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Ascended Master Blessings


-Ascended Masters and You Across Time-

Ascended Masters you first knew lifetimes ago could be around you again now. Why? First, it’s Wesak season when such beings interact with humanity in more tangible ways. Second, because of your spiritual path this lifetime, you are awakening to long bonds with key Ascended Masters.

These bonds are not related to religion or your religious training in this or previous lives. The beings like Jesus and Kuan Yin who became enlightened were not focused on creating a religion.
The level of enlightenment they reached transcends all human-constructed religions. There is no dogma, no punishment, no exclusion, no separation, and above all no fear.

Ascended masters do not set themselves on a pedestal. They were human, evolving into an ascended state over time through a series of spiritual transformations. Even now, these beings continue to ascend into higher states of being. Being of service is one way they evolve.

Past Lives and Ascended Masters

There are countless ascended beings and many of them are little known outside relatively small esoteric circles. Yes, there are well-known Masters like Jesus and the Buddha. Tapihritsa, however, is an example of a being known mostly in Tibetan Bon Buddhist circles. An ordinary Tibetan, in the 8th Century he became fully realized and achieved the Rainbow Body of Enlightenment, leaving no physical remains.

Most enlightened beings lived very long ago, coming from diverse traditions and parts of the world. Given your own series of past lives, chances are that you were introduced to teachings of one or more beings that today we refer to as Ascended Masters. Wherever you were born this life, consider that you likely had past lives in places like the Far East, the Middle East, and Egypt. It could have been in one of those lifetimes that you first formed a spiritual bond with a being like Kuan Yin or Buddha.

Relevance for Today

Why are these past connections important now? The times we live in are challenging. Much is at stake for each of us personally and for the future of our planet. We are spiritual beings at our core, and to prevail we must connect with the higher aspect of ourselves. This means the part of us grounded in our spiritual selves – that part of us that is eternal and transcends time. We must learn to become integrated whole beings that can rise above division and separation to express love.

Our enlightenment journey in many ways is a solo one. However, we are not meant to journey alone. We in fact progress more quickly when we reach out for help and guidance. Pride must be put aside if we are to grow.

Just like a best friend who helps you laugh and get things in perspective when things get rocky, spiritual guides can help you stay on course.

While there are many kinds of spiritual guides, Ascended Masters can be very helpful allies. They can help you see where you are stuck. They can nudge you to change course when you are about to go down an unfruitful path. Vast blessings can unfold when you open yourself to this assistance.

Tools to Connect

To connect with an Ascended Master guide this Wesak season, begin with what you know and what you sense. You are intuitive, after all, and you may recall resonating strongly with a particular guide. If you feel a connection when you hear the name Kuan Yin, trust that.

During inner contemplation and meditation process, invite an awareness of your guide. You could request it by asking for Kuan Yin or the most appropriate guide. Allow spirit to orchestrate.

Remember that the veils between dimensions are thinner during Wesak season. Use this time, therefore, to mindfully connect with spirit and the help of specific spirit guides. They don’t have to be Ascended Masters, of course, but consider inviting in that help as well.

Attending events focused on Wesak or the Ascended Masters can help you go even deeper with your connections – building a bond of trust and confidence. There is a learned human tendency to doubt what one knows and what one senses from spirit. Sometimes it can feel like you are just making things up or that it’s just your own voice validating what you want to hear. Question those feelings when you have them. Ask to know truth and to honor truth when you hear it.

Trust that the enlightened beings who walked the Earth before know your challenges. They know where you sit now, and how confusing it can be to navigate the unknowns of these times. Trust that your spiritual support team is right beside you. If you pay attention, you will notice their nudges and reminders of how much you are loved. Hold those jewels inside your heart this Wesak season.    


selaciaSelacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, published in 2011, she is also the author of The Golden Edge and has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation.

Copyright 2016 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. 

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