For those of you who feel the calling to work with this meditation on a regular basis, we thank you on behalf of the children of Earth and all future generations.

From our perspective all consciousness throughout the cosmos, regardless of what forms it may take, are part of an intricately interconnected tapestry of light and energy.

A shift in any area of the cosmos affects other areas. Thus, for those who work with this sound meditation to send positive intent, know with certainty that you are adding seeds of beneficial emanations to the vast tapestry of life.

May all beings be healed and elevated to know that they are—without exception—the living embodiment of the Great Mystery and may their lives be blessed by this realization.

The Hathors
October 21, 2019

Thoughts and Observations from Tom

Although this message deals with physics, I think it is pretty self-explanatory. And I certainly think the water metaphor is apt, because if nothing else, the “heat” seems to be turning up, so to speak.

After receiving this particular message, I did ask the Hathors to clarify their statement that this Chaotic Node was imminent. My experience with higher dimensional beings is that they have a very different sense of time than us, and what may seem like an eternity to us, is but a blink of the cosmic eye for them.

And so when I asked for clarification, they said that as they view it now, there are multiple domains of increasing chaos that are interacting in new and novel ways. Thus predicting when the exact moment a Chaotic Node will manifest on our timeline is, necessarily, variable.

Let’s take a look at this Hathorian concept by picking three arbitrary domains. First is our biosphere. Due to global warming, whatever the reasons, wild life is being threatened due to loss of habitat and food sources. This threat includes a whole host of species, from the Lemurs of Madagascar who are under so much stress some have stopped reproducing, to polar bears who are losing the ice that was their territory, to whales that are losing food sources, to even certain types of trees that have stopped producing oxygen. This is just one domain we could loosely call our ecosystem.

Then there are the ever-increasing weather anomalies that are wrecking havoc all over the globe.

What we, the human species, seem to forget is that we are part of the ecosystem. We may be at the top of the food chain, and we may be the dominant species in terms of being able to affect the environment around us. But if the stresses affecting other species are so intense as to affect their reproduction, then are we next?

Indeed, some strong studies coming out of Canada indicate that the use of certain plastics, such as are used in plastic baby bottles, seems to be affecting the reproductive ability of boy babies. There is growing evidence that as some of these male children mature, their reproductive systems are failing them. Will we follow in the steps of the Lemurs?

And so we have here, for the sake of discussion, three interacting domains: 1) the ecosystem itself, 2) erratic weather patterns that are stressing plant and animal life, and 3) our technological civilization that seems to be radically affecting the other two domains of ecology and weather (not to mention the possible reproductive ability of its own male children—at least in Western industrialized nations).

As the changes in these domains increase at an accelerated pace, chaotic elements naturally arise.

Take for instance the recent snafu at a major university that emailed acceptance letters to thousands of students that had actually been rejected—a chaotic element at work albeit clerical in nature.

What the Hathors are saying is that there are so many domains interacting with each other at the same time, the rate of chaos is increasing.

As a result, little chaotic elements are at play and interacting to create larger chaotic elements. When you have enough large chaotic elements interacting, you have a Chaotic Node. And that is what the Hathors are alerting us to.

So back to their word “imminent.” When I pressed them for a timeline, they said that they see a high probability of a Chaotic Node manifesting anywhere from a period of several weeks from the day they gave the message (April 27, 2009), up to nine months or so. But they insisted that this was only an educated guess. The volatility of the times makes it impossible to say with certainty when “the pot will start to roil.”

The point they are trying to make is that chaos is a natural part of the evolutionary process and not to be frightened by it, but instead to use it as a means to further accelerate our own personal evolution—regardless of what those around us might or might not be doing.

There is one other thing about their message I wasn’t clear about. What did they mean when they said “political ineptitude in managing world events?” Well it turns out that the term has a larger context for them than I thought.

For them, political ineptitude includes the usual human stupidity, greed and ignorance, and when you add this to the mix of chaotic world events, you have a combination that could and would likely make things worse.

But ineptitude, for the Hathors, also includes nefarious and evil-intent on the part of the “shadow governments” of some countries to intentionally mislead the people and in some cases, actually manipulate and control human destiny. The Hathors specifically used the word ineptitude in referencing the shadow governments not because they are clumsy or unskilled, but because the behaviors they are currently choosing (i.e., to control and manipulate) are leading to their own devolution. And in spite of their cleverness, they are on a dead-end path.

So all of this is part of the mix, which to use a good French term is like a mélange of the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. The soup is on, and the heat is definitely turned up.

What each of us does in our collective pot will certainly be a show worth watching.

Lastly, whatever comes out of the cosmic kitchen (so to speak), I can personally vouch for the Hathors’ comments about the Holon of Ascension being a powerful way to shift consciousness.

Ever since they gave me the Holon of Ascension, I have been experimenting with it in all types of situations. And I must say that it is remarkably effective at shifting my own energy state and perception even when I am feeling funky, fatalistic and generally negative about the world, my life and the human condition.

But the only way for you to assess if the Holon of Ascension will be as powerful for you as it is for me, is to try it for yourself.

Click for a complete description of how to engage the Holon of Ascension.

I suggest you take it for a spin and see what happens.

You can hear and/or download a free audio recording of the Planetary Holon Meditation that took place on April 5th, 2009 in Seattle, Washington. Click on the tab that reads Planetary Holon Meditation in the main menu to the left.

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

©2019 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved www.tomkenyon.com

You may share this message in any media or format so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter its content and credit the author, as well as including this entire copyright notice. Please note that this permission applies only to the written message and not the sound meditation.
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