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Solstice Gateway Process

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-Create Positive Energy Shifts-

Ready to shift some energy in your life? This week we have a powerful Solstice gateway, providing a new doorway for transformation and progress. Continue reading for a simple process you can do now and throughout the week to take optimal advantage of this doorway.


Solstice is June 20-21 depending on your time zone, but energetically it's more than one day. Indeed Solstice is a potent gateway occurring over several days and into the weekend of June 24-25. 

Think of it as a quantum pause, providing opportunities over several days for you to see yourself more clearly. With more clarity, positive intentions you've recently focused on receive an energetic upgrade. This means that your intentions have increased aliveness and more focused direction. This upgrade can make a huge difference in what you are able to manifest!

Keep in mind that this is not an automatic upgrade. You must be present and consciously involved. What you need to do is not complex or difficult. However, your personal action is needed. Below are the steps. It's recommended that you work with these now, even if you plan to take part in a Solstice-related event this week. 

Solstice Gateway Process

The following simple steps can be a guide for making the most of this Solstice gateway. As you work with them, do so with new eyes and be willing to change your mind about specifics. This gateway gives you the opportunity to revamp even current projects. So keep an open mind.

Preliminary steps include centering yourself and inviting the wisdom of your higher self. If desired, have a favorite crystal with you, holding it  as you do this process. As you do the process, don't overthink responses - go with the first ideas that come to you. 

First step, consider the direction of your life. Give yourself some quiet contemplation time to explore your life direction. Get all of your senses involved, visualizing what it looks like and how it feels in your heart. Factor in both practicalities (like your actions and response of other people) and energies (like your energy state and mindset). Create a sentence or two describing your life direction. Example: being energetic and healthy as you apply a sense of adventure and experimentation with new things supportive of your life mission. Know that you can come back to this over the next several days for additions or revisions. 

Second step, consider your place in the world. This is more about your role and life mission than it is about a job. As an example, you likely see yourself as a divine changemaker. Invite clarification of what this means on both practical and energetic levels. Create a sentence of two describing your role. Examples: your role may involve modeling heart-centeredness or authenticity. Like with the first step, you can come back to this later. 

Third step, consider what needs to shift internally and/or in outer world circumstances. This part relates to inner qualities and belief systems, along with divine timing and situations with others. Examples: you may need to become more positive about results, having more patience before good things fully materialize; the ideal partner you need for expansion to the next level may not become known until after you do more on your own.

Fourth step, consider what is missing from your life. Knowing the answer to this question can be more important than what you discovered in the first three steps. Tip: most likely what's missing is more a feeling or approach to being than it is material success or having a romantic partner. Examples: laughter, joy, feelings of self-acceptance, being able to let go, or having persistence when nothing seems to be happening. Whatever is missing on these inner levels cannot be satisfied by career success or by being with a soulmate. 

Fifth step, consider your support team. Reminding yourself that you indeed have support is helpful. Visualize the faces of your team, inviting a remembrance of how they assist you in both ordinary and extraordinary ways. Examples: friends and family, business associates,  counselors and healing practitioners. Be sure to include the support of spirit, your invisible team of helpers on the inner planes. Daily get in touch with a sense of gratitude for what these people and nonphysical beings bring to your life. 

Over the next several days through the weekend, you can come back to this process for updates and more energizing. As you do this, your intentions will have more aliveness and more focused direction. Be prepared for wonderful new developments! 

selaciaSelacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2016 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

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