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Energy Update - Preview of March Energies


Some powerful energy comes in during March, potentially assisting you in restarting things put on a back burner or birthing brand-new projects. In this article I give you the big picture of what is about to unfold and some tips for navigating through the turmoil with skillful means. Your response to the March energies will help determine your progress during the months that follow.

Themes in March

Uncertainty - If you aren't already feeling the intense uncertainty in the air, prepare to connect with that theme in March. Uncertainty will be seen on the world stage, in business, in societal reforms, and on very personal levels. 

Intensity - You know what intense times feel like already. This theme has been with us for quite a while as the world shifts out of old dysfunctional patterns and polarity of views plays out in an increasingly combative way. You will feel this in the world around you, and also at times within yourself as you face personal issues.

Spiritual Openings - A series of cosmic catalysts can help you tap more into your spiritual self. Some of these very same catalysts can help humanity as a whole, too, perhaps triggering more enlightened views and opening people to hidden truths. 

Beginnings and Endings - People on both individual and collective levels will be focusing on new starts and considering what needs to end. For you personally, this could be anything from healing a troubled relationship to becoming clear about the next steps in expressing your life purpose.

Key Energies of March

March has a number of key energy dates worthy of noting here. Each of them plays a role in the themes outlined above. Factoring these energies into your everyday life activities can help you connect with more joy and success. Noted below in order they occur. 

March 8-9 - A New Moon (Supermoon) in the psychic sign of Pisces is also a totalSolar Eclipse. Watch for increased sensitivities in general, intuitive flashes of insight, and more-intense-than-usual emotions. Pay attention to dreams, too, giving you an inside track on your own unconscious as well as potential new life directions you didn't see before. 

March 13 - On this date much of North America changes to daylight savings time - clocks moving ahead 1 hour. Mentioning this as an aid in your global connections with others. Another element to factor in is the potential for time distortions after a human-orchestrated time change. Your cycles can get out of sync for a bit, so allow for that. 


March 19-20 - This is our annual Aries Equinox and a powerful spiritual gateway. The start of a new season, the Equinox occurs during a fiery grand trine between the Moon, Uranus, and Saturn. A perfect day to focus on beneficial manifestations of all kinds! It's also a great time to get in touch with spirit's view of your life and your optimal next steps. 

March 23 - A Full Moon with Libra Lunar Eclipse today can help illuminate what's been in the shadows. Feelings are likely to be amplified. Personal insights you began receiving earlier in the month can now come to you in a fuller way. Pay attention to any intuitive nudges you receive about action steps now. 

How to Best Navigate March Energies

Most likely, you are already beginning to connect with the supercharged energies coming in March. Your awareness of this could be tangible and anticipatory or even subtle and under your radar. Shifts in energy usually have a build-up period. Sensitives can begin to feel them way before they arrive. Simply having a better understanding of what you may already be feeling can help you move through the energies with more ease.

Tips for Navigating March's Energies

First, endeavor to get and stay grounded. This way you can be present and in your heart for optimal responses. While grounding may seem obvious, consider how easy it is to become spacey and either ruminate over past difficulties or worry about future outcomes. You create the future in the present - that's your place of empowerment.

Second, let go of needing all the answers and creating perfection. Trust that you are a divine changemaker, becoming increasingly skilled in finding your own answers and creating your best life. Allow for surprises, not knowing, and "mistakes." The whole universe indeed is within you - all answers and creative spark potentials reside right there. 

Third, inquire within daily to know which key enlightened qualities you can further develop to have more joy and success. You probably already know some of them - ask anyway. Bringing a quality like patience or tolerance to your conscious awareness daily can be an important step in your spiritual development. 

Fourth, get out of your own head and self-focus regularly. Strive to be helpful to others. Do something kind for someone else daily. If a relationship needs repair, be the one to step forward to express gratitude and show love - without expecting anything in return.

Fifth, when energies are volatile and unpredictable, find more peace and success by slowing down and taking one step at a time. Go within frequently and listen to your heart's guidance. Remember: life is not a race, but an amazing adventure that unfolds over time. This is the year to consciously step forward to the helm of your own creations, becoming aware of your true power to create and to change your own destiny. 


selaciaSelacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2016 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

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