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The Arcturians: Rewiring for Peace

The Arcturians: Rewiring for Peace

Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We come forth as a community, as a collective, to bring forth our energy, our wisdom and our support at this time. We notice that the levels of anxiety, of stress and worry are rising within many beings and feelings of chaos, confusion and fear are developing also.

We recognise this as a natural aspect that occurs during ascension. It is often when one moves through an ascension shift or a transformation that they have a moment or moments of enlightenment, inspiration and liberation. However, they also experience fears, wounds, suffering, confusion, anxiety coming to the surface, and this is because the new vibration activates your energy and that which is not aligned with that new vibration you’ve adopted through your ascension transformation – all that is no longer aligned – rises up into your awareness or into your physical body for you to recognise and acknowledge.

It is important to recognise that fear, chaos, confusion, worry, anxiety – they are natural aspects of your existence upon the earth and they will lessen as your vibration increases and quickens, and you let go of the baggage, the energies that are limiting you that you are holding onto.

The more you become grounded and centred into your being and your truth, the less reactive you are to your reality around you. You are more able to remain in a space of peace and balance. Of course you may still experience sorrow, pain and suffering, but your ability to recognise what is occurring, to deal with it, to transform it and come back into your centre will become quicker and easier.

There is a collective shift, as if humanity is currently trying to shed anxiety/worries/fears, and because it’s occurring collectively, everyone is experiencing some form of anxiety, worry or fear as it is amplified by the collective – even if it is only a small amount.

We, the Arcturians, wish to share with you a practice to support you at this time. Maybe you are not experiencing anxiety, worry or fear but it is always valuable to have an understanding and a technique that you can use when it does arise within you.

Much of anxiety and fear and worry is connected to habits and patterns within the sub-conscious mind, within the mind and the brain – like pathways that already have been created. When you have an experience, your mind almost knows the exact pathway to take – even if that pathway is worry, judgment or fear. In order to liberate yourself more fully from these feelings and impacts of worry/fear/anxiety and so forth, there is a need to almost energetically rewire your mind, your brain, so that when an experience occurs there is a new pathway that develops and that the mind is able to adopt.

We the Arcturians are working with many in rewiring their brain and their mind, and in fact this means…because the brain is connected to everything…the mind is connected to every part of your being and your body…we are actually rewiring your entire body and being.

Our purpose is to create more peace so the pathways of peace are created. However the energy that we will use to create these pathways of peace is love – unconditional love – the true and pure love and essence of the Creator.

You may wonder why we are not anchoring peace as that is the outcome that we wish for, but love is supportive, it is comforting, it is immensely familiar to you, your being and your soul. Love is the representative of the essence of the Creator – it is open, it is expansive, it is flowing. It is something that can be recognised within the physical body and experienced in the physical body. When love is anchored into your being, it has the ability to align all aspects of your being with love. When all aspects of your being are aligned with love, it’s as if your body and your being goes into an automatic pattern that is supportive and nurturing for you – connecting you with your soul, grounding you, supporting you with energy, cleansing and clearing your being, awakening new knowledge and understanding, offering you the courage, the confidence to achieve what is necessary. Your being and body shifts into a very natural and spiritual state that was intended and is guided for your existence upon the earth where everything is easier, more flowing and manifests quicker. This is why we use the energy of love.

We invite you to call upon us, the Arcturians. Invite us to surround you, and we will begin to pour love into your being. We are drawing this love from the soul, the essence, the core, the centre of the Creator, so please acknowledge that it is a pure vibration of love.

As you inhale deeply and receive this love, letting it fill your entire being and body, we the Arcturians, invite you to call upon your soul and soul group, and ask for the highest vibration of love to pour through your soul group, your soul and into your entire being. You can image your soul group and soul like the most beautiful jewel, at your heart space, and let that jewel radiate, being present to support you.

We have technicians that are extremely powerful in rewiring the brain and the mind, the entire being and body. We call these Arcturian beings forward to place their energetic hands upon your head. They begin to allow a concentrated vibration of love to flow into your head, into your brain, into your mind, into your sub-conscious mind. Allow yourself to receive this and let it take as long as it needs to.

Notice that this concentrated energy of love begins to flow throughout your entire being and it is creating a rewiring. As you’re achieving this, you might wish to think of things in your reality that cause you fear/anxiety/worry and recognise the pathway as you think of that experience or thought form. Recognise the path that it takes. Then imagine that you are erasing and rubbing it out with the concentrated love vibration, and imagine love creating a new pathway – a new thought system that is more serving and allows you to truly recognise, with clarity, the experience that is taking place.

This is a practice that you can use to rewire not only your brain, your mind, but your entire being and body. The more you achieve this, the more you will recognise its impact in your reality. You can experience this practice for as long as is appropriate and as many times as is appropriate.

Our love is with you always.

We are the Arcturians. We thank you.


Channelled through Natalie Glasson 
Natalie anchors the Wisdom of the Light Community, which is a large and vast group of varied light beings who are devoted to assisting the Earth and its humanity. The Wisdom of the Light Community is ever expanding as Archangel Michael who oversees the community allows all to channel their wisdom and consciousness through Natalie. You may access and integrate the energy of the Wisdom of the Light Community to aid your spiritual advancement through meditation while holding the intention of experiencing their energy. It is the channellings from the Wisdom of the Light Community that Natalie shares through the Sacred School of Om Na.
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