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Allow Everything To Achieve Its Promised Reality!

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11 Ben, 16 Kayab, 13 Caban

Selamat Balik! An amazing degree of progress is occurring despite the immense daily requirement of counting prospective distribution funds. As all of this continues, it is evident the current banking system with its limits is causing a slowdown, which is why it's clear that a new banking system is needed. It is unfortunate that even though we are on the brink of wider prosperity, we are stuck with the very clumsy and inadequate reality of an older and more limiting banking system. Nevertheless, the counting and accompanying realities of the new one are clearly coming to pass!

This process may have been slowed, but it is not to be stopped. Until all currencies are fully accounted for by the new monies, the process demands that none of these currencies be released. When this process is completed, a new and more adequate banking system is to arise. At that time, you can then interact with a reality that is fully capable of easily meeting your every need. Until then, remain patient and ready to use what you are then to be given. The best is truly yet to come! This process may seem tedious and slow but it is progressively being accomplished!

What all of this truly means is those who are in charge of the various delivery levels are still stymied by the immensity and complexities of their present tasks. In our opinion, the old realities just need to be dissolved and those with the capabilities to get these tasks done need be permitted to quickly do what is necessary. Our primary purpose for this positive nagging is really two-fold. Our first suggestion is to transfer all available personnel to the task at hand. Our second suggestion is to immediately incarcerate those assigned to be arrested and immediately bring in the NESARA Republic!

These suggestions are simple and can easily permit our allies to get this job done. In addition, these actions can permit this present, illegal system to rapidly collapse on its own accord and allow new governance to bring in a new global prosperity and help all to achieve their wondrous goals. This, after all, is supposed to be the purpose of what is now destined to be swiftly happening. In this, we just ask all parties involved to get on with it! Let all of Gaia's humanity reap the success they so divinely deserve!! As a people, you do indeed deserve more, much more than you are now receiving. Hosanna! Hosanna!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters. We come on this day knowing that a way is to be found that can again move these funds toward their fated destination. We realize just how truly unique this amazing process is. We thank and bless everyone. We are grateful that a means was discovered to permit these vast amounts of funds to be readied for delivery to the appropriate individuals. As this divine act is completed, much can indeed be cheered. Let it all be true! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

We have the means to dissolve the problems of this current reality. Let us pool our good visions together and see this whole wondrous set of events through to the end. In doing so, we can create an energy that will allow everything to achieve its promised reality! In keeping this magnificent vision, we are supporting those who are now preparing to accomplish those goals needed to put us on the very verge of delivery! We Masters are proud of what your energies are achieving. We therefore ask you to join with us and provide the means to keep everything moving forward.

It is vital not to give up during these last stages of our success. Use your growing abilities to allow your long-promised miracles to bloom and to divinely grace you with the prosperity given to you by Heaven. This process is really the crux of this matter and it is moving daily to where you can shortly see it manifest before you. Hence, you require a set of inner beliefs that cannot be easily frustrated. Remain constant in your vision and just know that some amazing events are nearly ready to unfold. Hence, dear Ones, be always ready to receive your Heavenly riches!

Today, we continued our weekly report about what is occurring around this very complex orb. As usual, there is the very interesting and complicated story of how this land is preparing for its overwhelming prosperity and the concurrent rise of the NESARA/GESARA governance. Included in this is how this land is to end its worldwide UFO cover-up and welcome the arrival of its Spiritual and space families. Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | E-mail: | Website address: www.paoweb.com
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