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An Emerging New Planet...

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Dratzo! We begin by thanking all whose grand visions are making possible the release of prosperity funds long awaited by all. What we wish to discuss with you today is the immense progress of Gaia and her people toward accepting the growing role of higher consciousness in this world. When we first arrived many decades ago, we saw a population being run around in circles by the Anunnaki and their worldwide network of minions. This tyranny is being brought to an end by the rising up of each one of you!

Ever since you have grown in consciousness, we salute you, and Heaven, for the changes that have happened. It is this growth that has made it impossible for the Anunnaki's former minions to control you as before. This new awareness has forced the cabal to come up with ever more complex scenarios in an attempt to keep its power. We are proud of you for taking on new responsibilities to defeat the attempts by the cabal and its numerous players to drum up some type of global conflict.

As a people, you are beginning to realize your power and your collective inner strength. You are starting, as well, to support the way this new NESARA Republic initially needs to be run. You are ready to accept the many responsibilities that come with the territory. It is this type of global thinking that is to allow the governance of this new republic to ask for and receive your support on a whole slew of related issues. This is truly why, after a long series of delays, you are in the throes of finally receiving reality you deeply desire.

The sum total of these ever-growing reality shifts symbolizes the new consciousness that we are most proud of. You have kept many problems at bay while still showing how much you deeply care for each other. We salute you and know that you are very ready to take on a series of significant challenges that are to achieve many important goals. This outlines the reason events are suddenly appearing that can be handled well by you! Ahead of you are key choices where you are to once again show your newly actualized mettle. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We take this time to celebrate. Each one of you is readying yourself to experience those changes given you so graciously by Heaven. This process is moving along at a steady pace. As you progress, you are altering your accepted concepts of reality, and this is making it very difficult for the old norms to continue. These merciful series of alterations are making it possible for the path toward higher consciousness to continue.

Even though many of you have had to face disaster or a catastrophic situation, you have pulled together as a people like never before. This is due, in part, to what Heaven is accomplishing to keep up your much-needed path to higher consciousness. We cannot over-stress this very important point. Humanity is changing, and it is changing for the better. A good example is the way you have maintained your vision despite all the potential frustrations that are currently surrounding you. You have learned the importance of focusing on this vision to see it through to its divine conclusion.

You are proving just how amazing you are becoming. In the past, many of you have been able to look potential catastrophe in the eye without breaking down. Now, this has extended even further into most of your attitudinal make-up. It is an example of one of the ways that has prevented war and allowed many significant changes to happen. We salute you as a collective for all that you have done to move this realm in the right direction. Know in your Heart to celebrate these changes and ready yourselves for all the good that is presently coming! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, you are witnessing a new set of circumstances that is to alter you as a people. You are observing, too, events that are to reshape the world where you live. These alterations are far from minor, rather they are part and parcel of an emerging new planet. They are designed by Heaven to move you along more quickly toward disclosure and all that truly entails. As the divine process unfolds, never forget that the countless and never-ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be In Joy!) It is a special time for all to come to fruition!

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | E-mail: | Website address: www.paoweb.com
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