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Prepare for Next Energy Threshold


We are traveling through some very difficult and chaotic times right now. If you live in the U.S., a lot of that is focused on the crazy elections, but no matter where you are it's much more than that.

Humanity is stepping into a new energy threshold soon, with choices that need to be made about the kind of world we want. The choices involve big issues like honoring each other and our planet. Decisions need to be made about how we can sustain life for the next generations, and about how we can evolve into beings able to coexist peacefully with one another.

The decisions on the table are big picture for the collective. While many of these decisions will be made by policymakers, individuals like us are a big part of the mix.

Our Voices Count

Our voices do count, and our involvement in what happens next is vital. Policy-making decisions can be made without our participation, but our role as divine changemakers is to be active heart-centered voices for positive change. Active is more than sitting around complaining - it's putting our voices into action in a constructive way.

As I've spoken about in the past couple of months, we have a series of energy thresholds occurring in the last months of 2016. The last one was mid-October and next is the weekend of November 12 in the supermoon window.

These energy thresholds occur as more people reach new awareness and then act on that awareness. The action part is important.

Right now we are seeing a cumulative mega-spiraling effect occurring. This is because of the critical mass building as more people reach new levels of awakening and begin embodying higher awareness.

Discerning Truth

Also in the mix is the dynamic of people waking up and not yet having the grounded spiritual perspective about what's really going on - not yet able to discern truth.

Discernment is a developing skill - it doesn't come automatically with waking up any more than a baby being born able to immediately walk and talk.

This lack of discernment can lead to lots of chaos, people saying things just based on something they heard, and the information may have little or no basis in fact.

The Next Threshold

At this next threshold we are facing another crossroad - needing to choose how we go forward. From a quantum perspective, this is not just about one choice. It's about a whole new mindset of approaches and responses.

The best way to move through the crossroad is do so consciously, becoming awake to the choices presented and pick the highest ones. Discernment will be required to choose wisely.

Emotions in the Air

This weekend lots of unprocessed emotions will be on the surface, and some flying in the air as people express their upset with how things are and potential dire consequences of situations such as the U.S. elections.

As dramas escalate on the world stage, do what you can daily to find a sense of humor and lightness of being. Extra grounding and staying present will help a lot too.

This next week is likely to be intense, so shore up your energy this weekend with some rest and "me time" to recharge. The energies will be intense for lots of reasons, including the build up to next weekend's supermoon - the biggest one we've had in about 70 years. Full moons tend to amplify things anyway, so with a supermoon allow for extra amplification and stirring of emotions.

Silver Lining for November 8 - Election Day

Here's a silver lining for November 8, election day in the U.S. On that day we have some helpful heart-opening planetary energies arriving. Tightly-closed hearts may stay closed, but many people yearning for balance may find it's easier to make choices and act on their heart's wisdom.

With these energies present, it may be easier for you to find harmony with others and to connect with a higher view of situations.

Another plus: these harmonious energies may help you open to some new directions your higher self has been nudging you towards. Pay attention to dreams and random ideas that seem to come out of nowhere.

When things are chaotic and uncertain, it's best to do more grounding and meditation than usual. It also helps to join with others of like mind, surrounding yourself with people who want a loving world like you do.

Know throughout the week that you are loved and supported by a whole host of beings - some physical, some nonphysical - giving you a boundless resource to shine your light brightly.   

November 12 Global Meditation!
Full Moon Meditation (Saturday) * A Supermoon
with Selacia & The Council of 12   
-Live (on site in Santa Monica, CA or teleclass) or with mp3- 

Full Moon Global Meditation - November 12

Join us on this new energy threshold: 

Receive a mega healing and reset of energy, helping you with healing and to become resourced in a quantum way for your next steps. 

This is happening on the weekend ahead of the supermoon - the biggest one we have had in nearly 70 years. 

At this supermoon are potentials for illumination of issues that have caused pain and polarity. 

Join us to: (1) receive spirit's insights about new directions and energy trends - including an understanding of how they impact you on a very personal level (2) for a spiritual refueling and rebalancing so that you can be all you are destined to be (3) to have your own personal experience with a key spiritual guide who can help you with self-understanding and progress on your path (4) to find a new source of strength and courage to travel your path as a divine changemaker (5) to participate with others around the world during a powerful healing for the planet (6) to experience the joyful healing presence of dolphins and whales, which energetically for years have volunteered to join us at these meditations to help heal the Earth (7) benefit from the healing sound of a crystal bowl Selacia plays to connect you with the energies and your spirit guide (8) learn about the transformative power of selected frequency-based essential oils used at these meditations.

Attend live or with mp3 for an unforgettable experience with Selacia and The Council of 12 as they facilitate spiritual openings and deep clearings of stuck energy. 

Attend live or remotely via mp3 from anywhere:
On Site $40 * Teleclass (or mp3 if you cannot attend live) $30

Register now and begin connecting with the healing energies in advance! 

Times:  Teleclass 6:30-8:30 pm Los Angeles time * On Site 6 to 10 pm
(time examples: 9:30-11:30pm East Coast time, next day in Australia)

On Site:    physical location in Santa Monica, CA provided on registration
Teleclass: dial-in codes for key countries across the world sent on registration 

Live in Los Angeles? Come in person on site for an extraordinary experience that includes a powerful sacred sound healing process after teleclass ends. Each time is unique - depending on the energy of that day, the individuals present on site, and what Selacia is intuitively guided to facilitate. Don't miss it you are in town! Address provided after you register at the website. 

Source Here


selaciaSelacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2016 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

Source Here


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