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Benefit from Energy Openings

Benefit from Energy Openings

- Reset Your Energy This Week -

The turmoil of living now can be intense and chaotic. A key thing to keep in mind, especially now, is how quickly energies can shift. Sometimes the shift provides an opening to change the status quo. We're sitting in one of those openings this week. Continue reading for tips on how to benefit from this opening and reset your energy.


This week we're in an energy shift that can bring more stability and breakthroughs on goals. Yes, we're still in Mercury Retrograde, but there are bright spots this week that could help smooth communications and spark progress.

Consider this like a break in a storm - the cloud cover opens and you can access solutions, creativity, and inspiration that previously eluded you. A meeting you had sought could be set. A phone call could be returned. A business deal you thought you had lost could re-emerge as an even better deal. A person who had ignored you could reach out to you. Money could come to you unexpectedly - either through savings on a purchase, a government tax refund, a new client, or someone giving you something you thought you had to buy. 

These things relate to outer-world situations. The inner planes are also involved when we have energy shifts. Sometimes during chaos it can feel challenging to be still and go within. To be sure, that is when one most needs to do spiritual practice. Pay attention this week to any slight change in your ability to stop the world and meditate. Notice, too, the seemingly random insights you receive hours after spiritual practice. 

Reset Your Energy

Knowing that the underlying energies this year are tumultuous, use this week's energy opening to reset your energy. The main way you do this is with your mind and your attitude about how things are. If something has been difficult or near impossible to resolve, be open to the idea that more harmonious energies can shift your situation. 

Keep in mind that some of the most amazing miracles have occurred during a break in chaotic energy. From a quantum perspective, the opening can be so tiny and brief that one cannot track it in linear time. 

Allow for Fluctuations

I recommend approaching energy cycles in a spiritually grounded way. In practice this week, it means to avoid black-and-white thinking about the more harmonious energy. This week's opening can add some stability to your life but nothing is fixed so plan on moments of feeling unstable and things not working out as planned. 

When your stability feels rocky, increase your spiritual practice and other things you do to feel centered and whole. Take a walk. Laugh with a friend. Let go of all preoccupation with challenging issues, at least for a bit, putting them out of your mind so you can come back to yourself. If after doing all that you're still obsessing about an issue, reach out for help from a trusted person who can give you an unbiased view and assist with a breakthrough. 

Equinox Gateway and You

Here's another thing to factor in. Starting on the weekend, we'll be sitting in the Equinox gateway ahead of official Equinox with a Full Moon on March 20. Equinox is bringing in an energy of newness and new beginnings. Equinox is an emotionally-charged gateway, preparing the way for significant global changes and the unveiling of things long hidden. Amplifying the energy of this gateway will be the March 20 Supermoon, third one of 2019. Starting the year with three Supermoons is adding intensity and a quickening to changes here on Earth - on both personal and societal levels. 

At this particular gateway, it will be easier to access inter-dimensional awareness and guidance. Use this opportunity to enlarge your view of how you are to participate in the world's evolutionary shift into higher consciousness. 

Remember daily the big picture of why you are here now. Keep things in perspective. Allow your inner wisdom and your heart to guide you into the uncharted territories of the future. Know that you are loved and spirit is always by your side. 

Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2019 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

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