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Unraveling the Mysteries of Parent Karma, Past Lives, and Soul Bonds

Unraveling the Mysteries of Parent Karma, Past Lives, and Soul Bonds

I recently had a fascinating discussion with a couple of very aware people about the topics in the title. Today I’ll give you that discussion, with edits.

We’ll begin with a comment I made about the nature of Life and why we’re here to begin with. I offered that Life is about breaking the link between pain and suffering. Life is painful. From birth to death. The pains of Life are good for learning detachment, discernment, compassion, and a determination to be positive rather than sink into the swamp.

We incarnate so we can become more aware of our connection to the Life which is all around us. But our ego mind and feelings identify with separateness. Because we all have to learn certain realities related to life and things continually passing, painful life experiences get our attention and force us to understand them and figure out how to deal with them.

Because of the painful experiences we all go through, everybody's got a wound. Sometimes more than one. As we deal with our wounds, we learn we are not alone in suffering that wound. Regardless of our wound, there are countless others who share it. Even when we feel most isolated and alone, we are always as surrounded by Life and Love as a fish by water.

In helping others and being helped by others to learn what we can about the healing path, we are given opportunities to use our wound to serve a greater good. And because we are Love beyond our pain and suffering, we all are living proof that love is stronger than death.

The discussion then turned to the nature of karma, parenting, and reincarnation. “R” offered a gem from Goswami Kriyananda’s Urban Mystic,:

In preparing to be reborn, the soul must find a female body to inhabit so as to fulfill its karma, and in turn a father whose karma matches that of the mother. But the karma of both parents must suit that of the incoming soul. For example, if the child is destined be the first person to walk on the Moon, then the mother’s and the father’s karma must be to have a child who will be the first person on the Moon. Or, if the child is to die at the age of three, the parents must have the karma to lose a child at the age of three. In short, the karma of the three persons must merge and match.

I then offered that I have found there are several "candidates" for our parents, depending on how they choose to live and grow in their lives on Earth before we incarnate. Each must choose to live to a childbearing age, each must choose a path so they find the other prospective parent, and they together must choose to have a child. Along the way each candidate must become the embodiment of some qualities corresponding to the energetic patterns of our parents in our natal chart.

Once our potential parents become the hologram we need to reincarnate with them as parents, then the resonance happens, we are born into the energetic family and cultural matrix we are, and Dharma begins. I touch on a little of this in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, as well as the nature of different types of karma and why we must learn certain lessons related to the “Inner Lights of our Being.”

Another offered they see it as a complex preexisting agreement, also known as a ‘contract’ between all of them, most of whom have shared many past incarnations. In each life they choose different ‘roles’; mother, son, friend, spouse, business associate, etc, as suits the ‘play’ that time around. Some are benevolent, some are not. It’s all about spiritual development: the easy way sometimes, and the hard way others.

Then “TS” entered the conversation by stating he agreed, and that “some of the most fascinating information on this subject is in books that only started appearing as recently as the late 80s by 'past life regression hypnotherapists'. The first I'm aware of was Brian Weiss' Many Lives Many Masters, which dealt with his then-accidental 'discovery' of this based on a single patient.

Since then others have written about countless such cases, such as Michael Newton, and most prolifically (and determinedly outside-the-box) the late Dolores Cannon. Much of my understanding of this larger view comes from her books. If you haven't read any of her work, I'd highly recommend it. You can find more about her and her various books at Amazon: Dolores Cannon

As I’ve read Brian Weiss and Michael Newton, there was synchronicity in the conversation. I loved Brian Weiss' works. They were the first publication by a highly respected psychiatrist on the topic of past life anything. Newton's first work seemed to be more about the entry and exit between the heavenworld and this world rather than past lives. I am not familiar with his subsequent works.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Parent Karma, Past Lives, and Soul Bonds

In my own decades' long work in this area, I find that while there is "an agreement" between the Eternal Self and other Eternal Selves, we are only loosely affiliated as Souls with many of our nuclear family. While there is usually one other from our "essential Soul pod," we may or may not stay close, since the growth of the Soul is eternal, and the Law of Magnetic Attraction offers countless other Souls to bond with, especially when a prior bond is damaged on the core level.

What is created in this life sets up the attractions in the next, and if in this life the magnetic bond is severed, it may not ever be restored, since each is their own absolute law giver. Once we learn the lesson, the trajectory of karma moves us forward, often into unknown lands with unknown people and unknown possibilities to become more aware of things unrelated to the bonds of the past.

”TS” replied “That sounds entirely plausible to me. It would follow that the books on the subject offering many cases, upwards of 100 in most of Dolores Cannon's, for example, would be selective to a significant degree where the unusual or most interesting of cases would be featured. She somewhat amusingly reports, numerous times, that about 90% of her subjects' narratives are 'mundane and boring' accounts of peoples' perfectly ordinary lives, and not the makings of an interesting book.

Many of the ones she does choose to report on have complex multi-incarnational 'casts of characters' who recur over and over, usually spouses/children, but many others including major antagonists, such as a person who murdered the subject in a past life, or sometimes even more than one. Really fascinating stuff. And some of DC's accounts go *way* beyond the mundane, in ways far too complex and far-flung to try to briefly summarize here.”

I replied that I understand. When I was doing a lot of past time analysis of people's charts in the 70s it seemed that a relative few in people's lives were really "Soul Mates," in that they brought out a lesson of the Soul. I found that many who thought someone was important at the time found out they were passing phantoms. And yes, in past centuries most people in fact had boring, tedious lives among boring tedious people subject to highly rigid systems and restrictions. Life was not a Renaissance Faire. And it was brutal for the wealthy and powerful.

TS responded “Yes I think it is very common for people to imagine certain others, particularly ones they might arguably be infatuated with romantically, as 'soul mates' or even 'twin flames' (the ultimate soul mate, and at best a true rarity except in the minds of god knows how many thousands of obviously deluded internet forum contributors). Re the 'mundane past lives' narrative, I took it as not necessarily a reference to 'olden times' as it were, but simply the ordinary kind of lives that most people live at any point in history, including the present. Like a person who's not especially engaged in their work/career, who may have married someone out of convenience, has children that they might not be particularly emotionally invested in, etc. The all too common 'life of quiet desperation' Thoreau so famously referred to.”

I answered “Right. I disappointed a lot of people back in the day when I wouldn't confirm that they were the reincarnation of whoever (since they clearly weren't, usually due to a lack of a certain skill set and/or disposition). One cannot be a former president unless you have some executive skills or at least instincts. One cannot have been a famous writer with no ability to write this lifetime. One thought he was a legendary alchemist but kept setting his bathroom on fire.

Part of why I wrote The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames was to address the widespread delusion that many believe a Soul Mate and a Twin Flame are the same thing. I have found we have many Soul Mates, some will break our hearts, and all will expand our awareness of our desire to love and be loved. Maybe we will meet our TF, maybe not, since they may not be incarnated, and even if they are, we won't know until we've put in a few years on the path of Life. I accept that we won't really know until we're on the other side whether someone is the literal "other half of our Soul."

I have found there are some things we mortals will never know for all kinds of the right reasons. That said, we can know a timeless love and friendship which transcends anything we've ever known, where our hearts are happy and at peace with the one we're with.”

A few things to consider as we cross various intersections of Fate Street and Freewill Street on our way down Eternity Boulevard.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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