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Clear And Be Free Of Old Energies - The Arcturian Group

Clear And Be Free Of Old Energies - The Arcturian Group

Dear readers, welcome to our message which is intended to assist you in your journey toward more deeply understanding who you really are.

Over the course of the many lifetimes you have all had intense experiences of both good and evil and the energy created by them has been carried from lifetime to lifetime in cellular memory. Until cleared, these pockets of old energy continue to function if or when activated by some outer person or experience.

The escalating violence you are seeing is the result of increasingly more high resonating energy flowing to earth which in turn is acting to bring dormant dense energies stored in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies of all to individual awareness. Some unenlightened few are choosing to act out these old energies rather than allowing them to clear.

A great deal of clearing takes place as you sleep or simply automatically as your Light expands but cellular remembrance of intense and traumatic experiences must come to conscious awareness in order to be acknowledged and then cleared. For example those who have an inordinate fear of something like heights, dogs, water, etc. have at some time in the past or present had a negative experience or even suffered death through these things. The cells remember and in coordination with mind are trying to protect the person from doing it again.

This does not mean that a person with a fear of heights must go to a high cliff and look over, it means that a person with some level of spiritual awareness can clear these old fears firstly by ceasing to identify with and claim the fear to be personal and secondly through understanding that fear does not exist in the reality of their being. Fear is old programming put in place for protection but old programming can be dissolved because it has no law to support or maintain it.

We are not saying that deeply held fears release easily, especially for those not yet awake to the deeper truths. Fears that have been carried through lifetimes often become a person's identity but at a certain point in everyone's evolutionary journey all remaining deeply ingrained fears must be acknowledged and cleared. For some this may require the help of a professional, but the main thing is to know and fully accept that fear never was or can become the person. Fear is always impersonal.

There are some who find satisfaction in maintaining their particular fear because it gets them attention and can be an excuse for doing or not doing certain things, however if you are reading these messages you are ready to or have already moved beyond that state of consciousness. Strive to be totally honest with yourselves because continuing to hold on to some fear or negative quality (even age) because it makes you special in some way will block further spiritual advancement. It represents separation.

​Remember, if you identify with any negative issues that come up for you it simply aligns you with that particular energy and then does indeed make it yours. Stand firm in knowing that all discord is the manifestation of the belief in two powers and separation and rejoice in knowing that you are spiritually prepared to move through the appearances. Never forget or doubt that the only qualities that are personal to you are those of Divine Consciousness.

There are many in the world at this time whose soul purpose was to be on earth as a catalyst causing confusion and disarray that would in turn force those happy to continue living comfortable lives based in duality and separation toward actually thinking about and examining the status quo.

Trust. Trust. Trust. It is very important that all who have awakened, cease doubting and trust.

Your Higher Self is you, not some far off entity hovering around and looking in on you occasionally. The Higher Self is that fragment of your Soul that has never forgotten conscious oneness. It knows you inside and out because it is YOU. Trust that it is always working to bring you experiences that will best serve your evolutionary process. Talk to your Higher Self.

Long ago, souls chose to experience separation and proceeded to get stuck in the resulting dense energies creating a collective consciousness based in two powers and separation which constitutes the third dimensional illusion. You chose to be on earth at this time in order to assist with the shifting of the collective out of this established density and into Light. You were spiritually awake before coming and knew you would be capable of assisting others out of the illusion. You also knew that these times would offer you a perfect opportunity to clear all remaining stored old energy.

Never doubt that your true essence (not a human concept of you) is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness. You are not one with IT, you are IT.

Some believe that because God is omniscient God knows all about their problems and so they pray to this concept of God. If Divine Consciousness held within it problems, disease, lack, or limitation of any sort, these things would be permanent, held in place by Divine Law and no one would ever be able to heal or correct them. Divine Consciousness is infinitely aware only of ITself because IT is all that exists.

If God is Omnipotent and omnipresent, where would any other power come from? Does it not then make intelligent sense to make one's goal the attaining of a consciousness of oneness rather than continuing to seek solutions from within the illusion?

Many are awakening--some with tiny steps that just question and others with giant leaps of consciousness. Much will begin to unfold as increasingly more awaken out the desire to hold onto beliefs that are quickly becoming obsolete. This is the grand shift that has been predicted for eons. You are in it because you chose to be in it.

Present times offer a grand opportunity to once and for all clear and be free of old energies that may still hold you in bondage to some person, place, concept, or thing. Rejoice dear ones even as you witness a world that seems to be collapsing from the weight of its own density. These things must surface in order to be seen by the majority, otherwise they would just continue to remain out of sight where they could fester and explode into issues of pain and suffering.

We would speak of happiness, that state of being that everyone seeks and which most believe exists in the outer scene from where it must somehow be attained. Finding the perfect partner, accumulating wealth, getting the perfect job, being physically beautiful or handsome are just a few of the numerous three dimensional concepts regarding what will bring happiness.

Know that permanent happiness can never be found through attaining something in the outer scene because real happiness is already fully present within you waiting to be discovered. Happiness is the result of attaining a consciousness of oneness with Source which automatically constitutes oneness with all that Source is--wholeness, completeness, harmony, abundance etc,.

There will always be pairs of opposites in the the outer scene simply because third dimensional creations are formed from the energy of duality and separation.

Source/God is complete and whole, always has been and always will be and that is all that the human mind is able to comprehend. It is only through attaining a state of consciousness in alignment with Divine Consciousness that a person is finally able to experience true happiness and cease the constant seeking. Many things can and do bring temporary happiness, but eventually their glamour fades for they are concepts of some deeper spiritual reality.

Until spiritual realization, the Real Self of every individual continues to yearn for recognition which is interpreted by the human mind as that search for happiness that everyone experiences. You are spiritually ready to stop seeking your happiness from the outer world dear ones. Enjoy your lives, friends, activities and whatever resonates with you. Laugh, have fun, dance, read good books, have a glass of wine with friends, and enjoy your life but do not expect these things to bring you the fullness of happiness or sense of completeness that is only found within.

Release everything you may still believe to be necessary for your happiness. You may find that some of these things do appear after having attained a consciousness of oneness with Divine completeness. If that happens. those things you originally thought you had to have will be of a higher resonance, quality, and form because they will be formed of consciousness and not illusion.

Release all doubt and trust that your Higher Self knows what you need, when , and how to get it to you.

With much love, respect, and appreciation,

We are the Arcturian Group 

Arcturian Group Message  6/20/21
About Marilyn The Channel:
I began meditating and then following the mystical principles presented through Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way" material in 1970. This brought an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice, the many world teachings, modalities of healing, and myth which in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an ability to communicate with my guides and other Teachers of Light. I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a website which would allow them to get their messages of Love and Light out to the world at this very important time. 

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