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Awakening in The Age of Mega Change

Awakening in The Age of Mega Change

- 5 Benefits of Being Alive Now -

wakening in this age of mega change is different than in any other time. We need new tools and updated perspectives to navigate these moments. Continue reading to grasp the challenges we face and learn 5 benefits of being alive now.


No previous generations could have prepared us to be here now. The level of energetic morphing and challenges is unprecedented. Humanity is being forced to look into the mirror and see the interconnected threads of dysfunction across global society. It's not pretty. What we see won't dissolve on its own.

It's the world - it's us. There is no separation. This is our collective manifestation culminating now.

Our collective disharmony and disunity have come out of the shadows for us to remedy. Our individual enlightenment paths are influenced daily by how we respond to help ourselves and others. Each of us is challenged to take the middle path of reason as loved ones and people across the planet are acting out their anger and fear.

Awakening - The Spiritual Path

Spiritual awakening is an inner journey of becoming present to both your ego-self and your true nature which is divine. This does not occur in one life, but over a series of lifetimes and varied experiences that help you develop enlightened qualities like compassion.

A quickening of awakening can occur as you actively engage with others and witness the actions of people across the world. All of these people are your mirror, helping you to see yourself more clearly. Knowing this, do your best to stay present to people and what is unfolding around the planet - rather than look away and turn off the world with your mind.

5 Benefits of Being Alive Now

Here are 5 benefits of being alive now.


In our interconnected world of instant communications, you have an opportunity to witness love in action during tragedy and hate materializing in suffering. Grow spiritually by witnessing these oppositional energies, going within, and contemplating how these universal tendencies show up in your own life. Examples: how do you express empathy when someone is in crisis; how do you allow your anger to build a wall between you and another person?


The sheer number of people alive now greatly accelerates the pace of spiritual awakening. With acceleration comes a roller coaster of ups-and-downs. No one living now is untouched by this momentum or the fluctuations of highs-and-lows. It can feel dizzying at times, to be sure. However, the overall impact is a huge blessing. After all, we stand at a consciousness pivot point - a historical marker that will determine the fate of life on Earth for centuries to come. This is the moment we came for - to be conscious participants in the biggest shift of all time! Embrace it!


The healing of our ancestors - important to raise humanity's consciousness - is now coming up for review and resolution. This is vital for humanity to evolve and be a shining light for civilizations elsewhere across the cosmos. We have a diverse set of ancestors - from different races and countries across the globe. There indeed was a purpose for these varied cultural incarnations - that we would be "wired" for understanding others who don't look like us or think like us. I suggest that we embrace our diversity, and our long history together on this planet. As we do this, we become divine changemakers that unify and hold space for a world united in love.


Life today is unpredictable and outside our control. That's because so much is changing so fast. Our entire world societal infrastructure is in a mega remake. And it's all happening at once. This is not the kind of crossroads we cannot walk away from - collectively or individually. And while it's certainly not comfortable on most days, let's be heartened that the light is shining so brightly on humanity's vulnerabilities. Only by fully seeing our collective challenge - and the dire consequences if we do nothing - will we have the collective will to act. I suggest that we recommit ourselves daily to being patient and compassionate with ourselves and others - and that we be an example of love in action.


In perhaps no other time has our personal self-care and spiritual practice had such a vital role or been so instrumental to the beneficial impact we can have in the world. Indeed, we must keep ourselves vital and spiritually connected to do what we were born to be and do now. When we prioritize our self-care and spiritual practice, a synergy of beneficial energies supports us. We receive creative ideas and bursts of energy, often seeming to come out of nowhere. We discover that we draw to us helpful people and opportunities we didn't specifically ask for - simply because we are in alignment to receive and intuitively say "yes" and take action.

Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2022 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

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