The Arcturians: Save Your Money
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- Written by Krista EnergeticLeigh

Good afternoon, we bring forth today’s message full of inspiration and desires and wealth.
Today we will focus on how to gain wealth. From our vantage point you are struggling. You seem to not have the funds at the end of the month. Where did your money go? From our vantage point we will tell you that it is being redirected to higher forces. There is a greater plan in play. Step outside your daily wants and needs. What is truly the overall desire of your planet… a revolution. What will cause a revolution? Taking control back.
Don’t spend your money at the places that only profit from your loss, the higher end, big chain box stores. They don’t need your money. Think of a higher end big box store, they are belittling you. A simple product is outrageously priced. Say to yourself, “Do I really need this product?” In fact, you don’t. Really scrutinize your spending. We see you spending money on the things you used to buy, decorations for holidays, fancy beach towels, and soaps that smell too fancy. Those higher end stores are going to gouge you for these frivolous items. Come down to reality. Your money needs to go to gas, electricity, coats and jackets, the essentials. Don’t buy what you used to buy, that is now frivolous. In your head think, what are the essentials… do I need to keep warm; do I need to eat. You will find at the end of the month you have more funds.
It is a concept that is as simple as it sounds, but yet we have to repeat it as we see you walking around the stores putting junk in your carts. We have to scream at you, put it down, you don’t need that. Times are different and for the average consumer you have to change your mindset. You do not need to buy a case of something when one item is all that is needed. The large quantities are not necessary. What do you need for this month, not what do you need for the year. Rein in those check books. Examine your finances because the ride is about to get bumpy. Prices will continue to rise and if you don’t get your spending under control now you will have a difficult time. The average consumer will be scraping their pennies so begin now in changing your habits.
We do not tell you this to be angry, we tell you this as advice. We see frivolous spending occurring that you will later regret. The exciting news to this is that it is part of the changeover. Citizens uprising and creating new ways of doing business. You won’t want to go to the store, you will trade with your neighbor. Get back to the ways of drying fruits and food preservation. You need to return to simpler times when you did not pay for convenience. It is healthier to prepare your own foods and provides cost savings.
We see the final conclusion to these times and know that you will go through the good and the bad but in the end come out better for it. Please just witness this as the next chapter in the grand plan. There is no need to fear if you are prepared and can adapt when needed. We are giving this urgent warning that the time to adapt your spending is now. Stop the chaos that is happening at these stores and get only the essentials for now. Whenever there is a let-up or price break take advantage, but when prices seem too high for you follow your instinct and pass-by for this round. Better days will be coming if we don’t give into their tactics and buy outrageous things when they are at outrageous prices.
We wish you the patience to shop sales and delay gratification, and purchase only necessities for the coming days until you have made your point to these stores that you won’t be paying for their nonsense. Our wish to you is that you relax, know that you can do this. This is not anyone singling you out, but just part of the Collective moving things forward.
With all our love, the Arcturians.
(Channeled message on February 17, 2024)
Krista EnergeticLeigh: This website was created to share with you the intuitive messages I am channeling from beyond our veil. Those speaking ask that I give their exact words. May the messages bring you clarity on your path of ascension. Always use your own discernment. Much love to you all! ~ Krista
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