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Balancing after Eclipse Cycle


Sometimes you go through a cycle where little makes sense and many answers are veiled in a foggy mist. If you’ve been through one of those cycles lately, know that you could have life-changing breakthroughs as new energies arrive and the fog begins to clear.

With a new moon and new week you’re probably wondering what’s next. In addition to some needed balancing there are some new potential opportunities just around the corner! After weeks of turmoil, now is the time that new doors can start to open to help you get a fresh start. In this article I give the background with helpful tips of what to look for as you move forward.

Eclipse Cycle Background

After an eclipse cycle like you have just experienced, there is a settling in process and some back-and-forth energies. Whether it’s an eclipse, a supermoon, or Mercury retrograde…in these times of accelerated changes you likely will feel them more.

Of course, this latest cycle had all of these dynamics operating – creating an amplified effect. This amplification is present even if you have no formal background to understand how these energies work. Everyone around you feels it, too – including children and pets.

Chaos, Disruptions, Misunderstandings

Sensitives and more awakened people in general will feel these things more – the impact being greater than the norm. Some of this impact for you, then, is sorting through chaos and nonsensical disruption of everyday things like communications.

Frustrations and even some meltdowns may have occurred as you faced a series of challenging events. You may have some mending to do with key relationships, especially if there were harsh words or misunderstandings.

Relationships involve a living energy that must be tended to, if possible in the moment or soon after a disagreement. Tending to them now will help you greatly, increasing your overall potentials for joy and success in this next phase.

Other impacts of eclipse cycles are much more positive – examples:

Dreaming becoming deeper, often bordering on prophetic.

Being able to review your life and connect important dots of things that have been a mystery or just difficult to sort out.

Receiving a jolt to move out of your comfort zone and try something new or meet someone new.

Some of you have big decisions to make soon – very likely in this latest cycle you have been exploring your next steps and spirit has been giving you input …directly or when in your dream state.

And here’s one more positive….

When the energies push you to go more deeply into yourself and your own process, the gems you discover within can help you to create your next big breakthrough!

Gifts of This Week

This week leading up to the weekend we have some additional potent energy to factor in. Think of this as a gift being handed to you after struggles the past several weeks.

What does this gift mean? For one, it’s a good time to start over again with something in your life. The energies are supportive of getting more serious and focused about taking your next important steps, and perhaps letting go of a big chunk of your past once and for all!

Relationships, too, will be front-and-center. That’s nothing new – it’s part of living now. However, remember that each relationship you have can be approached within new energies – and that allows for new more positive outcomes.

Get ready for some potential surprises this week – things you do not expect, things you did not even think to ask for, things that you previously doubted you could handle and now have the courage to dive in with both feet and tackle.

Whatever happens this week, be open to novel approaches and seeing yourself in a more quantum way. This means remembering you are a vast unlimited being and what you did before or were before does not have to be your permanent template going forward!

Invite spirit to give you validations throughout the week of your larger purpose, your true quantum nature, and productive steps you may have ignored before. Now can be the time to move ahead, applying what you learned in this last cycle. Trust that spirit is right by your side, helping you to see options and take optimal steps.


You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia


Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!

Copyright 2015 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com

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