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Our Time of Great Need - The Arcturians

Our Time of Great Need - The Arcturians

Dear Arcturians,

Please send me some information that I can share with others to assist us all during this time of great challenge.

Dear Suzille,

We, the Arcturians, are happy to assist you, as well as anyone who asks for our assistance. We Arcturians, as well as all of our Galactic Family are working as ONE “Higher Dimensional Team” to assist our beloved Planetary Friend, Gaia. Yes, the issues that the humans are confronted with are also impacting all the levels of our dear Planet Gaia. 

Therefore, we suggest to all of you that you, too, connect with us, The Arcturians, The Pleiadians, The Antarians, The Venusians and other Galactic Beings that most of humanity has not met—yet! We say “yet” because YOU, the members of Gaia’s Planetary Family, are on the cusp of great change.

Yes, dear humans, we realize that there has been more than enough “change” within your now, and we commend you for your immense courage and ability to remember that “Together WE are ONE.” By saying “we” you are connecting your personal consciousness not only with your family and friends, but you are also connecting your consciousness with your Galactic SELF.

We will now explain what we mean by the term, “Your Galactic SELF.” As most of you are aware, “What you think about—You bring about.” One of the reasons that we have come to this NOW is because we need to remind all of you, our brave humans, to remember that your thoughts have great power.

On an individual level, your thoughts are like a “secret” part of you that is constantly interacting with you, whether or not you deserve it. In today's busy world, especially within this NOW of great challenge, it is easy to become so embroiled in what is going on around you that you do not have “time” to think about what is going on INSIDE of you! Yes, your minds are constantly communicating with you in many different ways. 

However, when you, the humans of Earth, become deeply embroiled in the mere act of survival, which many of you feel like you are doing, a wave of fear flows through the eithers of Gaia’s planetary body. 

We realize that many of you do not know how much your thoughts alone can influence, not how you see the world around you, but also the way the world sees you. Yes, please remember that Gaia is a living, breathing being. When you are sad, you send out a wave of sadness that invisibly flows throughout Gaia in many directions.

On the other hand, when YOU send out Courage, Love and Confidence, you send out a an invisible wave of “It is going to be alright! I know that we will join together, in fact, we are already joining together, to assist ALL planetary beings to move through and even “learn from” that which is being called a “pandemic.” 

The dictionary’s definitions of “pandemic” are Epidemic, Contagion, Sickness, Disease, illness, “having a widespread effect as a very widespread disease occurs." Unfortunately, too many people are experiencing this “pandemic” within this NOW. 

We, your Galactic Family, who are members of Gaia’s planetary family such as the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Venusians, and the Antarians, are aware of the great courage and cooperation that has occurred during your great challenge. Unfortunately, there are some, and you are aware of who we speak, have not been able to face this Planetary Challenge and have NOT been able to “take hold of the reigns.”

However, YOU the brave humans of Gaia’s planet, YOU the everyday people who have taken care of their self, their family, their homes and their land, have “volunteered” to assist dear Gaia with Her Planetary Battle, and to assist the humans in their personal battle.

“Why do we use the term, “battle”? We, your Galactic Family, chose to use that term because you are all “Warriors for Gaia.” WE, your Galactic Family, who is also YOU in your higher dimensional expression of SELF, are calling ALL the members of Gaia’s dear Earth to remember that “energy out is energy back!”

We, your Galactic Family can see from our Starships how YOU, the humans, are banning together with other humans. However, this “banning together” cannot be done in a physical manner, or the “pandemic” would travel from person to person and place to place. In fact, we, Galactics are very proud of our dear grounded ones living as humans on Gaia’s Earth.

Fortunately, an increasing amount of our Arcturians, Pleiadians, Antarians, and Venusians, have chosen to take on human earth vessels because they knew that Gaia would need them on Her planet. “How did Gaia, a planet, know that?” We hear you ask.To answer your question, we will need to remind you that Earth is a Living Being!!! Cavemen knew that Earth was a living being, as did many other early societies. However, as humans became more and more “civilized” they became more detached from their Planetary Mother—Gaia. 

Therefore, these ones who "forgot" did not care if what they were doing would harm dear Gaia’s elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. In fact, most “modern” humans did not think at all about the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, or Water, and treated these elements as “just stuff.” 

Unfortunately, the humans, especially the “modern day humans” have forgotten, or never thought about the fact, that there are many “living beings” on Gaia that are NOT human. In fact, all the elementals of—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—are living beings. Because of Gaia's needs for assistance, these “Elementals” are the core of Gaia’s planetary health

Therefore, when the Earth is covered with concrete, the Air is filled with smog, Fires are ignored until great damage is done, and the Water is filled with trash and many chemicals. 

Why is there so much TRASH? How many humans have even asked that questions. And, more importantly, how many humans have taken care of their own “trash” in a manner that that does NOT pollute their world?

Why did humanity wait this long before they even began to realize that HUMANITY was meant to be the Guardians and Protectors of their planetary home—Earth? 

A big part of that answer is that humans, not the Native Humans who have NEVER lost touch with the fact that the Earth they walk is alive, the Air they breathe is alive, the “fire” from the Sun is Alive, and the Water, which humans cannot live without, is Alive!

In fact, everywhere that you look is an example of the energy field of where you are looking. For example: 

  How do you feel when you see beautiful trees and green fields?

          Please take a long moment and close your eyes to see within you beautiful trees and green fields. 

          Please take a long moment to close your eyes to see within clear, beautiful sky free of all pollution.

          Please take a long moment to feel the warm Sun on your body as you walk through a lovely day.


          Please take a long moment and imagine that you are swimming in or standing in a pool of clear, clean water.

How many times in the last month, have you thought about the fact that YOU, the humans, were meant to be the Guardians for Gaia?

How many times in the last year have you thought about the fact that YOU, the humans, were meant to be the Guardians for Gaia?

In fact, when was the last time that YOU realized that YOU have an innate mission to protect Gaia, especially during the difficult time of this NOW?

Beloved humans of Gaia, we the Arcturians, wish to DEEPLY commend the MANY humans who have taken “great care of their Mother Planet!” We, the Arcturians, as well as ALL of your Galactic Family of the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Antarians and Venusians, as well as the other Galactic Beings who have not, yet, revealed themselves to Gaia’s humanity. 

Dearest humans who have chosen to take an earth vessel during this VERY IMPORTANT NOW of Gaia’s need to be healed, loved, protected, and honored as you own Planetary Mother. In fact, Gaia is more than “just your Mother.” Gaia is YOU! You are constructed of the same elements, and Elementals, of Earth, Air, Fire, Water.

Could humanity live without a earthen body?

Could humanity live without air to breathe?

Could humanity live without any warmth from the Sun?

Could humanity live without any water to drink?

If humanity were to loose even one of these elements (as well as the unseen Elemental Beings who create and enliven the elements) how would that be?

We are your Galactic Family, and we seriously mean YOUR Galactic Family, ask that YOU find the time in your busy day to read this message from us Your Galactic Family. We ask you to read this message not because our scribe wrote down the words that we gave here. 

NO, we, your Galactic Family ask you to find time in your busy day to assist Gaia with HER Planetary Ascension. In fact, “we, your Galactic Family” is actually YOU, the Galactics who have chosen to take on an earth vessel during this NOW of Gaia’s GREAT NEED!

We, your Galactic Family, ask that you ignore those who speak only for themselves and listen deeply to those who speak for Gaia and for All Gaia’s planetary humans. It is the NOW to remember your fifth dimensional Galactic SELF.

We will return to speak much, much more. We Galactics have come to assist YOU to remember YOUR True Galactic SELF!

We will return with more Galactic Messages, to remind you that YOU TOO ARE A GALACTIC BEING COME TO GAIA TO ASSIST HER NOW!!


Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life.  Suzanne first stepped onto her spiritual path in the mid-1970s when she met her first spiritual teacher. Since then, she has had many teachers and initiations. 
Credit: here

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