The Arcturian Group: Embrace Higher Truths on the Ascension Path
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- Written by Marilyn Raffaele

These messages offer hope, encouragement, and guidance during times of chaos, reminding you of your divine purpose and the transformative power of aligning with higher truths as Earth ascends. -Andel
Dear readers know that these messages are intended not only for teaching and information but to also to bring hope and encouragement during these times of confusion and chaos for so many.
As the frequency of earth's energy evolves, minds and hearts automatically begin opening to and feeling the need for change regarding many issues that have been accepted as normal and right. However, many who seek change perceive it as being a different form of what is already in place--the same three dimensional beliefs packaged differently.
Lateral change is not a part of the ascension process. The energy that has maintained and sustained the third dimensional belief system is dissolving in the presence of increasingly more high frequency energy. You can liken the process to watching sand designs that form on a flat surface when loud sound or music is played. The pattern of the sand will change when the surrounding sound changes but before it becomes a new pattern the current one goes into chaotic disarray for a short time. The world at this time is between energies, out of alignment with either, and is experiencing this same type of chaos.
Concepts of service, health, education, law, etc. and many other familiar facets of daily living will not disappear but rather their present form will dissolve allowing them to reappear as new and higher forms, forms that serve all, not just a select few and are without influence and input from self-serving outside interests.
Because three dimensional energy is so dense, most humans are unable to remember or align with the higher frequencies they left and over time begin living and believing in the three dimensional world of duality, separation, and two powers. Some of you may feel unworthy to do spiritual work because of beliefs and choices made when you thought you were just a human. Know that if you are reading these messages, you chose to be on earth at this time prepared, worthy, and fully aware of what it would entail both personally and globally.
Not all those who wanted to incarnate into these ascension times were permitted. Only those deemed strong enough to hold their Light in the face the discords that would accompany earth's ascension process were allowed. There are many on earth at this time who are not of a high level of awareness but we speak of those who wanted to be a part of earth's ascension process.
Hold the light of truth sacredly and secretly within at all times and in all situations. With eyes open or closed go within often--sitting at your desk, driving, eating dinner or anywhere you find yourself. Simply take a few seconds to acknowledge your ONEness. "I AM the only reality, law, cause and effect, complete and whole now, not in the future or when I am good enough, now." Use your own words, it is the intention not the words that matter.
Many young adults are suffering at this time, some to the point of suicide. Most are spiritually evolved souls who wanted desperately to take part in earth's ascension process but once in the density of three dimensional energy they forgot. At the time of human development when socialization and "fitting in" seems very important many of them are discovering that they don't "fit in".
Unaware that they are out of alignment because their energetic resonance is higher than that of most of those around them and because they are not yet mature enough just to ignore it, they begin to believe that there is something personally wrong with them and start acting out and adopting negative behaviors in order to "fit in".
Drug use has become a popular way for individuals of all ages to "fit in". Many falsely believe that drugs give them spiritual experiences and some drugs can duplicate concepts of spiritual experience but these are temporary and just as much an illusion as all concepts are. They are three dimensional substitutes for what can only be experienced through conscious oneness with Source. Drugs do not increase spirituality, but rather hinder it by keeping the person locked in old energy.
Drugs have become a socially acceptable way of life for many unaware that the inner peace, joy, satisfaction, and completeness that they seek from drugs is already permanently fully present within them. Drug use can provide a temporary false sense of fulfillment but at the same time will block real spiritual development because it reinforces concepts of separation and often opens doors in the person's energy field that were meant to stay closed at their present level of consciousness.
Opening doors not meant to be opened can result attachments, unpleasant experiences, and is frequently the reason underlying violent crimes that are explained by the perpetrator as their hearing "voices" that told them to do it. This information is not to bring fear but rather to inform you.
Hold to the reality of your being at all times even if you have to do it in pain, lack, limitation, or some other form of three dimensional discord. Do not struggle, resist, or frantically try to "fix" things because once you know that God is the only law, power, and reality, you must begin to live it because it is the only way out of the illusory world you came to accept as reality.
Living each day from an awareness of the truth about God and man will eventually result in it becoming an attained state of consciousness where there will no longer be the need to practice and remember truth because you will be it. Living from a level of high truth does not mean ignoring or pretending not to see what is going on around you but rather means being in the world but not of it.
Living from truth and oneness rather than from the belief that humans are born sinners that must be "saved" is not for the fainthearted. It is difficult being in the world but not of it because three dimensional collective consciousness surrounds you at all times (remember there is only one consciousness and it is omnipresent). Media, friends, family, experts, organized religions, politicians and governments constantly pressure humanity to do this or that or they will suffer dire consequences. Even when meditating it is easy to slip into waiting for God or a God experience to come to you rather than knowing and resting in the realization that God is YOU, already closer than breathing.
Reality is, always has been, and always will be omnipresent but most still carry an overlay of conditioning and false belief that prevents them from seeing and experiencing it. The drama and theater of the three dimensional belief system will continue for a while but because God and all that God is the only reality and because the collective is awakening to this, you are going to see many familiar three dimensional concepts fall, no longer having the energy to support them.
The earth of God's creation is and has always been a perfect idea in Divine Mind, but will seem to be new as increasingly more eyes open to its reality.
We are the Arcturian Group
Mariyln Raffaele About Marilyn The Channel: I began meditating and then following the mystical principles presented through Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way" material in 1970. This brought an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice, the many world teachings, modalities of healing, and myth which in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an ability to communicate with my guides and other Teachers of Light. I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a website which would allow them to get their messages of Love and Light out to the world at this very important time.
Arcturian Group Message-2/2/25
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